Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Clinton at State - NYT

The New York Times: Is in full praise mold for Hillary Clinton as the next US Secretary of State, the Liberal Times states the following her relationship with Congress, " We hope the pledges to work together in the national interest have real staying power. " I wish the Liberal Times would smell the coffee sometimes, this is the Clintons we are talking about, once Clinton is at State she will nod to Congress and do what she wants, Obama will be lucky to keep her under control. Also the idea that she is going to go to Iran is a laugh, Clinton might send Obama to Iran but she is to canny a politician to allow the left to define her time as the top US Diplomat. I will promise the Liberal Times they will regret that Obama made her Secretary of State, and then there is Bill Clinton, whats your bet he will create problems down the line with his Library and Foundation.

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