Monday, August 19, 2024

US Calls on Hamas to agree to a Ceasefire in Gaza - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era and in search of Legacy

Lets Get Real:

The final decision on a ceasefire will not be taken in Gaza or in Israel, it will be taken by Iran, if they agree and push HAMAS to accepting a deal, it will show they are not ready to take on the US and other Israel other Allies.   This will push any war down the road, and there will be a war if Iran is close to getting the bomb or has the bomb, let's recall that Iran is helping the Russians with its drones, in return it can be postulated that Russian tech will be shard by Russian on placing nuke warhead on missiles.   This is not something that any Israeli Government would be able to countenance NOW or in the future.   The point of a ceasefire is to save the lives of those stuck in Gaza and allow the liberal elite reporters who loath Israel to feel  that they have helped saved lives in the short term.   Nothing last forever, even the theocracy in Iran, who thought that the USSR would go away, to the ash heap of history, we need another Reagan in the White House. 

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