Monday, August 05, 2024

Iran says it has a DUTY to PUNISH Iran - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus nothing from Iran, just the words of fury, it might mean that the some of the elite in Iran who want caution might be wining the argument about not jumping the gun.  On the other hand the latest statement might mean that Tehran is getting its ducks in the row before hitting Israel, and pushing the Israeli Government to take action that could lead to a regional war, LST TIME it took Iran 12 days to react, one does wish that the Biden Oval has some influence in the region, but the Biden Oval is weak, its is not running for re-election and the VP is not trusted in Israel, she is seen as more supportive of the people of Palestine than of Israel.   The next few days should tell us the direction of travel, its waiting that makes you worried that Iran will do something that forces Israel and the US to take direction against Iran.  Lets recall that the US Secretary of State has stated that Iran it two weeks from break out to having the bomb.

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