Tuesday, June 30, 2015

No Referendum in Greece ? - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

AS of this moment this blog is still not sure if there will be a Greek referendum, which way the Greek government will tell the voters to vote and there is that hope for a new bailout.   No wonder the Germans are fed up, this blogger has zero interest in what comes out of Athens, its confused, messy and not something the Classic Greeks would have understood or approved off, it makes Greece look a fools Republic.    The Greeks need  grown ups in charge, the left has shown that it can not lead or run a government, the Greeks need a new government and fast.   Always VOTE Conservative dear Greek voter. 

GERMANS NO to New Greek Bailout Request- Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Germans are right to SAY NO to Greece, for the money that Germany has thrown at Greece ALL it gets is abuse and talk about World War 2, the left wing Greek government knows it is in trouble, it seems that the Greeks fav keeping the Euro, it looks like they will vote YES to the demands of the EU/IMF, that would mean that they would reject the NO view of the Government in Athens.   There needs to be fresh elections, the Greeks have to elect a government that will do as it is told by the EU/IMF, Greece has had its fun time at putting two fingers up to the Germans, now they must OBEY the EU/IMF/GERMANY. 

The New Greek Trojan Horse - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks to give them their due are always gaming the system, they call a national referendum out of their backside at the last minute, threaten Court action and now request another bailout.   The heros of classic Greece must be laughing from the heavens.   The Greeks IMF/EU should not fall for this trick, they should throw Greece out and keep Greece out, otherwise its good money being thrown down the toilet, in fact it would be cheaper just to burn German Euros outside the German Parliament that give it to the Greeks.  Shame on Greece. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Greek Referendum - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Even since PM Tsipras came to power it has been heading towards this point, the Greek government is not telling the truth to the Greek voter.  If the Greeks vote no they are out of the Euro, if they vote YES then Greece might have a chance in the long term.   As stated by this blog the left always want to tax the rich, if the Greek government had done that first then these latest development could have been avoided.   The Greeks have lived off the welfare state and they no longer see that you have to look after yourself, the EU will not pick up the tap for the elections promises of a left wing government.  Time for Greece to smell the coffee and fast. 

The Greek Government to SUE EU - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

One has to give to it to the Greek Government, they will try any strategy to outfox the EU/IMF, it wont work, the Courts would be MAD to be part of this process, and it will annoy the hell out of the EU.   The Greeks need fresh elections, a new conservative government should be formed, one that obeys the EU/IMF and helps Greece in the long term.   The left never know how to deal with an economy, just ask UK voters from 2010 to 2015.   The left just wants to print money and tax the rich.   The UK made a wise choice in 2015, it elected a totally Conservative Government, thus far so good for the Cameron Government. 

The Greeks in Default - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Greeks will be in default what ever the IMF call it, they should be treated harshly, otherwise the idea will get formed in other Countries that they can spend on welfare and the German tax payer will pick up the tap, the EU/IMF can not allow the idea to form that Countries can default on their loans and there are no results.    The whole system could be called in to question if the Greeks are let off their debts.   The Euro will not last if the German taxpayer has enough, who else will get their wallet out to bailout the EU.   This economic harshness is needed, there has to be a clear message, if you spend to much as the Gordon Brown government did between 2007/10 there are bad results for the Country and political parties, the UK went through a deep recession and the Labour Party has lost two general elections, one in 2010 and 2015.  

Greece HAS a CHOICE - Yes or No - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks now face a stark choice, either obey the EU in the shape of the Germans or leave the Euro, they can not stay in the Euro and reject the demands of the EU.   The Greeks think that the EU is bluffing, not this time, they have had enough of throwing good money down the toilet.   The Greeks Government created this mess my over promising at the general election and now the face the reality that the EU/IMF have had enough of the game playing by the left wing government.   THUS Greeks listen to your new Masters at the EU/IMF, you have no choice, you never had a choice, you have to give ALL the way, the Germans own you and the land under your feet. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Greek Update - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens when you elect a left wing government that has no idea about economics and trusts its talking points over the economic reality.   The EU has to be firm with Greece, obey the demands of the IMF/EU or your on your own henceforth.   The Greeks bought in to the Euro on dodgy economic books and now they must pay the piper.    The Greeks will come out of this mess in time, but lets hope they have learned their lesson, do not spend money that you do not have, and never buy on credit, it has to be paid sometime by someone.   That is the harsh truth for Greece. 

Tunisia Terror Attack Update - Tunisia Update

Lets Get Real:

The West has to take the fight to IS, the lack of ground action has allowed IS to grow and become threat to Syria, Iraq and the whole Middle East and Europe.  The evil that is IS has to be taken down, this means at the end of the day that there needs to be Western ground troops in the Middle East.   The IS individuals and groups could strike anywhere at any time, thus Western security has to be on a high states of readiness, but that can not be held at that level forever.   The cancer that is Islamic State has to be removed, or else it will grown and the death tolls will grow, time for the West to man up and take down IS and its groups. 

The Greeks and the IMF - The Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks have done this to themselves, they elected a left wing government that promised them the earth and now Greece is up the creek without so much as a paddle.   The Greeks if they want to get out of this should vote YES in the referendum for the deal offered by the EU/IMF, it is not even a given that deal is still on the table.   The Greeks have to buckle under and obey the IMF and the EU in the form of Germany.   This is what happens when your welfare states goes MAD.   As it has been reported some Greeks retired at 50, or had jobs as gardeners with no garden to work.   Time for the Greeks to wake up and small the coffee. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

IMF and Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks face DOOM next week if it can not repay back its IMF loan, this would mean it was in default, and thus Greece could exit the Euro.   The Greeks have to accept the fact that they are now a province of Germany, its up to Berlin to decide what level of economic pain Greece must suffer for its bad welfare structure.    The Greeks could be lucky, they get out of the Euro, have their own currency, less influence from Berlin and make a comeback, but for present think of Poor Greece.  On the other hand a pound should go a long way in Greece this year, so take your holiday in Greece, cheap Greece needs money and you can help a Country get back on its feet.  WIN WIN

The FINAL Days of a Free Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks have abused the goodwill of the EU/IMF, the left wing government has no interest in keeping the EU/IMF happy, they came in to power in opposition to austerity of the EU and Germany. The clock has hit 12 and its time for the Greeks to accept that they are nothing more than a poor province of Germany.    It will be the Germans that decide if Greece gets its money, one has to be amazed at the restraint of the German taxpayer, how billions have been sent to cover Greece and none of it will come back, time to cut the cord, the Greeks have to learn the hard way, if you spend money you do not have you MUST PAY, thus Greece could face internal  unrest, strife between the rich and the poor and various sectors of society.    Poor Greece.   At least taking a holiday in Greece will be cheap. 

EU and Greece - NOT DEAL YET

Lets Get Real:

This is the time to finish these talks, the Greeks are making fools of the EU/IMF, they have not intention of cutting the welfare state in Greece, once something is done in welfare and is seen as a right it is very hard to take it back, e.g ObamaCare in the US. The EU need to be tough, either Greece obeys what the EU/IMF want or its on its own. The Trojan Horse has come back home. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Devil is in the detail - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Since the Greeks elected its left wing government the condition of Greece has gone down the toilet, the Greeks should have fresh elections and elect a government that does what it is told by the EU and the IMF.   The Greeks have a choice, either obey or get out of the Euro and even the EU.   The taxpayers of the Euro are not going to put up with paying the bills of the Greek left wing government.   The LEFT wing government does not want to deal with reality, either you take the money from IMF and do as they have stated, or try and going it alone with the help of the Russians, if they have the money to keep Greece going, does Putin want to alliance with a dead donkey that is sucking the last Euro out of the Greek Government. 

Those Greeks, pulling another Trojan Horse - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks have been caught trying to throw sand in the face of the IMF, the Greek plan calls for more tax hikes in Greece, as the article points out the IMF has seen that plan before and it did not bring in as much as expected.     Thus what now, it can be postulated that some of kind will be tabled, it is more of PR stunt, no one wants to cut the cord and allow Greece to leave the Euro, on the other hand the German tax payer does not want to pay the debts of the left wing government in Greece.   This crisis will return in a few months, what tricks will Greece have in its pocket next time. 

Iran and the bomb - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The reason for the above is simple, Tehran sees the Obama White House as weak, they know if they push they can get a better deal no matter what the Oval Office says, the Obama Administration needs a deal with Iran as a legacy, no matter if it is flawed and benefits Iran.   President Obama can smell a deal, he wants something that looks good to left wing bloggers and writers.   The US Congress has to be tough, it has to reject any deal that benefits Iran and allow Iran to get the bomb within a few years.   This could be the next big battle on the Hill. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

IS Power on the Wane ? - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This is good news from the Syrian front when it comes to IS, the Kurds with the help of US air forces are gaining ground once held by IS, it is a slow operation but with air cover the Kurds have the best chance of removing IS as a threat from Syria.    The West and Kurds on on one side and Assad and Iran/Russia on the other should be able over time to kill IS and remove a threat from the Middle East and Europe.   Although this is a victory, the West air forces should move to allow the Kurds to remove IS, thus the need for on ground forces to tell the pilots what to hit and when, but on the whole good news. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Greek Trojan Fudge - Greek Crisis

Telegraph - Live Blog: Reports in its 5.18pm post the following,  " What's in the Greek deal?
Lets Get Real:
Thus another fake deal by the EU, the other Countries who have been in trouble or will be in trouble will ask for more money with even less restrictions, the Germans by taking this deal have agreed to become the BANK FOR THE EU, money out and no money back in, they become an economic empire but with the outcome that they will have to support left wing governments in other Countries making promises based on money from the Germans.   The Germans have tied themselves to a dead donkey who died of drinking to much welfare. 

Greece LIVES for a day - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Another EU fudge, this issue is being kicked in to the long grass again, it will back to haunt the EU and Greece.  The EU can not face the real world, the EURO can not work with Greece and other poor Countries in it, the Germans benefit at the cost of others, nothing new there!   The problem with the Euro is that it is a political project, J.R Ewing would have closed down Greece ages ago as the cost to the whole was not the worth the effort.    Thus we for another crisis down the line, poor EU for having poor leaders and just poor Greece for being poor  Greece. 

Greece is in the DOCK - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Please EU finish this mess for Greece, the Country is an economic basket case of the first order, time to cut the cord and let Greece leave the Euro.   The economic ramifications will be bad for the rest of the Eu and Euro Countries but not as bad as five years ago when we first faced this mess.   The Greeks HAVE become dependent on the State and to think this was the Country that gave the history the Trojan horse, were have the intelligent leaders gone, poor, time to find your proper place within the Eu and Euro, at the end of the day Greece could become a province of Germany, if the Germans pay the piper they should get the assets, that means Greece the whole lot. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Greeks KEEP their Euro Money - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks can see that the Ship that is Greece is heading for the rocks, when you have a failed economy with no money there are wild times to face.   Thus expect capital controls over money being taken out of Greece, expect Greeks to hide their money from the government, civil unrest could break out between the left and right, and the poor and rich. Greece is a classic example of a State that has a welfare system and how that has sunk the Country.   Poor Greeks, Poor Greeks. 

Greeks GET YOUR CASH NOW! - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

GREEKS GET YOUR MONEY OUT NOW!, If your on holiday in Greece, make sure you have plenty of cash for the week, the banks could be closed next week, what ever happens is not going to be good, of course the EU could try to throw this in to the long grass, just give enough for Greece to get along for a month or two before we are back here again, Greece was in crisis in 2010 before the UK election and now five years to the month we have the same problem.   Suggestion, if you going to Greece on holiday try to change, the Country could fall apart and fast.   People without money do wild things. 

5 Minutes Past Midnight for the Greek Economy - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The question is EU serious about the Euro, if it is as weak as the Greek PM feels it is good that its starts its decline and put in the failure box.   The question is will the rich Countries, such as Germany and France allow the Euro to fail, but if they grant the request of the Greeks, every other Country in trouble will be demanding that the German tax payer pays for the political promises of the left.   The Euro was a political idea that has failed, when something fails you accept it and move on, if the EU can not change with events it will fall like the Euro.   Who will pay the bills of the Greeks?.

Greeks GET their MONEY out of Greek Banks - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The people are making their voice clear to the government in Athens and to the EU, they see the cliff and do not want to be taken down that cliff by their own government.    Thus they are taking their money and running, one has to wonder how long before capital controls are placed in Greece to prevent people taking out their euros before Greece returns to its natural currency.   The EU has to be firm with Greece or otherwise Italy and Spain will be next in trouble, never mind the Irish.   The Greeks have lived off the EU for long enough, time for them to get some self respect back and leave the Euro, they should be able to stay in the EU, of course the question that has to be asked do the Greeks really want to be tied to EU.  Of course the Knight in shinning might come and rescue Greece, this Knight would be ex KGB in the form of President Putin, the Russians want to split Greece from NATO and EU, they are playing a skilled game, while the Greeks whistle and the EU has another meeting. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How close can Hillary Clinton be to the Oval Office - 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

IF Hillary Clinton is going to be President she can not run as Obama's third term or even a third term for Bill Clinton,  the US voter looks to the future, as the present economic state in the US is not that great.   Thus HRC will have to build a campaign around her, but she would be making a mistake IF just talks about gender issues, it does not matter if your a man or woman you are still concerned about the economic well being of the Country, you still have to meet your bills at the end of the week or month.    It seems that HRC is using the Obama playbook from 08/12, the problem is that HRC is not Obama, she is not that good on the campaign trail, if HRC was wise she would go to the right, that is were the voter is, it does not matter what the elite left thing or even the uber liberal NYT.   HRC can not win if she is running for someone else, or if she just runs as a woman. 

The Labour Leadership Fight - Post 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

This is the kind of new leader the Labour Party needs, Liz Kendal is saying if that she proves not up to the job then the Labour Party should have the ability to get rid of a poor leader.   The failure to remove Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband in their time has cost the Labour Party two general elections, it has been said that the Conservatives are more ruthless when it comes to their leaders, if a leader is poor then the Conservative replace that leader, while the Labour Party goes over a cliff with its leader.   This move by Liz Kendall could very well make her the new Labour Leader, Kendall has proven she has skills on TV and is at the centre ground of the Labour Party even on the right.    It will be interesting to see if Labour wants to win the 2020 election, if Kendall is not elected expect another general election defeat in 2020. 

NATO vs. Russia - New Cold War 11

Lets Get Real:

At least the West is showing a strong reaction to the actions of Russia in East Ukraine and the Crimea, the Russian Regime under Putin has shown the worse aspects of the old USSR.   The West has to be firm and clear with President Putin, as long as he breaks international law the West will carry on with a strong defence and also a defence of Eastern Europe against the threat from Russia.   The new Cold War has started, one just hopes that it does not get too hot in the future. 

The Demise of the Greek Economy - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

At last some common sense out of Athens, even the Central Bank of Greece can see the road ahead and is warning the Greek Government and people that they have to in essence do what they are told by the EU or face a drastic time if they think they can default on loans and there will be no blowback.    The Greeks are living in a fools paradise, the Greek Government is living in another reality, and that reality is starting to show the real world outside.   It is simple, Greece has to OBEY the EU and the Germans.    They could start by saying sorry for the insults on modern Germany. today's Germany is nothing like Nazi Germany. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Left Destroy Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Lets hope the IMF does not compromise, someone has to put Greece out of its economic misery.   The new left wing government has been forced down this road with its over promising at the the general election.   The German taxpayer after being insulted will no longer pay the debts of Greece.    The Greeks have had a easy welfare states, retire when your 50, being paid for non jobs, a gardener at a hospital with no garden, yes the time has come for the singer to sing her song on the Greek economy.    Modern Greece should take the example of the classic greeks, then Greece always came back,  present Greece could not find its way up a one way street.   GROW UP GREECE!

The Demise of Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The demise of the Greek economy has been coming for years, its just now that the EU has hand enough, the Germans have been insulted by Greece, Athens brings up World War 2 at any chance it can, while it also throws slander at the IMF and any else it can think off.   The Greeks have to grow up and face the fat lady as sings her last song on the welfare state that is Greece.    The Greeks have lived off the wealth of others for ages, time to get Greece back to work, time for the economy of Greece to go through a Thatcher period of reform.   Classic Greece would turn its back on modern Greece.

The Frostiness of the New Cold War - Cold War 11

Lets Get Real:

It was said by old hands of the Cold War in the 1990s that they missed the Cold War, well its back!   Putin is pushing in East Ukraine, he has taken over the Crimea, he is supporting Assad in Syria and pushing for Iran to get a good deal from the UN.   The Oval Office under Obama has forgotten that the threat of American power only lasts as long as those enemies think that the US will act, when the US says there are red lines and then does nothing it weakens Western security.    The new US President in 2017 will have a desk for of foreign policy problems that have been created by President Obama. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Those 2nd Term Blues and Hillary Clinton - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:
The Weakness of the Obama hand is shown by the fact that the prospective Democratic Nominee for President Hillary Clinton cut him lose and so did the Democratic Minority leader.  Politics is politics at the end of the day, although POTUS has said kind words about Secretary Clinton the Clinton Camp deal with the polls, they see that the left of the Democratic Party opposes trade deals, thus the jump on the wagon, if the polls were different you know they would support the deal.   That is the price that POTUS pays for keeping his distance from the House and Senate members, there is no personal friendship there to exploit, in 2017 Obama will be out of office, and the Democrats are looking at the new leader already, wanting to make sure they follow her lead, Presidents come and go, US elections never end. 

US Targets Al Qaeda in Libya - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

Thus the removal of Colonel Gaddafi has had long term ramifications for Libya and the West, the Country has fallen to terrorists and ethnic groups who like fighting each other; than fighting the growing power of IS; the failure of Libya has allowed thousands of people to try to get to Europe via Libya, there have been many deaths.    The case of Libya will haunt the Hillary Clinton Campaign, she pushed for the US to support the rebels against Gaddafi, then there is the death of the US Ambassador, and the growth IS in Libya.   The latest action by the US could see a more active role for the US in Libya, they broke then they have to fix it, General Powell said that about Iraq, well the same goes for Libya.  There are always ramifications for actions. 

Obama and his Legacy - 2nd Term Blues

The New York Times: Reports on the failure of President Obama to get the Trans Pacific Partners trade deal through the House of Representatives, the article notes the following, " As it turned out, the biggest challenge to securing that legacy has been at home, and not overseas, as Mr. Obama’s fellow Democrats  ..." refused to support President Obama with their votes in the House. 

Lets Get Real:

This happens to ALL 2nd term Presidents, they find the power they once had on the Hill has gone,  the full House and part of the Senate are up for re-election, thus they have to get money in their campaigns, the Unions are against TPP as they see the deal as a job killer.   Thus President Obama will have tough time over the next year and half getting his agenda through Congress.    The Democratic nominee for President will have to careful, they need the support of the Oval Office but they do not want to be seen as a third term for Obama,  it is interesting that Hillary Clinton is using the campaign book for Obama this time, but HRC is no Obama, she is not that good on the campaign trail.      It can be argued that the HRC campaign is fighting the last campaign not the new one in 2016.    Of course there is the problem of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, the next President will have the same problem as Obama found in 2009, it can be postulated that the US will have thousands of troops in Iraq to deal with IS, the war in Syria will be on going, the disaster of Libya might haunt HRC as she supported the removal of Gaddafi, and then we have Afghanistan, the US will need to keep troops there for years, so the new President will not have a rosy time. 

The FAILURE that is Greece - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

If there is a last minute deal it will not work for the long term, Greece is a dead parrot when it comes to economics, its has NO MONEY, and will not get a new economic structure as long as it is in the Euro.    One has lost count of the billions that has been spent on Greece to keep it from falling off its perch, it is time to cut the cord, allow Greece some dignity by having its own currency, new business friendly economic system.    The German taxpayer will revolt sooner or later if more money is thrown at Greece and for what, to keep the Euro stable, the currency will either go on or it will fold, if at its core there is no stability then the EU has to let it go, and find something new, one thing about the EU they always have ideas, not great ideas but they have ideas.   

Greece and the Markets - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:
The money markets will take a hit once Greece has the grace to default, the question of the Euro will come up, can it last, what does it take for a long term secure Euro.   Those are questions for later.   Greece must think about bringing its own currency back, therefore the banks have to close to prevent people taking their money out in Euros and hiding them away.    Then Greece needs a fire sale of ALL its assets, even historic buildings and Islands.   The welfare system of Greece needs to scrapped, only the young and old should be looked after, everyone else should be forced to find their own lifeboat.    The Greeks net to cut regulations on business and make Greece the place to have a business, no government red tape, become a safe heaven for business.   These measures are hard but it will work for the future of Greece.

The DEATH of Greek Dignity - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greek Gods must be looking down from the heavens and wondering what has become of Greece and its people, the Classic Greeks would wash their hands of the Greeks, they spent money they did not earn or have, and expect others to pay the bill.  When that does not work they attack the Germans  for World War 2, when that strategy fails they make noises that the money lenders should be easy on Greece and that the creditors should get real.  It is about time to end this mess, kick Greece out of the Euro and let the Country find its classic dignity.    Poor Greece, Poor Greece. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Labour Civil War - Post 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

AC is right on this issue, at this rate the Labour Party is heading for defeat in the 2020 General Election, it needs to crack the South, but the problem for Labour is that the South wants Labour to be tough on welfare, while the North will be getting more power from London and Scotland is just a disaster area.    The next Labour Leader has to be in the mold of Tony Blair, that means being good on the telly and looking  normal, in other words not easy for Labour.   Of the candidates running for the Labour leadership this blog would vote if it was a Labour member for Liz Kendall, she comes across as centre right, the question is will the trade unions accept another Blair type candidate, that is a open question. 

The Labour Civil War - Posts 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

Lord Prescott is a elder statesman of the Labour Party, he was Deputy PM during the Blair years, but on this issue he WRONG.   The Labour Party needs more Blair candidates, the problem with using that term is that next you have to deal with the issue of Iraq, its odd that Blair gets the blame for Iraq while Bush 43 has been under the radar and his approval ratings have gone up.   The Labour Party has to accept that Tony Blair won three elections, he knows a thing about getting the trust of the UK voter, something the modern Labour Party has lost.   The next leader of Labour needs to be on the centre right, or even right wing, that is the only way that Labour will win the next general election in 2020. 

US Bases in Iraq to increase - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:
Thus we are seeing the same mistake that the US did in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, this gradual approach will not work when fighting ISs, they have proven they are ruthless and smart, they used the natural elements of  a sandstorm over Ramadi to push into the town and take it right under the eyes of the US.   The US should send in ten thousand troops in to Iraq to fight IS, not just train the new Iraqi Army.     The new Iraqi Army will bolt when they come under pressure from IS, as has been seen IS kills any threat, there is no Geneva Convention for IS.   The US will  only get the support of Sunni soldiers when it places US troops at the side of Sunni Soldiers.    The Oval is trying to thrown the problem down the road, as noted by this blog, history does not take orders from leaders. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Democrats and Vietnam, Sorry Iraq - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The political Gods are tough SOB's, when they pay you back for your folly it comes back to what made you famous the first time, in the case of President Obama it was Iraq, now he is sending troops back in to Iraq, the Democrats recall that is how Vietnam started, and if it grows to more troops Democrats  are worried that they will have to defend the policy in 2020, also HRC will have to support the policy, she was Obama's first Secretary of State, thus the decision to remove troops in 2011 happened on her watch.   The Democrats are right to be concerned, is Iraq fated to become another Vietnam. 

The Miliband Brothers AT War - Post 2015 Election

Lets Get Real:

This must not be nice reading for Ed Miliband, the only way " Red " Ed could win after beating his brother for the Labour leadership was to become PM, that dream is now over, and Ed could see his brother within a few years getting the Labour Leadership, even PM.   This would show that the old line that those that strike down a leader never get the job themselves to be true, what ever made Ed think he could be a real contender for PM, that what happens when you are in the London left wing bubble.   The press feed your ego that your the one, the one thing that will not happen is that Ed will not get a job in a new David Miliband Administration, might get the job of Governor of Elba!

Up Close and Personal with IS - New War on Terror

Lets Get Rea:

The Sunni tribes will only take part if they think this time the US will stay, for that to happen they will want to see boots on the ground.   These soldiers should be there to fight  IS not just train the Iraqi forces.   The question is can President Obama do a Bush 43 without US combat troops there to help the Iraqi forces should they get in to trouble.   As noted my previous post it can be argued that President Obama is following the Vietnam case for more troops leading to more troops.   The President might want to throw the issue down the road but history has a way of not doing what its told, thus expect more troops for Iraq, at the of the day the US could have thousands of combat troops in Iraq, history repeats itself all the time. 

Is Iraq the NEW NEW Vietnam - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This another move to push the issue down the road, in fact Obama wants the next President to deal with this issue, the President has failed to learn the lessons of the Iraq war between 2003-11 and the Vietnam War.   In 2007 President Bush pushed a policy of a surge in Iraq after the previous three years of havoc in Iraq, the surge worked and then President Obama removed the troops in 2011 when he should have left around ten thousand to deal with Iraq's security problems.   Thus in 2015 President Obama is following US policy in Southern Vietnam, the increase of military advisers will lead to ground troops sooner or later.   Obama should have sent back in another ten thousand troops to take on IS and remove the threat from the Middle East, instead the Oval is playing politics. 

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

The Rise of IS - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The cancer that is ISLAMIC STATE ( IS) has to be removed from the body politic in Iraq, Syria and Libya it brings nothing but destruction and death to the people.   There no talking to IS, there are no committee meeting you can have with them, they have to be taken by their roots and removed.   This can only mean one thing, that is Western ground troops in the above countries.   The Obama Oval needs to take action, its problem is POTUS, the Candidate who ran against the Iraq War does not want to send troops back in, it would make him look foolish and the Obama ego can not take that, this is a result of people falling at his feet in 2008, he has drunk his own PR spin.  The problem is others are being killed while the Oval watches the World burn in the Middle East and Africa.