Sunday, January 25, 2009

UK Surge in Afghanistan ?

The Times: Reports that the Obama Administration has asked for the UK to send an extra four thousand troops to Afghanistan. This is the time for UK PM Gordon Brown to remind the President that people can say No. There is an idea if you say no to Obama that this will have a negative effect on your support in the polls, that is just the media being in the Obama bubble. I would almost guarantee if you asked the British voter if they think its a good idea to send an extra found thousand troops to Afghanistan the reply would be in the strong negative. The the same with taking in terrorists from the American base in Cuba, does the UK want the worse of the worse, those that could would get Europe to release them due to some clause in the Human Rights Act. Thus saying No to Obama just might be a voter getter, PM Gordon Brown has to go to the electorate next year, showing some independence of the USA would be good idea, and this is the perfect way, Afghanistan is a War without End, Obama might be naive, it does not make the UK naive to say NO Mr President.

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