Wednesday, August 28, 2024

West Bank Update - Gaza - Israeli War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The most interesting aspect of the above is how the Biden Oval will react, and if the candidates will be asked by reporters on their campaign planes and buses.  Thus far outside the Gaza DEMOS at the American Universities and some demonstration at the Democratic Convention there has been a lack of specifics from the candidates, the debate between Harris and Trump is not far away, also there is the question of the Ukraine, the Donald has stated that he will end the WAR in one day, HOW? What will the candidates do about the tensions in the Middle East.  On whose side are they, Harris needs the ethnic vote in the Swing States, while Trump will need some of the Jewish vote, thus will paint Harris as pro Palestine State.   A week is a long time in politics, time for  foreign policy to trip up the candidates.

Has the front moved from Gaza to the West Bank ? Gaza - Israeli War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Israelis and the US believe that Iran is smuggling weapons in to the West Bank, that could be used if Iran decides to strake Israel  after the assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran.   This assassination has not been confirmed by Israel.   The Hezbollah terrorist group has attacked Israel for its killing of a Hezbollah leader in Beirut.  Thus through the smoke one can see the Tehran's plan should they follow through with it, fire better missiles at Israel, better than the previous attempt and get the West Bank to raise up against Israel, the pro Arab FCO in the UK would try to support the Palestinians in the West Bank, no matter the truth.  The War in the North is coming, there are thousands of Israeli people who have left the North as they under threat from Hezbollah day and night, these people want action from the Israeli Government.   Winter is coming and it will be bloody. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Time for the US to decide if the Ukraine can WIN its War - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Noted:   VP Harris has agreed to an interview with CNN.  Give  me a break, the ultra liberal CNN is an arm of the Democratic Party, it has been supporting HARRIS since POTUS was forced out of the race.  The questions will be easy, agreeing to CNN shows how weak HARRIS is an a candidate, the campaign does not trust her on Fox News!

Lets Get Real:

This is decision time for President Biden, he wants a foreign policy success before he leaves in January, Gaza is still on going, and of late the Russians have had more success in the East of Ukraine, while the the Ukraine Army has had some success in the Kursk region of Russia.   The Biden Oval should take the chance and get something right for once, allow the Kyiv Government to use long range missiles from the US in Russia.   The Putin Regime will use the nuclear sabre to rattle those weak in Western Europe, Putin has shown that he does not have the backbone to go nuclear, as he would lose any WAR with the West.   Time for President Biden to support the poor people of the Ukraine and allow them to win this WAR.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hamas says NO to Ceasefire in Gaza - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era and Searching for a Legacy

Lets Get Real:

This development is not breaking news, it seems that President Biden will have to go on looking for a Legacy, what the Biden Oval should recall if his VP gets the nod from the voters in November, that will be a major legacy, the first Woman, the first African American woman elected to the Presidency.   Thus Biden should do whatever the Harris Campaign wants him to do, if they want him to stay in the White House and say nothing, he should do that.   Israel under its present PM wants to destroy HAMAS as  a force and a ideology, they want to win, no matter what a President who is leaving in 5 months says.  In the Middle East it has always been an eye for an eye, since the dawn of time, something things do not change. 

Neither Israel or Hezbollah in Lebanon say they want a full scale war - YET - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Israel and Hezbollah say they don't want war - but they are both ready for it...But many Israelis, especially those from the north, say Hezbollah needs to be dealt with.  "

Lets Get Real:

This might be the first battle or the last, from reports the Israeli Air Force found Hezbollah preparing for an attack, but got there first.  The news wires reports that both sides want to end this before it goes to far, and gets the feeling that Iran does  not want a FULL SCALE WAR, as they would have to take on the US and its Allies they would lose in a straight battle.   Hezbollah has taken the first action, the question is will Iran follow through with its threats, thus far they have been a eunuch, more interested in the torture of their own citizens.   Thus let's hope that is the final battle for some time, the border skirmish between ISRAEL AND HEZBOLLAH, will go on at a lower level, not enough to start a war but irritation of the local people who live on the border.

Friday, August 23, 2024

RFK Junior Drops out of the 2024 Race and endorses Trump - 2024 Candidate/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Noted: The DNC Convention this week, it had the Obama's, Clinton's, and the new Nominee VP Harris, she is no Barack Obama or Bill Clinton.  I think its the voice, has the grating quality.

Lets Get Real:

The RFK candidacy was a dodo, he has fallen in the polls and has become punchline for JOKES about a dead worm in his brain, and the placing of a dead bear in New York.  In polls numbers had fallen to under 5%, one can assume that his votes will split between Trump and Harris, and endorsement is always good and makes the liberal media cover someone other than Harris.   It will be interesting to see the polls next week, a convention is worth a few points in the polls, this blog as policy does not insult its own intelligence and those of its readers by watching scripted events, speeches by Churchill, Kennedy, Reagan YES, even President OBAMA when he is on form.   Otherwise just read the reviews, just recall everyone has as agenda.  Even this blog! At this blog is honest about it, unlike CNN or even Fox News.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Israeli - Gaza War Update - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli PM knowns that neither Biden or his VP will place pressure on Israel this close to an election.   The Israeli Lobby is not feared for nothing, if POTUS cut ISRAEL adrift the would make the expected chance of his VP winning and making his legacy look better and flush it down the toilet.  POTUS is already in the club of Presidential losers who only served one term, by either losing an election not running for a 2nd term.   Thus POTUS needs VP HARRIS to win, for his own sake and for the security of the US and Western Europe.   On the other side HAMAS might think they are winning, they saw the protesters on the various University campuses around the US over the Israeli policy of POTUS.   They want more concessions from Israel, and that is something that the Israeli Government cannot do, it was shocked by the attack on the 7th October last year, they need security as to prevent other attacks, there are limits how far they will go with this PM.   The weekend will be interesting, if no attacks from Iran then the US will now that Hamas does not have the support of Tehran, and thus might come back to talks after more killing in the Gaza. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Russia advances in East Ukraine - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Noted:  The left wing Guardian pointed out that the Speech by President Biden was not in prime time, so his speech was not seen by everyone, the Harris Campaign do not want a serious connection to be seen between the new Candidate and POTUS, although she was his Vice - President. 

Lets Get Real:

It should be asked has the Ukraine done a strategic mistake with its invasion of Russia, the aim was to get Russia to remove troops from the East Ukraine and to place them back in Russia, thus far this has not worked.   The Ukraine is pushing forward in Russia, the same can be said of the Russians.   The article notes that Putin has started to call the areas under Russia control by their Imperial name, he does really want the Russian Empire back, thus the Ukraine must make him pay in the Kursk region of Russia, they should try to make the Russia pride hurt, this is not 1941, the Ukraine Army is not killing Russian residents because of their faith or politics, the Ukraine should make the region a freedom area, undermine Putin and his regime.   This could be a long and bloody war, it was Putin's war and he must be stopped.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Ukraine's Russian Offensive Update - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Kyiv and Moscow Governments have a problem, the Kyiv Regime is losing ground in the East of Ukraine, while Russia faces its first invasion since 1941.   One should recall that Russian has the man power, even if the smart ones have LEFT, while Kyiv needs supplies from the US and its Allies.   Thus far the above article states that the Ukraine plan for the Russians to divert troops from the Ukraine has not happened, for that to happen the Ukraine needs to push forward, go as far as they can, and start to undermine the Putin Regime, create a free press in the buffer zone, and Radio with the ability to undermine the Putin PR.   The Ukraine Army cannot win in Russia, but it can make the Putin regime very nervous, undermine the confidence of the Russian people, make them ask questions of the Regime, the Ukraine might get lucky with another Coup in Russia by the elite this time, make them understand that their interests are under threat.

US Calls on Hamas to agree to a Ceasefire in Gaza - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era and in search of Legacy

Lets Get Real:

The final decision on a ceasefire will not be taken in Gaza or in Israel, it will be taken by Iran, if they agree and push HAMAS to accepting a deal, it will show they are not ready to take on the US and other Israel other Allies.   This will push any war down the road, and there will be a war if Iran is close to getting the bomb or has the bomb, let's recall that Iran is helping the Russians with its drones, in return it can be postulated that Russian tech will be shard by Russian on placing nuke warhead on missiles.   This is not something that any Israeli Government would be able to countenance NOW or in the future.   The point of a ceasefire is to save the lives of those stuck in Gaza and allow the liberal elite reporters who loath Israel to feel  that they have helped saved lives in the short term.   Nothing last forever, even the theocracy in Iran, who thought that the USSR would go away, to the ash heap of history, we need another Reagan in the White House. 

US Secretary of State in POSITIVE talks with Israel over Ceasefire - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus it is up to Hamas a terrorist group to budge, for this we have to hope that Iran does not want a war or to strike Israel, a strike on Israel could lead to a regional war and further action by Hezbollah in Lebanon.   The DNC Convention is happening this week, one assumes that if a deal could be made it would be announced on Friday before the VP speaks.  It would make the Biden legacy better, but then you have to trust Hamas will do the right thing, they bombed Israel last night, so one does wonder what this week will bring.   Hope might be in short supply this week when it comes to the Middle East. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

US Secretary of State back in the Middle East Crisis - Biden Era and in Search of a legacy!

Lets Get Real:

Hope is not on the cards, neither Hamas a terrorist group want a peace that removes their influence in Gaza and Israel a Democratic State, is not interested in trust with Hamas.   The question is what does Iran want, does it want a regional WAR or is it afraid of a US/Israeli strike should it prevent a deal.   The US will either force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons, let's postulate that it has the bomb already, or the US/Israeli will have to strike Iran, so its down to WAR or TALKS, as Churchill state Talks are better than War, as long as a the talks do not push the war down the line, and Russia supplies Iran with the tech to place a nuclear warhead on a missile, it would only take one bomb to destroy Israel, and let's recall that ISRAEL also has the bomb.  Tricky days ahead. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

A Deal on Gaza on the cards ? - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is President Biden saying this, I would not trust Biden to say if it is night or day,  someone closer to the to the talks sees some sunlight at the end, there will be further talks next week in Egypt, one can only hope.   A fair deal, if you can have a fair deal with monsters of 7th of October, would have the hostages released, and Israel allowing some other authority to take charge of Gaza, it cannot be HAMAS.  Thus one can assume that the direct threat to Israel is over, in less Iran wants a WAR with Israel and the West.   Thus POTUS might add to his shaky legacy, as long as hostages are released and Gaza can see an end to the death.   The US dealing with Iran its bomb will come later, on our terms not theirs. 

Ukraine Update - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election- Biden Era

 BBC News: Reports on how the Biden White House is dealing Ukraine invasion of Russia.

Lets Get Real:

The Ukraine policy has been a success for POTUS, after the Afghanistan disaster and the on going  Israeli WAR in Gaza, Biden needs a success  before the November election, as it would help VP Harris in her fight with Trump.  The former President would give Putin what he wants,  Thus Ukraine has to win in Russia, defeat is not an option.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ceasefire Talks to continue on Friday - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

 Guardian: Reports that ceasefire talks will carry on over Friday.

Lets Get Real:

At what point will the West deal with a nuclear armed Iran,  they must have the bomb  by now, better on our terms, than the theocracy in Iran's terms, strike when they are weak, once they have the  bomb they are another North Korea, another THREAT to Western Security and the region.  TIME is not our side! Reality is HARSH!  The 1930s showed that appeasement gets you WAR, Russia is getting Drones from Iran, in return Russia could be helping Iran to have ICBM's, the threat is to much for the West, we need our own Churchill and fast.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hamas no to ceasefire Talks - Middle East - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The hope of this blog for the ceasefire talks lasted a few seconds, the US Secretary of State is not returning to the Middle East, something is up, could an attack on Israel come tonight, also Hamas has stated it is not going to the planned talks.  It seems neither Hamas or Israel want to bring the war to an end.  The new leader of Hamas was the architect of October 7th, he must be on the Mossad kill list, on the Israeli side, the Israeli PM wants to delay the investigation to October 7th and his failures on that day and not getting the hostages back, as with the Middle East, is always  complex, simple fact is that Hamas is a terrorist group who wants to end Israel, AND Israel is the ONLY Democracy in the Region. Iran is a major threat. 

Iran rejects Western Calls not to hit Israel - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This could come down to the Hamas and Israeli talks on Thursday, will either side give, how many people in Gaza have to die before Hamas allows the hostages to go home, once they do that the Israeli Government will have no choice put to agree to a ceasefire, then Iran and its terrorist allies will have no JUST cause in hitting Israel.  The US has placed pressure on Israel, let's hope that those have influence with Iran can get them to STOP.  No one in their right minds wants a regional war, this constant threat is tiresome and does nothing for the nerves of the region.   Thus Thursday is the day we might gleam what is going on in the Middle East. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

US Sends Nuclear Powered Sub to the Middle East - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

THIS news that the USS Georgia, nuclear powered   guided missile sub is going to Middle East is real news, on the whole US Defence Department does not tell the public the location of their nuclear powered subs, its a TOP SECRET LOCATION.   The White House is sending a signal to the enemy that the US means business.  The Iran regime would be foolish to take on the US directly, the regime would fall if the US decided so, an attack on Israel is less of a threat, the Israeli Iron Dome can take out most threats, and the US in support can limit the damage.   As on April 13 the Tehran regime attacked ISRAEL with three hundred missile strikes, they all failed. Will Israel and US get it lucky a 2nd time.

UK PM talks to President of Iran - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One doubts that the words of the UK PM will make an impression in Iran, we are seen as the Little Devil after helped in the 1953 Coup in Iran, what this blog did notice that CNN's Wolf B. their main anchor has been in Israel since Sunday, the network would  not send their main anchor to the Middle East for nothing.   The Tehran Government is taking time, it might back down and wait see how the talks between Hamas and Israel go on Thursday.  There is an old saying if a tree falls in the forest, an no one sees it, then it is not heard, Tehran wants its honour back and to place fear on Israel, 60/40  chance of a strike, we shall see what happens!

Ukraine HOLDS a thousand km of Russian land - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One hopes that the invasion of the Russia by the Ukraine forces the people to ask HARD QUESTIONS the Putin leadership.  The contract that Putin has with the Russian people is the return to the glory days of Empire or the USSR.  Thus far he has been a disaster, Russia has the most sanctions on earth on it, more than North Korea, and Putin is a WAR CRIMINAL, and he has made Russian Soldiers WAR CRIMINALS.   The Ukraine Army should go as far as it can, make Putin afraid for his control of Russia, at least Putin cannot use nukes on his own land, he would be mad to so.  The Ukraine should aim for the Kremlin and free the Russian people of Putin.

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Success of the Invasion of Russia by the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One can only hope that Putin is hiding under his bed as Stalin did when the Germans invaded in 1941.   The Ukraine Army has to go full throttle in to Russia, the people might want the freedom from the Ukraine, they live under a tyrant of the Putin Regime.  Of course the Russians have the manpower, the clever ones have a done a runner abroad.   There are those in the media that want talks at any cost, this war can only end when the Russians are either thrown out of the Ukraine or the leave because there has been a coup in Russia.  Lets hope the Western powers support this invasion and do not try to curb it, the Russians started this war in 2014 with the invasion of the Crimea, and President Obama  did nothing, Putin has to be stopped NOW, before either a Trump win or VP Harris weak with Putin if she becomes President.  

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Ukraine invades Russia - Russian-Ukraine WAR - Biden Era

 Guardian reports that the Ukraine has done a small invasion of Russia.

Lets Get Real:

This will embarce Putin, and show that he is a weak leader, if the Ukraine can divert Russian troops from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, that is good on the strategical level and will uplift the morale of the people of the Ukraine.    This might force the Russian people to question the Putin leadership, also if it carries on, cause a coup by the Russian Army or the elites in Russia, this War needs to end with victory for the Ukraine before the November election in the US, just in case Trump wins.

UK Troops on standby to help UK Citizens stuck in Lebanon

BBC News Reports that UK has set a thousand UK troops on standby to help UK Citizens leave Lebanon. 

Lets Get Real:

At when it comes to this type of operation the British Armed Forces are the BEST, if needed they will get ALL the Brits out.  CNN reports that Iran is getting ready to take action, lets hope its limited and no one gets hurt, and Israel takes limited retribution, those are big If's.   Sometime the West will have to deal with a nuclear armed Iran, Israel will never allow that to happen! A NUCLEAR IRAN would be a danger to the Middle East and the West.

RCP Average of polls has Harris beating Trump by 0.5%- 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

RealClearPolitics has the Average of the Harris 47.4%, Trump 46.9%, Harris leading by 0.5%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Harris/Walz ticket is on a roll, I want to see the VP do some though interviews on Foreign Policy, on the Ukraine and Gaza/Israel.  This blog does not mind if Harris is liberal, this blog has soft spot for LBJ, but President Johnson was tough on foreign policy, you can't be liberal at home and abroad.   The Democratic Convention next! 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

VP Harris choses Walz as her VP choice - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election -Biden Era

Guardian reports that VP Harris has chosen Governor Walz as her running mate.

Lets Get Real:

This is a shock,  Walz is liberal like Harris, two liberals on the ticket could be a gift to the Republicsns, they will point out that the other candidate Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania was not chosen because he is Jewish and a firm supporter of Isrsel, the polls on this should be interesting.  Thus the campaign properly starts, Trump will have a field day with this, even the Liberal elite might raise a eyebrow over this decision.  ALSO lets recall that Governor Walz of Minnesota is the Governor of the only State to vote for Walter Mondale in 1984 and years later voted not to put Walter Mondale back in the Senate, thus the joke that Mondale had lost every State of the Union, even I can think of the political adverts to hit the Harris/Walz campaign with, to Liberal for the fly over States!

Drone strike on Northen Isrsel - Middle East Crosis - Biden Era

Sky News reports on a drone strike on Northen Israel, the Drones  came from Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Lets Get Real:

This seems a  carry on of the border strikes between Israel and Hezbollah, not the expected strike from Iran.  It could be a signal from Iran to its allies in the region, to expect action from Iran, Tehran wants to catch Israel and the US napping, they have to be on ALERT over the next few days!

Monday, August 05, 2024

Some US Soldiers injured in ATTACK- Middle East Crisis- Biden Era

CNN reports that some US Soldiers have been injured by an attack on a US base in Iraq.

Let's Get Real:

The World is waiting to see what Iran does after the assassination of the Hamas political leader in Tehran.   Thus far nothing, could the Iraq attacks be a signal for various groups allied to Iran to take action.   The Iraq attack will force the Biden Oval to ACT, at some point, now is just the waiting to see, what happens, the crisis has its own internal logic, as always in the Middle East.

Iran says it has a DUTY to PUNISH Iran - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus nothing from Iran, just the words of fury, it might mean that the some of the elite in Iran who want caution might be wining the argument about not jumping the gun.  On the other hand the latest statement might mean that Tehran is getting its ducks in the row before hitting Israel, and pushing the Israeli Government to take action that could lead to a regional war, LST TIME it took Iran 12 days to react, one does wish that the Biden Oval has some influence in the region, but the Biden Oval is weak, its is not running for re-election and the VP is not trusted in Israel, she is seen as more supportive of the people of Palestine than of Israel.   The next few days should tell us the direction of travel, its waiting that makes you worried that Iran will do something that forces Israel and the US to take direction against Iran.  Lets recall that the US Secretary of State has stated that Iran it two weeks from break out to having the bomb.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

US sends planes and warships in to the Middle East - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era


This Blog notes the prison swap between the US and Russia, it is like the good old days of the Cold War, just to be clear, Russian held Western hostages that were setup to be arrested, as Putin wanted them for an exchange, the highest was a Russian Assassin.   Thus it was a hostage swap for real Russian prisoners who should have been in jail.  It was BAD SWAP, the Western hostages had done nothing wrong, it shows that Biden is weak and in search of a legacy. 

Lets Get Real:

It has been a quite few days in the Middle East, one assumes Iran is waiting for the funerals to happen of known terrorists, then what, if one is to believe Iran they will strike Israel either from Iran or their terrorist groups in the region.    The US is doing as the same before, sending in the fleet to protect Israel, now many times can it do this and will want to do this, Biden is ironclad about the protection of Israel, what about his VP, she really has to do a tough interview, the elite liberal media has been very quite about that, one assumes the VP would protect Israel if she is elected, it would be nice to hear that from her own mouth.  Tense days ahead?