Daily Mail: Reports " Barnier threatens to delay Brexit trade talks for MONTHS as EU plays hardball on divorce bill and power of European courts in latest round of negotiations "
Lets Get Real:
The UK Government should walk away, the UK Voter will understand if the UK is being blackmailed by the French and Germans, the Country has been alone before and we came out alright with the help of the Americans. As to the Americans they have placed a sanction on a British Company in Northern Ireland, the UK should remind the Oval Office, that when the US has it back to the WALL it's the British who always come through, not Europe. The UK has to stand its ground with both the EU and the Trump Oval, we shall not be blackmailed or bullied be either, we did have the biggest Empire the World has ever seen, we know a thing or two about creating a World structure, we can outlast the EU and the Trump Oval.