Thursday, September 28, 2017

The EU plays HARDBALL with the UK over Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government should walk away, the UK Voter will understand if the UK is being blackmailed by the French and Germans, the Country has been alone before and we came out alright with the help of the Americans.   As to the Americans they have placed a sanction on a British Company in Northern Ireland, the UK should remind the Oval Office, that when the US has it back to the WALL it's the British who always come through, not Europe.  The UK has to stand its ground with both the EU and the Trump Oval, we shall not be blackmailed or bullied be either, we did have the biggest Empire the World has ever seen, we know a thing or two about creating a World structure, we can outlast the EU and the Trump Oval.

China ACTS on North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

At last China is acting, it must be very concerned that with Trump in the Oval there might be a War in Asia, this is more  important than the worry that the North Korean Regime falling.   Thus far with the exception of sabre rattling by rhetoric the tensions seem to have gone down, of course it is important to understand a mistake by either side could cause a WAR.  When the sanctions are working at 100% this might cause the NK regime either to come to the table or to test a H bomb over the pacific, a test could lead to the US taking action, as it would be seen as a threat to the US homeland and interests.  The ticking clock might have paused at the moment, but that hour mark of 12 is not off by that much at the moment.   A developing story.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The COST of a New Korean War - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The above is the reason that American Presidents have not reacted, the cost in human life is so high and that is just an estimation.  The COST of doing nothing could be higher, the North Koreans have developed a ICBM, and it looks like that they can place a nuclear warhead on top of it, that makes them a threat in Asia and to the US mainland.  The US can not wait for North Korea to developed even more powerful nuclear bombs, it has to ACT and ACT now, otherwise North Korea will feel free to carry on with its nuclear plans, the Russians and China just want a quiet life, thus they want peace, it's not that they have suddenly found humanity, a WAR would be a threat to them, there would be millions of refugees coming over their borders.   The US should act and with speed, sometimes the hardest decision to take can be the easy, the lack of action can come back to bite you on the backside later. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Deadlock in Brexit Talks - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government should drop its appeasement of the EU, and go for a HARD BREXIT, force Labour and Conservative remainers to support giving billions to the EU.  The EU is past its sell by date, the only people that do not understand that is the EU and moaning remainers in the UK.   The British Voter has made it clear, they want OUT of the EU, its only urban areas such as London that want to be ruled by the EU.  TIME for the UK to show pride and tell the EU to get lost and to take back our fisheries policy.   We had an Empire once and we managed it better than the EU. 

The US has declared WAR on North Korea - North Korea

Lets Get Real:

This is dangerous sabre rattling by North Korea, should North Korea try to shoot down a US plane it would be WAR and Pyongyang and the rest of North Korea would be removed from the face of the earth.   One gets the impression that NK is feeling worried, they face further sanctions and China is starting to place pressure on them to back off.   The US should increase sanctions with a naval blockade of North Korea, make sure that NK is not selling information or parts to other rogue nations such as Iran.   The NK is back on its heels, time for the pressure to be kept on, NK can either give up its weapons or face destruction, Trump is not fooling about when it comes to threats. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Trump places further sanctions on North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that President Trump has placed new sanctions on North Korea, the article states the following, " has announced that further sanctions will be placed on North Korea as it continues its missile testing - a day after he asked Theresa May to increase pressure on the rogue regime.  "

Lets Get Real:

The sanctions go after people and companies that trade with North Korea, the point being these individuals can either trade with the North Korea and lose links with the US or cut links with NK and carry on their business interest with the US.   The UN has placed tough sanctions already on North Korea, and they have not worked, China will only go so far, it does not want the NK to fall, then it would have millions of refugees coming over the border in to China.   This gradual path is following the path of every other US Administration, it is pushing the can down the road, it seems that Trump is afraid of taking action, that has been the Oval Office view since President Clinton in 1994.  At some point the US either has to accept a nuclear armed North Korea and place nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan or take action, it one of the two, either war or modern appeasement. 

The EU on UK Brexit Deal - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

THE LEFT WING GUARDIAN loves the EU, thus takes the side of the EU in all matters, its only role is to be critical of any deal, well in this this blogger agrees but for different reasons, the UK Government is giving way to much, in poker you do not allow the other players to see your hand, the Government is making clear that the EU can walk all over us, as stated in previous post the hard Brexit supporters in the Conservative Party have to make their voice heard, loud and fast.   The Remianers are winging the debate, time for the 1922 Committee of the Conservative Party to show MPs worries to the PM before she gives her disastrous speech tomorrow.  Democracy is at stake at the moment, the will of the UK Voter is being walked over. 

The British Government sells out the UK Voter - Part 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real: 

The UK Government is willing to give the EU 20 billion of the tax payers money as a divorced deal, this is the not the money of the Government, it's the money of the tax payer, the UK tax payer would rather the 20 billion went to the NHS or anywhere but the EU.  The hard Brexit supporters have to come out against this deal, this is a way that the remainers will keep us in the EU.   IT'S A SELL OUT OF THE FIRST ORDER.  The Brexit hardliners should threaten to bring the Government down if it does this deal, this is the worse deal since Munich of 1938.

UK Government Betrays UK Voters over Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM and the UK Cabinet are betraying the UK voter, the UK voter for OUT, not in two years time, not to give EU 20 billion UK pounds.   One can only hope that the right wing of the Conservative Party will attack the idea and that that the PM will change her mind.   This is the kind of deal you would expect from the firm remainers, they will try to sabotage Brexit by any way they can, the UK voter has had his/her say, Out won, it's about time the remainers in the Conservative Party got their heads out of their backsides and respected Democracy. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trump at the UN - Trump Era

US considering shooting down North Korean Missiles - Part 3 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This is what the US should have done when North Korea started its missile launches, either take them out on the ground or in the air, and make it clear to North Korea than any reaction by them would be considered an attack on the US and thus to back off.   The North Koreans are pushing to be a nuclear armed power, Iran is not far behind, would not be shocked to learn that North Koreans have been helping Tehran will their missile and nuclear structure, the idea that IRAN is following its deal with the UN is very naive.   North Korea made deals in the past and then broke them, Iran and North Korea only understand one thing, a big stick and a President who will use it, the President is the leader of the free World, while North Korea and Iran represent terrorists and rogue nations. 

Trump on Iran at the UN - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Bush 43 took care of Iraq on the whole, Obama pulled out too early, it took the election of Trump for the handcuffs to come off the US military, and thus the success of the Iraqi forces in Iraq with the help of the US to remove Daesh as a threat.   Thus we know come to North Korea and Iran, the tensions in Asia are high, the speech by Trump on NK could risk NK taking the next step in escalation, while Iran might break the deal before Trump gets to act. One only hopes that China can control North Korea and makes sure they do not react, while Iran can be expected to increase its terrorist support, helping the Taliban in Afghanistan as way to thwart the US new strategy, of staying the course and winning. 

Liberal/Left Wing reaction to President Trump's speech - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The liberal/left with castgate Trump for his speech, think of the 1930s and the age of appeasing Hitler, and you get the idea,  the left only know how to appease, if the World has listened to this lot the Berlin Wall would have not come down, they never want to fight for something, God forbid you support your Democratic elected PM or President.  Listening to CNN this afternoon one almost got the impression they almost prefered North Korea or Iran to their own US President.   It will be interesting to see what happens should things get very hot in Asia, will CNN blame both sides, or just Trump.  This blogger misses Fox News, they were fair and balanced, the CNN and BBC News of 24 news cycle are so predictable, it's not even funny any more. 

Trump on North Korea - Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The US Military should be on ALERT for the North Koreans to react to the UN speech by President Trump, as stated it can be either or both a nuclear test and a missile launch over Japan.   The US military has to decide if it will take out the missile while they are on the ground, this could lead to escalation by North Korea, but even they are not crazy enough to attack South Korea, as this would give Trump the reason to destroy North Korea.  China and Russia have to place pressure on North Korea not to react, of course there is a question of how much influence they have with the North Korean Regime.   Thus expect Asia to get hot over the next few days, this blog thinks there will be sabre rattling by NK but no action, Trump looks ready to press the button when it comes to NK, he is not kidding about the fact that he will destroy North Korea. 

President Trump on North Korea and Iran - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

North Korea will react to this speech, either another nuclear test or missile launch over Japan in the direction of Guam to make the point.  As to Tehran the hard liners will argue that Trump is never going to honour the deal and thus Iran should follow through with its nuclear plans, of course this blog assumes they have done that already and that the Iran deal is a way to get attention away from them.   If Trump does does decide that the Iran deal is BAD, then he should be ready to place the US Fleet in the Persian Gulf, once the deal is dead in the water, the US should hit all the nuclear sites in Iran, just as a warning, if IRAN reacts then the US can take out the regime and place a new leadership in Iran.  The UN speech by President Trump was tough, he thanked Russia and China over their help with North Korea, but they need to do more or Trump will take action.   The left wing press will have a nervous breakdown, they always do when it comes to Trump.

Monday, September 18, 2017

That BOOK Tour, HRC on the road - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As you read about the HRC book tour, think Gothic horror music in the background, she never goes away, HRC is not helping herself or other Democrats, she should think of running as Mayor of New York or Governor.  One might have doubts about her character, private web EMAIL server anyone, but she has a fine brain, okay she lost the Presidency twice, no mean feat considering she was seen as the nominee all but the title in 2008 before then Senator Obama defeated her, then she lost to Donald Trump, a reality star and businessman, that must hurt. In the past defeated candidates or pols who had become Establishment figures were made Ambassador to Japan, this blog can not see Trump giving Clinton any role for the next four to eight years.   The next generation of leaders have to come through, and they can not be in their 70s, there must be another JFK or Obama in the wings, otherwise the Democrats are stuck in political hades. 

The French on the Iran Nuclear Deal - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog could care less what the French think, let's recall its us Brits who have saved France twice, something that they will never forgive.   The Trump Oval should ask what the Israeli intelligence Mossad thinks of the deal, they will know if Iran is breaking the deal, Mossad is feared for a reason, its bloody good at what it does, and has eyes and ears open when it comes to Tehran.  The left press will always want to appease, they assume that Tehran is telling the truth, let's recall North Korea agreed to deals then broke them, thus the present problem with North Korea.   The Trump Oval should ask the US Defence Department for options, from covert to overt action if the intelligence is that Iran is breaking the deal, this blog assumes they are already. 

UK Government to Pay 30 Billion to EU - Post EU

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government is selling out the UK voter, the vote to leave was about LEAVING the EU, it was not to give them thirty billion that they might want, they might want more, the UK has to be firm, when we leave that IS IT, we are out, the transition period should only be  for a few months, not years.  Those in the Cabinet that oppose the deal should resign if they an not support the May policy, the Conservative Party might need a new leader, a strong leader, who understands that Lady Thatcher would never agree to such a deal.  LEAVE should mean LEAVE.

Trump at the UN - North Korean Crisis - Latest

Lets Get Real:

The UN is full of hot air when it comes to North Korea, there have been endless meetings, and North Korea has not backed off, in fact it has pushed its nuclear structure along, with a new nuclear test and another missile over Japan.   The US has to decide, is it going to appease or take action, if you're NK you must not take the US at its word, the UN and US warnings have not been backed up by real ACTION, at the end of the day President Trump has to decide does he want to be Neville Chamberlain or a Kennedy/Reagan type of President. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

The UN and the North Korean Missile Launch - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The UN either solves the problem of North Korea or it just becomes another talking shop, as it was during the Cold War, the US has to get another resolution up, this time tougher, force Russia or China to veto the resolution.  If EITHER do then the US can go it alone, it would have showed that  it had tried with the UN and other powers.   The Trump Oval has to react or it becomes another laughing stock.  It seems that the leaders of today have forgotten the lessons of Munich 1938, when the powers then did not stop Hitler, this lead to WW2, the West has to react or face a disaster down the line, it time to chose for the US and the West. 

Trump informed on North Korean Launch - North Korean Crisis Part 3

Lets Get Real:
Thus what can we expect from the Trump Oval, not a lot, some scathing tweet about NORTH KOREA, more promises to the US allies in the region, and then NOTHING.   The military has house trained the Donald, they scared the tea bags out of him with the results of him taking any action.  The lack of action is a policy, and thus we are heading for more threats from North Korea.  The clocking is ticking for War when it comes to North Korea, the lack of action by the US means that NK will push its luck too far, and the we have WAR. 

Japan on NUCLEAR ALERT - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US/Japan and the UN are starting to look weak and silly, the North Korean Regime is telling them to get stuffed, even China looks weak.  The Trump Oval knows the military options, the main option would be a massive strike on North Korean Defences take out what the US knows is there, and after the fighting is over, yes it would be bloody, the area should be placed under the control of China, that should keep China happy, but also the West would know that there was not a fat nut about to cause WW3, the question is does the Trump Oval have the GUTS to act, or are we seeing the modern Neville Chamberlain in the Oval Office, is this another Munich 1938.

North Korea fires another Missile over Japan - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is another provocation by North Korea, it has shown with this launch from Pyongyang that it can move its missiles around, thus harder to hit when they are on the ground.   The UN has just passed some weak sanctions on NK, the US under President Trump has two real options, talks or War, anything less than war is appeasing the Stalinist Regime of North Korea.   The Pyongyang Regime is pushing to see how far it can push the Trump Oval, so far they are winning.  The Chinese Government has shown that it has no influence over North Korea, one has to question the fact that China is called a super power and it can not deal with North Korea.   They are losing facing and honour in the Region.   As stated in this blog, the US has to blockade North Korea, from the air to the sea, do something, force China to do something to curb North Korea, or give nuclear missiles to South Korea and Japan. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump + Democrats = Deal on DACA - Trump Era

Lets Get Real: 

President Trump won the election on the promise that he would get things done, that he was an expert deal maker.   The Republicans who control Congress have failed to get a deal over ObamaCare, the President's approval ratings are in the tank, no President has been this unpopular at the start of his term in the modern age, so Trump has gone to the Democrats, they tend to vote lock stock and barrel with their leadership.   On the issue of DACA, the President is doing the right thing at last, the more ideological Conservative Republicans are going through the roof, they have failed to understand that Trump is not a true blue Reagan Republican, the only thing that matters to Trump is Trump, the Republican Party can go to hell.   The question is will there be more deals, the Democrats have pressed the Russian issue, they might find that they end up with a Conservative President Pence, just as they are making deals with Trump.   An issue that the Republicans will face will be tax cuts, can they get united on that issue, or will Trump go with the tax hiking Democrats. 

The FATE of DACA - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

In Republican terms the POTUS has stabbed the Party in the back, in terms of the right thing, Trump has done the right thing, he has stated in the past that the subject of DACA is difficult for him, well if he does a deal with Democrats this will be his 2nd deal, he agreed a debt ceiling rise and now this, the Republicans will work out that the Oval Office will do what is good for it, Trump is no ideological Republican, he wants a deal, and it seems that the Democrats can give him that, the Republicans in Congress have failed over ObamaCare, and the next big fight will be taxes.   The Democrats have to be careful, the left will not be sure what to say about Trump if he agrees a deal with their leadership, the mainstream press will have a collective nervous breakdown, they will have to find a negative way to spin a negative policy out of a policy they agree with, interesting days in D.C.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New North Korean Sanctions by the UN - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This blog has stated that either the Trump Oval would appease North Korea or go to WAR, well now we have the answer, the Trump like previous Presidents has decided to appease. China will never allow North Korea to go under, it is afraid of refugees coming over it border from North Korea.   The US should have placed on blockade on North Korea, force is the only action that NK understands.   There will be conflict with North Korea, it is just a matter of time, Neville Chamberlain must be smiling from above, another leader who has appeased a growing threat. 

The Brexit Bill - 2nd Reading - Post Brexit Vote

Lets Get Real:

The fighting in the trenches for the Brexit Bill will come over the next few months, the stubborn remainers in both the Conservative Party and Labour Party will try to thwart the will of the British people.  PM May has a solution to one of her problems, she can threaten to nominate Brexit Peers to the House of Lords, that would be the will of the British people, should their Lordships try to cause problems.   The next few months we are going to see big fights as the House of Commons goes through the Bill, line by line.   The Labour Party will try to attract rebel Conservative remainers to come to their side, the PM has to make it clear if the Government is defeated over something important there will be a General Election that Jeremy Corbyn could well win. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Labour Betrays its CORE Voters over Brexit - Post Brexit Vote

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Party is betraying its core voters who want out of the EU, in the General Election the Labour Party said it would leave the single market and the customs union, since then the Labour leadership has backtracked, Labour MPs who want brexit should vote with the Government for the 2nd reading of the Bill, they can not trust their leadership.  The UK voted out of the EU, LABOUR it seems does not believe or trust the UK Voter. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Blair on Migration - Post Brexit Vote

Lets Get Real:

This new opinion of Tony Blair has come too late, if the Labour Government had placed restrictions when Blair was in power it would have helped with the Labour vote.    Labour voters in Labour Seats are very pro Brexit, the Corbyn Labour Party has been all over the shop when it comes to Brexit.  It latest stand is an attempt to gain Conservative rebels, it is seen as a con by even the most ardent EU supporter. One only hopes that the House of Commons follows the will of the UK voter, Brexit should mean Brexit. 

The Remainers should get over Brexit - Post Brexit Vote

Mail on Sunday: Reports " Tory Europhile Ken Clarke urges Remainers to GIVE UP on staying in the EU saying the situation is 'hopeless'  "

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Party has shifted policy now it is against a HARD BREXIT, this is opposed to the view of its voters, the Labour Party and Conservative Party as split on the issue, the best argument that the Tory Whips have is that if Conservative MPs vote No they could allow Jeremy Corbyn in to No 10, that should scare the backbench MPs, in fact it scares the hell out of most of the Labour Party MPs in the Commons.   The 2nd reading vote is tomorrow, it will be interesting to see who rebels on both sides of the Commons.  The British people have voted out, the House of Commons should honour the will of the British people.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

The Brexit Bill - Post EU Vote

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Party has to be clear to its MPs that if they vote against this 2nd reading of the Bill they wind find themselves at the bottom of any Parliamentary Committee, the will end up on the Boar War Committee, and the hours will be late and on weekends.   It is times for the Conservative whips to whip hard, if they have to place pressure on the Chairman/woman of individual seats to make sure their MPs vote the right way, one hopes that those in Labour that respect Democracy will respect the will of the UK Voter and vote to EXIT the EU.   The Labour Party is playing games, well this issue is not about games it is about the respect of Democracy. 

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

The END of DACA - Trump Era

The White House: Has released a Statement by President Trump on the end of DACA, " 

Therefore, in the best interests of our country, and in keeping with the obligations of my office, the Department of Homeland Security will begin an orderly transition and wind-down of DACA, one that provides minimum disruption.  While new applications for work permits will not be accepted, all existing work permits will be honored until their date of expiration up to two full years from today.  Furthermore, applications already in the pipeline will be processed, as will renewal applications for those facing near-term expiration.  This is a gradual process, not a sudden phase out.  Permits will not begin to expire for another six months, and will remain active for up to 24 months.  Thus, in effect, I am not going to just cut DACA off, but rather provide a window of opportunity for Congress to finally act.
Congress now has the opportunity to advance responsible immigration reform that puts American jobs and American security first.  We are facing the symptom of a larger problem, illegal immigration, along with the many other chronic immigration problems Washington has left unsolved.  We must reform our green card system, which now favors low-skilled immigration and puts immense strain on U.S. taxpayers.  We must base future immigration on merit – we want those coming into the country to be able to support themselves financially, to contribute to our economy, and to love our country and the values it stands for.  Under a merit-based system, citizens will enjoy higher employment, rising wages, and a stronger middle class.  Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue have introduced the RAISE Act, which would establish this merit-based system and produce lasting gains for the American People.
Lets Get Real:
The President is a political cowards, he does not have the guts to come out to face the press when it comes to DACA, he is pleasing his BASE support, while the news cycle will have the Attorney General stating the policy and leaving it to the US Congress to come up with a deal.  After all the get outs what happens to the DACA Dreamers once their permit runs out, will they be dragged to a plane or bus and sent back to their original Countries, the US Congress must act, if the President and the US Congress could act in 1986 why can they not  NOW, there is a difference, Reagan supported amnesty and the House was in control of the Democrats.    One can see the US Courts will be very busy!! The Democrats and Moderate Republicans must get a deal, it's the only just action. 

Putin on North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Russians as the article states are fed up with the sanctions they face over the takeover of the Crimea, they do not want to see a United Korea under the influence of the West.  The question is will they VETO a UN resolution that places new tough sanctions on North Korea, this would do down poorly with the US and the US Congress would increase its investigation of Russian meddling in the US Presidential Election of 2016.   The South Koreans think that the North will launch another ICBM over the weekend, this could be the straw that breaks the US, they might shoot down any new missiles, they would dare the North Koreans to react, it could lead to WAR. The next few days will be very interesting. 

Monday, September 04, 2017

Is North Korea Begging for War ? - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US has had enough of the talks with North Korea and China trying to avoid the problem, the UN should place the toughest sanction on North Korea, the US should blockade North Korea, the US should threaten to stop ALL trade with China if it keeps North Korea going.  This is the time for the UN and the West to stand up to North Korea, no more nice cop, it's time for the bad cop, the tough one who scares the living daylights out of you. Time is short, and action is needed. 

Talks with North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

It can be postulated that everyone who has written or commented on the North Korean crisis agree that there are no good outcomes, either you appease or you go to WAR.   The endless talks with North Korea have done NOTHING, just allowed North Korea to lie about the development of their nuclear structure, thus you are left with WAR.   It is better to take out the North Korean regime now before it develops more ICBM's or to attack if they attack first.   Let's turn the question around, what if the US and its allies with ALL their forces took out the North Korean Regime, hit any conventional shells aimed at the South Korean Capital, take out the North Korean Nuclear structure, in essence destroy North Korea to save North Korea, the uber left and liberals would be up in the arms, they always oppose, but this might be the ONLY choice left, look how appeasement worked in the 1930s, it lead to World War 2.   There are lessons from history, the question is do we understand them in present. 

More Missiles Tests by North Korea - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans are putting two fingers up to the UN and the West, POTUS is right about one thing, force is the only thing that North Korean understands.  As stated in this blog the US should blockade North Korea and place nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan.  The Chinese Government would have to think hard, does it want a  nuclear South Korea and Japan across the water from it, it would force China to do something about North Korea, they could switch off the lights in North Korea at any time.   The US has to make it clear to China that the costs of supporting North Korea is a frozen US- China relationship, even stopping ALL trade with China as long as it keeps North Korea going. 

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Trump on North Korean Nuclear Test - Update 2 - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US has to do something drastic, either it accepts North Korea as a nuclear power or it rolls it back, by force if necessary.   The US should get South Korea and Japan to ask for the bomb, that will get the attention of China and North Korea.   The costs of supporting North Korea by China is getting way out of hand, while it might be in the strategic interest of China that the US has to deal with North Korea while it has its own ambitions in the area, the costs are getting out of hand, the tail of the dog is running rings around China.  It is losing face in the region.   Thus it will be interesting to see what the Trump Oval does over the next few hours and days. 

North Korean Nuclear Test - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Trump Oval has two choices, accept that North Korea as a nuclear power and start on talks that will not remove that, or take military action, as this blog has suggested the US should blockade North Korea, check every ship going to and from North Korea, only allow food in, everything else should be blocked.    The North Koreans will take a weak reaction as a green light to help other rogue nations and to sell their nuclear material to terrorist groups.   IF there is no military reaction, Iran will be the next State to go rogue, it will push the nuclear deal to its limits then go over it. The Liberal Appeasers on CNN and Brookings are like the The Times and the BBC in the 1930s when they supported the Appeasement policy of Neville Chamberlain. 

Friday, September 01, 2017

The FUTURE of DACA ? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The White House has stated that the decision on DACA will come on Tuesday, this is typical of what a reality star would do, build up tension before the day.  The problem is that there will be hundred thousands of Dreamers who will be very afraid over the next few days, as the Government knows who they are and their location.    One can only hope that POTUS does the just thing, and allow the Dreamers to stay, anything else will be seen as harsh and an attempt to throw away every Obama Policy that came from President Obama.  It has to be noted that as a Candidate, Donald Trump stated he would END DACA, the question is what next, one option would be to grant amnesty, Reagan did that to a  few million in his 2nd term.  Of course Trump could be playing to his very Conservative base, they would want the illegal immigrants to be thrown out.   One idea that has been suggested is that the Dreamers be allowed to work out their work permit, about two years to settle their affairs.   This would also be harsh, as immigrants who have lived their entire adult lives in the US will be forced to leave the US for a country they do not know.   It is time that Congress should ACT, they could grant amnesty, the question is do they have the political courage, that is open to debate.   One does have to feel sorry for the Dreamers.