Sunday, January 04, 2009

Obama and Gaza

Guardian: Has an article on the negative perception that President - Elect Obama is having in the Middle East, the issue his lack of comment on the Gaza Crisis, the article states the following, " The danger is that when he finally peers over the parapet on January 21, the battle of perceptions may already be half-lost. " The article misses a simple point about American politics, as the late Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O' Neill pointed out in his excellent Memoir both Presidents Carter and Reagan asked about the power of the Jewish Lobby in American Politics, as O' Neill pointed out there are many more Jewish Americans in the USA than of other religions from the Middle East. Thus USA policy towards Israel has many aspects, political, culture, economic, an American President if he wants to get re - elected will always at the end of the day support Israel, thus Obama's change message might not be what the Arabs of the Middle East thought it would be, Obama might be tougher with Israel but at the end of the day he will support Israel.

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