Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Obama and Afghanistan

The New York Times: Interesting article on the surge of US troops to Afghanistan, the article states the following, "..... he will own the conflict at that point. It will be Barack Obama’s war. ". The article is opposed to the sending of extra troops to Afghanistan. As stated many times in this blog, the War in Afghanistan can not be won, don't think its a great idea for UK PM Gordon Brown to send more UK troops to Afghanistan, on the other hand if the USA is sending more troops we are their closes Ally have to support such a move with our own troops. I now its a contradiction in this blog, but an Ally is an Ally, we cant afford to lose in Afghanistan, if we lose the terrorists come back and we have another 9/11 or 7/7. Lets just get some new ideas and win, if we lose the cost is beyond measure for the West and Western Military morale. Lets hope Obama has the nerve to stand up to the liberal left, he has shown some weakness over Gaza. What if we have a Tet style offensive in Iraq and Afghanistan just after the Inauguration, or Iran gets the bomb. A War breaks out between India and Pakistan, it goes nuclear, this will damage our military effort in Afghanistan and we might have to send troops in to the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to go after the terrorists. The future is bright but there big clouds ahead, lets hope Obama and Brown are up to the job of leadership.

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