Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Liberal/Left Wing reaction to President Trump's speech - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The liberal/left with castgate Trump for his speech, think of the 1930s and the age of appeasing Hitler, and you get the idea,  the left only know how to appease, if the World has listened to this lot the Berlin Wall would have not come down, they never want to fight for something, God forbid you support your Democratic elected PM or President.  Listening to CNN this afternoon one almost got the impression they almost prefered North Korea or Iran to their own US President.   It will be interesting to see what happens should things get very hot in Asia, will CNN blame both sides, or just Trump.  This blogger misses Fox News, they were fair and balanced, the CNN and BBC News of 24 news cycle are so predictable, it's not even funny any more. 

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