The Times: Reports that Liberals are furious with President Obama for his Plan for Iraq. This is a good move by President Obama, he has gone Liberal on the Domestic Agenda but very cautious on Foreign Policy, he does not want to be another Jimmy Carter. The keeping of between thirty five and fifty thousand troops in Iraq allows him to take action should Iraq go back to the bad days of 2006/7. The Obama Administration does not want a new slogan, " Who Lost Iraq " as this would recall the problems Democrats had with " Who Lost China " at the start of the Cold War. Thus the plan keeps Obama in the game, allows him to keep an eye on Iran, and allows Iraq to develop under American Security. Lets be honest no one trusts Democrats when in comes to National Security, thus this move by President Obama is right in strategic terms and political terms, what Obama needs now is for the Liberal New York Times to be critical of this policy, then he would get total Republican support.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Iraq and Obama
The White House: Has the full text of the President Obama's Plan for Iraq. The most important and realistic part I thought was the following remarks in the speech. The President stated the following, " After we remove our combat brigades, our mission will change from combat to supporting the Iraqi government and its Security Forces as they take the absolute lead in securing their country. As I have long said, we will retain a transitional force to carry out three distinct functions: training, equipping, and advising Iraqi Security Forces as long as they remain non-sectarian; conducting targeted counter-terrorism missions; and protecting our ongoing civilian and military efforts within Iraq. Initially, this force will likely be made up of 35-50,000 U.S. troops. " As I was watching the speech Vietnam came to my mind, it recalls the Vietnamization of the Vietnam War by the Nixon Administration, it didn't work of course, North Vietnam won in the end. The question that is our there, what will Iran do about Iraq, Iran wants to become a nuclear armed power, will Iran offer to do a deal, allow Iran to go Nuclear and the Iran will keep its nose out Iraq. The President stated the following on Iran and the Obama Policy towards a nuclear armed Iran, the Obama Administration is " developing a strategy to use all elements of American power to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. " Thus the Obama plan for Iraq and Iran could come in to conflict, Obama wants combat troops out by August 2010, what if Iran takes Iraq back to the violence of 2006/7 before the Bush surge, the President stated the following on his Iraqi policy, " We will proceed carefully, and I will consult closely with my military commanders on the ground and with the Iraqi government. There will surely be difficult periods and tactical adjustments. But our enemies should be left with no doubt: this plan gives our military the forces and the flexibility they need to support our Iraqi partners, and to succeed. " Thus by the end of this year President Obama could face the following, a nuclear armed Iran, offering talks that keeps them out of Iraq but on the condition that they can become a nuclear armed power without any sanctions. Also Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear power, thus they might strike Iran, if that happens, Iran will hit Iraq. Thus the Bush War will become Obama's War as Afghanistan has become his war.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Patriot Defence for Poland
Telegraph: Reports that the Obama Administration has agreed to place the Patriot Missile Defence system in Poland. This is a good move by the Obama Administration, it will show Russia that although the Obama Administration has been somewhat weak over its support for missile defence or the Son of SDI, a great bone of contention between the Bush 43 and Russia, it will defend a NATO Ally. The West cant let Poland down, we did that after World War Two, we sold Poland down the river, not again. The Russian Government has to understand after Georgia, the we have an eye on them, Poland is part of NATO, we will defend Western Security.
Obama's Plan for Iraq
The New York Times: Reports on the Obama Plan to keep most troops in Iraq till the end of the year and then withdraw troops in August 2010, but leaving fifty thousand troops in country to train the Iraqi Army and Police and to fight the terrorists. Given the economic meltdown that faces the USA, this plan is a wise move, the report follows the leaks over the past couple of days. As the Iraq conflict is over, not totally finished but as close as you will get in Iraq, it is time to cut the military spending, get the government of Iraq to use its oil revenue to help Western Forces. Also keeping forces in country will send a warning to Iran, the USA is still in the neighbour hood and can strike should Iran go nuclear or is a threat to Israel. As the move will not make the left happy its a good idea.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
1964 = 2009
The New York Times: Reports on the US buildup in Afghanistan, taking the lessons learnt the hard way in Iraq and transferring them to Obama's War in Afghanistan. This is recalls the LBJ build up in Vietnam after 1964, it starts small then it grows, gets to the point its becomes all consuming. Lets recall the Great Society Plan of LBJ was destroyed by Vietnam, the Obama Presidential Address to Congress had some of the ideas of the Great Society on the domestic front. Its the war President Obama wanted to fight, its his war now, Iraq was the Bush War, and we know what that cost the Republican Party. As long Pakistan and Afghanistan border is free access for the terrorists the War in Afghanistan can never be won, it will just go on for years, more troops, more deaths, lets hope the Obama National Security Team is really bright and find a way out, not holding my breath folks.
Death in Afghanistan
Sky News: Reports than a British Soldier has died of his wounds from action in Afghanistan, the Soldier was in the UK when he died. Thus today the UK Armed Forces have lost four soldiers. The total of deaths now stands at 149. How many more, before we get out of Afghanistan. There is no EXIT route out of Afghanistan, its a war we cant afford to lose and but we cant win. The Obama Administration is having a review, if they come up with any new bright ideas I will be very surprised, Afghanistan is not Iraq, a surge will not work, in less your going to place half million men in country, that would give you only 50/50 chance of winning. Afghanistan is like a Vietnam, a BITCH of a war without no end, just deaths of Western Troops.
The New Great Communicator - Obama ?
CNN News: Has President Obama as the new Liberal Reagan. If CNN really think that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell them cheap. If Obama was up against Ronald Reagan in his prime, Obama would still be a Junior Senator, lets see when his polls are in the toilet, it happens to every President, lets see if he can come back and win re- election, Reagan in 84 and Clinton in 96. I wish the Elite Media would like act the media and not the Obama fan club.
Obama on Iraq and Afghanistan

The White House: Full Text of the Presidential Address to a Joint Session of Congress. The speech I found was missing a realism, on the one hand the President wants to cut the budget while on the other hand he wants to do another Great Society, at the end of day it didn't much help LBJ. The main interest for me was the section on Iraq and Afghanistan, the President stated the following, " We are now carefully reviewing our policies in both wars, and I will soon announce a way forward in Iraq that leaves Iraq to its people and responsibly ends this war.
And with our friends and allies, we will forge a new and comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan to defeat al Qaeda and combat extremism. Because I will not allow terrorists to plot against the American people from safe havens half a world away. " From the leaked reports it seems that the Obama Administration will leave Iraq over a nineteen month period but leaving over fifty thousand troops in country to train the Iraq Army and Police and to fight the terrorists. In Afghanistan the Obama Administration is stuck, its the War the President wanted, he wants a half way house, he has sent seventeen thousand troops in to Afghanistan but the Defence Department wanted thirty thousand troops. One can see Obama following the LBJ model when it comes to Afghanistan, more troops and more troops, with no clear plan. The West in Afghanistan faces the same problem that LBJ found in Vietnam, as long as the terrorists can get their men from Pakistan, the war will never end, if the USA goes in to Pakistan the government will fall, the West cant have a nuclear armed Pakistan in the hands of the terrorists. Thus this never ending war is Obama's War, as Iraq did to Bush 43, Afghanistan will do to President Obama.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another three British Soldiers in Afghanistan, the total now stands at 148. If the Obama Administration is going half measures over Afghanistan, the military brass wanted thirty thousand troops, the President sent seventeen, the UK should have half the level of troops we have in theatre, if the President wants to play games we should not, our troops required and need total support from our America friends, thus if they want us to have ten thousand troops in theatre then the US President should grant the full military request for thirty thousand combat troops.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Leave Afghanistan - The Best Path ?
US Today: A must read article on why the West should leave Afghanistan. The article follows my own views as stated many times in this blog, leave Afghanistan and bomb from over the border. The effect Afghanistan will become a free fire zone, the terrorists will have no ware to hide, the loss of troops will be low. Read of the Day.
Taking over the Banks
Washington Post: Reports that the Obama Administration has changed the rules of the government support for Banks, they will now take an ordinary share holder interest in the banks, this means its under government control all but name. The Obama Administration should go all the way, take over all the banks in debt, clean the banks of all bad debt, create a tougher regular control of the Banks and Wall Street. Then after the banks are solvent they should be sold back to the private sector but with the US Tax Payer getting something out of the deal, lower House payments or differed payments. The banks by law should be forced under the right financial conditions to lend to small business and states such as California. The Obama Administration should not raise taxes or try to create a National Health Service in the UK model. The raise of taxes would hurt the economy, the NHS is a constant drain in the UK.
The New York Times: Reports that US Banks and other financial business will need more billions if they are not go to broke. The Take over of in debt banks and other financial business is the last option the Times reports. If these business need more billions the question has to be asked, at what point do you say NO. What point do you let them go to the wall, the argument that if these banks and other sectors fail they will make the financial crisis worse, well is it not better to let these in debt companies go broke and start afresh. At what point does it become welfare because you afraid of the other result. It is tough question and there will come a time when the Obama Administration will not have the money to spend.
Nationalization of US Citigroup Bank ?
Politico: Reports on a meeting between Citi and the White House, could the US Government become a major shareholder in the bank. The Obama Administration should take over the US banking system, it should have look at the books, clean out all the bad debt and then return the banks to private sector once they are back in credit. This bank by bank approach could make the Banking and Wall Street Crisis last for months and years.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Obama and Iran
LA Times: Has a report on those running the Obama Policy on Iran, and the options that they face when it comes to dealing with Iran, the most favoured option is containment of a nuclear armed Iran. The problem with half baked idea is that these policy makers are making the mistake in thinking they are dealing with the USSR after the start of the Cold War. Iran is run by a outlaw regime, that is not all that sane, what ever the faults of the USSR leadership under Stalin and his successors, they wanted to keep power within the USSR. The regime in Tehran is not secular, its religious, they decide Foreign Policy, also the President of Iran would like nothing better than to destroy Israel. The national security of Israel is at stake, does not matter what President Obama wants or doesn't want on this issue, if Israel is under threat from a nuclear Iran, Israel will hit Iran hard and Obama will have to go along with the attack if he wants to get re - elected. Thus if Obama follows the advice of those that argue for containment he will set the conditions for a major war in the Middle East within his first term.
One WORLD - Money!
BBC News: Reports on a new idea supported by UK PM Gordon Brown for Global Regulation of the money markets. The problem with this idea is that the financial mess had its heart in the USA, the USA is not going to allow London, Berlin or Paris to run Wall Street. The Obama Administration is Liberal but it wants to get re-elected in 2012. The Obama Administration will bring in tough over sight of the money markets but it wont allow Europe to run Wall Street. This is idea is political spin for Europe, Old Europe is not the Master, its New York and Wall Street, the New World.
10,000 UK Troops by 2010 in Afghanistan
Telegraph: Reports that there will be ten thousand UK Troops in Afghanistan by 2010. The Cabinet should decline to send send the extra troops, the eight thousand troops there already is enough from the UK. The NATO allies have been very slow to follow suite, one really cant blame them, but why is it always the UK. If Obama wants to make Afghanistan his Vietnam, well good luck to him, we have done enough fighting and dying for the Special Relationship. Afghanistan is poison fruit for the UK, we have fought there to many times, with not much result, time to let the USA be the only super power in country.
Obama's WAR path in Pakistan
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration is taking the War on Terror to the Terrorists in Pakistan, ever going further that Bush 43. This is a good move by President Obama, its high tech but also no troops are at risk, its following the old Imperial Policy of Britain, when the locals got out of hand British used to send a plane over and drop the odd bomb. The US version is more high tech but the same policy, lets hope it has an effect of curbing the terrorists and allowing the Government of Pakistan to grow a backbone to deal with the terrorists, who are a threat to Pakistan.
President Obama and the Bush Doctrine on Terror
CNN: Reports that the Obama Administration has followed the Bush Doctrine when it comes to terrorists held in Afghanistan, they don't have the same rights as US Citizens. Lets be honest Obama didn't have much choice, he has surge going on in Afghanistan, he cant have a surge and thus more fighting between the US Troops and the Terrorists/Taliban and thus more prisoners and then let them go, Afghanistan would become his Vietnam fast. The Blue Dog Democrats in the Congress would rebel, they want to get re- elected 2010. Also President Obama will face a problem, he wants to cut defence spending to Afghanistan while having a surge, as he is going to have a surge of seventeen thousand US troops that will cost money, 2009 is expected to be tough year in country, thus more money will be expected, one has to wonder is Obama reading his own press releases and thinking they are true.
Nazi Taliban in Swat Valley
The Times: Reports from the Taliban controlled Swat Valley, the Nazi Taliban have come to town, destruction of buildings, books, closing of schools, wanton murder. This is what Appeasement gets you, cowards and thugs, mad men. There is only answer is not to deal with them, its to destroy them. They are a threat to Pakistan and the West. Read of the Day.
Israel and Syria DEAL on the Cards ?
The Times: Reports that Israeli Army Chiefs wants a deal between Israel and Syria, to cause a rift between Syria and Iran and make sure Israel does not have to attack Syria again as it did over its Nuclear Plant. If Iran is going to be attacked over its nuclear weapons plans then a deal with Syria would look good on paper, the question is can Syria like Egypt be a honourable partner in the Middle East. That is the big question for the next government of Israel.
Tax, Spend and Weaken US Defence - The Obama Method !
The Washington Post: Reports that President Obama will tax the rich, spends billions and cut Defence Spending in attempt to cut the US Budget. If this is really the Obama Plan; Obama will be one term President; you don't raise taxes in recession/depression, if you tax the rich they go to places with lower taxes, the UK nice place to come folks. In 81 Reagan increased Defence spending, this got the USA out of the early 80s recession, thus his re-election in 84. Also the massive spending on health care, its been tried, how does health care for all help get you out of a depression. Its seems the Campaign Obama was a fake, he is pandering, he could lose Congress in 2010, and the White House 2012. Advice to Blue Dog Democrats in Congress, if you want to get re - elected in 2010 this is the time to oppose Obama.
Obama Administration
Appeasement of Terrorists by Government of Pakistan
BBC News: Reports on the appeasement of the Taliban by the Government of Pakistan, the Swat Valley in Pakistan proper has been handed over to the Taliban. This move by Government of Pakistan is a disgrace to Pakistan, its even more of a disgrace for the West, the Obama Administration should have placed a veto on this move. In the wires it seems we have a conflict between local US Diplomats and D.C. Of late it was reported that the local US Diplomats supported the deal between the Taliban and the Government, the idea being to cause conflict between the Taliban in Pakistan and the Taliban in Afghanistan. That the problem with having troops in Afghanistan, you have to be concerned about the internal politics of Pakistan. This is a start to the road that will make Pakistan a terrorist nation under the control of the Taliban.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Get Lost President Obama! = NATO
Telegraph: Reports on the refusal of NATO to send troops to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is another War that Europe has shown no backbone for, as usual its the UK and the USA that does the dirty work. Europe the great supports of President Obama have told him in diplomatic terms to get lost; just like they told Bush 43; Afghanistan is an Endless War, the UK and the USA will have to win or NATO might as well get dissolved. Thanks for Nothing Europe.
The Long Haul in Afghanistan!
CNN: Reports that the US military think that they will be in Afghanistan for at least five years. Afghanistan will not be solved in five or ten years folks, the West will be in Country decades from now, as long the terrorists can use Pakistan as a safe heaven Afghanistan will be a constant trouble spot. The UK and the USA better get around to the idea that this will take years, and the loss of our troops, Afghanistan never ends, its an Endless War.
Iran IS a Nuclear Power
FT: Reports that Iran has the capacity to produce one Nuclear Bomb. The questions is now what will Israel do, will it wait for Obama have a review about Iran or will act to protect its National Security, also to protect the security of the West. The issue of Iran could be a tough call for President Obama, he is not dealing with the old USSR. Iran has elections coming up, one way the President of Iran could almost makes sure he wins is to announce that Iran has joined Israel as a nuclear power. This would place Obama in a tight spot, he has stated he would never allow Iran to become a nuclear power and a threat to Israel, except an attack on Iran within a year from Israel.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Attacking the Terrorists
The Times: Has an Exclusive, that the USA is using bases in Pakistan to attack the terrorists. The USA is using the bases to fly their Predator aircraft to attack the terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. How much this is new is a debatable point, the news was blurted out by a Democratic Senator in a US Senate Committee. As the UK is in Afghanistan, should the government have not placed a D notice on this news, in other words forced the paper not publish the story. Our troops and other Western troops could be in danger should the Government of Pakistan be forced to ask the USA to stop the attack flights. Poor show on the part of the Paper of Record.
Cheney on Bush
New York Daily News: Reports that former VP Cheney is not happy with his former boss, President George W. Bush, the reason being that Bush didn't grant a Pardon to Mr Libby, the former Aide to the Vice President. It can be assumed that Bush 43 recalled the the row caused by the pardons of his father, Bush 41 and the late pardon by Bill Clinton. President Reagan didn't have to worry about pardons, his VP, George H.W. Bush was his successor, thus he could leave it to Bush 41 to clear up the mess of Iran - Contra. At the end of the day, Reagan understood that he need his successor to be a Republican and VP. Thus we are still talking about the Reagan Revolution years later, that what makes the Gipper a great politician and statesman.
Obama on Afghanistan
The White House: Interesting statement by President Obama on Afghanistan. The President States the following, " To meet urgent security needs, I approved a request from Secretary Gates to deploy a Marine Expeditionary Brigade later this spring and an Army Stryker Brigade and the enabling forces necessary to support them later this summer......General McKiernan’s request for these troops is months old, and the fact that we are going to responsibly drawdown our forces in Iraq allows us the flexibility to increase our presence in Afghanistan. This reinforcement will contribute to the security of the Afghan people and to stability in Afghanistan.....This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has not received the strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires.....This troop increase does not pre-determine the outcome of that strategic review. Instead, it will further enable our team to put together a comprehensive strategy that will employ all elements of our national power to fulfill achievable goals in Afghanistan. "
This statement is interesting, its a paper statement not a President himself announcing the news, he's on the TV every hour for his economic plan. Thus its wise to presume that President Obama sees that Afghanistan could be his Vietnam, he does not want to be another LBJ. Thus he wants some distance from the War. Also the the view that the Bush Administration was slow to take action, Obama is sending half of the request by the Army Brass, the President wants to keep his options open, thus he view that although he sending these troops this does not affect the review of Afghanistan within the Administration. One word, RUBBISH, its Obama's War, he rode it in the election well now he owns this as well as the economy.
Obama Surge in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that President Obama is sending seventeen thousand troops to Afghanistan. This is a mistake, its a half way house, its not as much as the Army Brass wanted but enough to show that the campaign speeches of the 08 Campaign had a point. I will guarantee that the President will have to send more troops in to Afghanistan, he will need to support the Government in Kabul, Afghanistan, he will need to take the fight to the terrorists on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, he might need to secure the nuclear weapons of Pakistan should the Government of Pakistan fall and the terrorists take over the country. Afghanistan has become Obama's War. Lets recall what destroyed the Great Society of LBJ, it was Vietnam.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports on the death of another UK Soldier in Afghanistan. The death total now stands at 145. Of those that have been killed, 116 have died in combat and 29 in other incidents. This will not be the last death, lets see what the Obama surge will do for the Western Operations in theatre.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Did the UK Torture ?
Guardian: Has an Exclusive, it reports that the UK had devised a torture policy for those suspect terrorists held in Pakistan. Lets be clear, torture should never be used, but extreme methods is something else, also the practice was outside the UK. The UK Government is not responsible for the actions of other Governments, our Allies don't ask us for approval to get information that is in our and their interest. Extreme Methods should only be used with a clear terrorists and as a last resort, Waterboarding is not torture, also it worked on the planner of 9/11. In this post 9/11 world you need the information, its Bauer Time in may respects, we as the whole might not want to get our hands dirty, but that is why we have Jack Bauer or our heroic agents in MI6 and the CIA.
Israel vs Iran, A Secret War.
Telegraph: Reports that Israel and their Secret Service the Mossad are in a secret war against Iran, all methods are being used, even Executive Action. My one advice to Israel make sure the Executive Action is the last option, try all other options first, blackmail, honey traps, false flag etc. Then if that does not work, no innocents to be taken out, get it right the first time, that's the difference between West and the Terrorists, we will get our hands dirty, but makes sure its the last option and the correct target, but after that good luck Israel.
Great Game as played by Pakistan!
The Times: Reports that the Government of Pakistan supported the Taliban while taking money from the West. If this is true its time to get tough with Pakistan, it should be made clear to Pakistan that if it wants the support of the USA and the West it cant make deals with terrorists or support them, it time to choose a side and stick to that side. The USA should the tribal areas on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan hard, even sending in ground troops, even if the Pakistan says No. The border is a cancer to Afghanistan and Pakistan, it has to be destroyed or it will cause massive death to both countries. Does the Obama Administration have the nerve to get tough, its not something the left will be happy about, they are appeasers.
Taliban Threat to Pakistan Part Two
The New York Times: Has an excellent article on the move of the Taliban from the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan in to Pakistan proper, how the Government of Pakistan is appeasing the Taliban, how this is a threat to the West. Even the Liberal Times gets that the Taliban are a threat, one gets the impression that the paper wants the Government of Pakistan to take a firm stand against this Terrorist movement. The Taliban are not just a threat to Afghanistan and Pakistan, they are a threat to the West, Pakistan is a nuclear power, there is no way around that fact, so if the terrorists take over Pakistan what is the plan to get the nuclear weapons out of Pakistan. This planning should be a major priority of the Obama Administration.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Taliban threat to Pakistan
Telegraph: Reports how the Taliban have moved their influence in to Pakistan outside the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Taliban have turned on their former masters in Pakistan, they have become a major threat to the Government of Pakistan, a threat to the Government of Pakistan is a threat to the West. One simple reason, Pakistan is a nuclear power, think of the terrorists get hold of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. The Obama Administration would think Iraq was happy hour at the local. The New Obama Administration has to take the War to the terrorists in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, they have to be destroyed, or the West will face nuclear blackmail or another 9/11 in nuclear form.
The Cost of Iraq ?
The Times: Reports on the military view of the UK in Iraq, that at the end of the day it achieved its goals, thus our soldiers died for a good cause. I have to admit I agree that our noble soldiers died for a good cause, the problem is that at the end of the end of the day the British thought Basra was another Norther Ireland, thus the same tactics would work, they didn't, the Central Government had to come down and take control, the British had to be pushed back to camp to allow Basra to come under Iraqi Government control, at the end of the day we failed, the troops didn't fail, but the strategy was based on fighting a small scale counter terrorism action when massive troops was the order of the day, next time when we go in we need massive fire power and we have to keep our troops on the ground, or else the USA will think we don't have the backbone for long term engagements. The UK PM Gordon Brown should not try to make this failure up with the sending a surge to Afghanistan, this was also be a massive mistake, Afghanistan should be kept as a low level War, lets not give the terrorists more British Soldiers to kill.
Reagan Top 10 President for Leadership
C- Span: Has a new poll on Presidential Leadership by Historians, Reagan rounds up the top Ten. I would place him higher but at least he makes the top ten, Bill Clinton is does not make the top ten, good. There is hope for Historians.
The Suspicions of Mr Whicher or The Murder at Road Hill House
One of the best books of the year, The Suspicions of Mr Whicher or The Murder at Road Hill House by Kate Summerscale. This is a true crime story from the 19th Century, the author brings the murder and the artistic, social, economic and political environment to life. The author has produced a thriller that makes you turn the page but also backs it up with excellent footnotes ( this page likes footnotes ). But although the its a puzzle and even after reading the book I cant make my mind up as to who was the real murder or murders, even though someone did confess, there are enough questions to make you think. But at the end the author reminds the reader that there was a murder, a vile murder, but its through the murder that we different aspects of the 19th Century.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Nixon, Reagan and Gorbachev
Vanity Fair: Excellent Article on the relationship between Reagan and Nixon and Reagan and Gorbachev. Nixon was the Strategic Thinker but Reagan was right about the USSR, when he called it an Evil Empire and when he worked to finish the Cold War with Gorbachev. Gorbachev should have listened to Reagan in the final summit, had he been more of a reformer he might still be President of the USSR. Read of the Day.
What Next for President Obama ?
The US Senate reports on the final vote for the Obama Economic Plan. In the end it got through with three moderate Republican votes, 60 -38. It can be argued that President Obama has failed to change the working environment in D.C. It will be interesting to see how the President deals with other difficult issues, like Health Care. Also the President might need Republicans when it comes to National Security Issues like, Iraq, Afghanistan and Terror. Also if the Economic Plan does not work, the fault will be down to the Obama Administration, out of over five hundred members of Congress, Obama could get only three Republican votes, he does not have the charm of Reagan, the political skills of Bill Clinton, the Republicans do not fear Obama as Democrats feared Reagan. The President could have a tough four years on the Hill.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports another British Soldier has died in Afghanistan, the total of UK dead now stands at 144. This wont be the last death, in till we have an EXIT route out of Afghanistan there will be more deaths. Lets hope the USA and UK surge works, have my doubts, let honour those that have fallen in service to the UK.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Change of Heart ?
The White House: Reports the reaction of the Obama Administration to the loss of the Gregg Nomination. The White House states the following, "Senator Gregg reached out to the President and offered his name for Secretary of Commerce. He was very clear throughout the interviewing process that despite past disagreements about policies, he would support, embrace, and move forward with the President’s agenda. Once it became clear after his nomination that Senator Gregg was not going to be supporting some of President Obama’s key economic priorities, it became necessary for Senator Gregg and the Obama administration to part ways. We regret that he has had a change of heart. " There is different view from Senator Gregg, in his view he didn't seek the office, he was chosen by President Obama not the other way around. The President has stated in a interview that it was Gregg that sought the office. Thus as stated in previous post a breakdown of communication. President Obama is finding that D.C rules are tough, politicians play to win, both in the Democratic and Republican Party.
Gone, Gone another Obama Nominee!
BBC News: Reports another Obama nominee; this time Republican New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg; has withdrawn his nomination because he could not support the Obama Economic Plan. In pure political terms President Obama has to look at his West Wing Operation, this is getting the silly, to many nominees that have had to withdraw due to legal or tax reasons, the latest shows a breakdown of communication. Obama needs a new Chief of Staff, he needs a Chief of Staff that can get Republican support but is moderate, again I suggest former Secretary of State James Baker, he was Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan, one of the best run political operations in history, he was Treasury Secretary when the market went in free fall and in the Administration of Bush 41 he was Secretary of State, thus was part of the team that had success in the Gulf, and the end of the Cold War. This would show that Obama could think outside the box, Ronald Reagan appointed Baker even after he had run the Bush Campaign against the Gipper.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
NYT Attacks President Obama over Renditions
The New York Times: The Liberal, Left wing New York Times attacks President Obama for following the Bush policy when it comes to rendition, the Liberal Times writes the following, " Voters have good reason to feel betrayed if they took Mr. Obama seriously on the campaign trail when he criticized the Bush administration’s tactic of stretching the state-secrets privilege to get lawsuits tossed out of court...." The Liberal, Left wing Times is more interested in the protection of terrorists than the protect of the American citizen. The paper has shown constant contempt for the security of the United States, it has released secret information on the CIA secret prisons, it has attacked USA policy in Iraq, it is more interested in the rights of those terrorists than the protection and well being of the American citizen. It attacks those that don't agree with it a vicious manner, just ask Mr O' Reilly of the Factor on Fox News. Thus what can you expect from the Times, it supported Stalin while he killed millions. Thus President Obama must be doing something right, good on you Mr President.
Democrats at War?
Politico: Reports on the internal war between the House and Senate Leadership over the Obama Economic Plan. This is typical of Democrats, they are only united when they have a Republican President to attack such as Bush 43. When they control all aspects of Government they cant help themselves, its fun to see Democrats as Democrats.
Mad Men, 2nd Season
Just seen the first episode of the Second Season of Mad Men, it was fantastic, one of the best shows on TV, intelligent, witty, fun, does not talk down the audience, if you haven't watched it, start with the first season DVD, then watch, a great intelligent show for the thinking man.
UK Limited Surge in Afghanistan
The Times: Reports that the UK is ready to send another three hundred troops to Afghanistan, in the hope that the Obama Administration will not ask for any more troops. I think PM Gordon Brown is whistling in the wind on this issue, if the President sends another thirty thousand troops to back up the UK he will expect more that just three hundred troops from the UK. Lets see if PM Brown can hold the line at this total, have my doubts, he wants Obama as his best friend, thus the cost will be more combat troops.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
USA Surge in Afghanistan ?
CNN News: Reports that President Obama will make his decision on more troops for Afghanistan quite soon. Here is my advice to the new President, no surge of troops to Afghanistan, more troops wont help, in less your going to go big and quick in to Pakistan, to clean out the tribal areas of the terrorists bases. Otherwise its wiser to keep Afghanistan at its present low level of conflict. Also when it comes to Iraq, start to withdraw troops but over a twenty three month period, also change the status of most of the combat troops to trainers of the Iraqi Army and Police. If Obama sends troops in to Afghanistan but does not deal with Pakistan he is doing a LBJ, sending in troops but not attacking the supply area with combat troops, in the case of Vietnam, it was North Vietnam, in the case of Afghanistan its Pakistan. Thus Afghanistan will become Obama's War. He might find that he wishes had kept his troops in Iraq and kept Afghanistan a low level War.
790 Billion, Jobs or More Flushing down the Toilet ?
Fox News: Reports that the West Wing and Congressional Leaders have agreed a final sum for the Obama Economic Plan, the very grand total of seven hundred and ninety billion dollars. This will either work or President Obama will have to find a Plan B, the problem is there might not be a very good Plan B. If the Debt of the American Banks is anything like the EU problem the USA is in " A World of Hurt ". The Moderate Republicans in the Senate will vote for the final combination of the House and Senate Bill, they have gone this far, the Conservatives in their States will never vote for them again, they might even face a Primary fight down the line. I guess they might be thinking that Obama will give them a job in his Administration down the line if they find they cant get re- elected back to the Senate. In the House it can be postulated that Obama will fail to get any Republican votes, in their Republican Districts this Bill has had a negative reaction.
Europe Broke !!
Telegraph: Reports that European Banks could have a debt of 16.3 Trillion pounds. In other words if you think its bad now, its going to get worse, how many banks are still to go to the Wall. It has to be postulated can the UK and the EU go broke, are we heading in to the Dark Ages when it comes to the Economy, is it every man for himself, will we start to see the UK and the EU start to use protective measures to preserve their own economies and workers. In simple language folks we are on the edge of a cliff and it will take a miracle for us not to have a worse Great Depression than the one of the 30s.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Market NOT HAPPY !!
The Times: Reports Breaking News, the Dow Jones is in Free Fall over the latest plan by the Obama Administration to save the Banking system. At 8.26pm UK time the Dow Jones is down 381.43. The Banking system is like a first date, if chemistry is wrong you don't get a second call, lets hope the Obama Administration has not forced the Market down a few more hundred points. Lets hope it rallies tomorrow.
Obama on Iraq and Afghanistan
The White House: The President was asked about Iraq and Afghanistan at his First Prime Time Press Conference. The President stated the following, " With respect to Afghanistan, this is going to be a big challenge. I think because of the extraordinary work done by our troops, and some very good diplomatic work done by Ambassador Crocker in Iraq, we just saw an election in Iraq that went relatively peacefully. And you get a sense that the political system is now functioning in a meaningful way. You do not see that yet in Afghanistan. They've got elections coming up, but effectively the national government seems very detached from what's going on in the surrounding community. " The President did not mention any timetable for Iraq, even though the question stated his Campaign pledge to get out of Iraq in sixteen months, the President did not confirm that in his answer. As Fox News has reported the Pentagon is in favour of a 23 month withdrawal, this would allow a effective withdrawal of troops and equipment. Also it would allow the Obama Administration to change the status of most troops from Combat to Training Troops, there can be a lot of trainers over a hundred thousand. President Obama is clever guy, even if his press conferences are dull! he knows that Iraq has worked, Afghanistan could be a bloody nightmare, think LBJ and Vietnam but worse, at least Vietnam never attacked the American homeland, the terrorists in Afghanistan did on 9/11 2001. Thus Obama cant get out of Afghanistan, if the USA leaves and the terrorists come back, we are back to more attacks like 9/11. Thus one can postulate that Obama will find good reasons to stay in Iraq, and keep Afghanistan at a low boiling point. The Economic Crisis, two wars are enough for two terms, if he makes a mistake in Iraq he could have a war with Iran on his hands. Thus expect the tone to change but not actual policy.
838 Billion, Down the Toilet ?
BBC News: Reports that Obama Economic Plan will cost eight hundred and thirty eight Billion Dollars. If this does not work it will destroy the election chances for Democrats for a generation, this is the final throw of the dice of those that supported the New Deal and the Great Society. Its the view that Government should run the market, yes its the most terrifying words once can hear, " We are from the Government and am hear to help! ". Its simple folks, if this works Obama gets re- elected, if it does not work, the Democrats are out in the 2010 Mid Terms and Obama is out in 2012. One hell of a throw of the dice!
Obama, Rendition and the UK
The New York Times: Reports on the case of suspected terrorist Binyam Mohamed, the new Obama Administration has as the Times reports followed the precedent of the Bush Administration, as in the case is matter of National Security. This suspected terrorist was at the centre of a UK political and legal debate on the nature of rendition. It is good to see that the Obama Administration is kept some of tools to fight terrorism, one has to wonder will the BBC run with this story, or cant they get out of the Obama bubble.
The Senate Result
CNN News: Reports on the motion to close debate on the Obama Economic Plan and the differences between the Senate and House Bills. The US Senate records the vote passed by 61 - 36. The President only got three Moderate Republicans to support this motion, he needs them for final passage, thus he needs to make sure that the House Leadership takes the Obama line on the Bill. The House Leadership have no choice but to follow the Obama's will, he is the leader of the Party after all, they want him to Campaign for them in the Mid Term Election. Also the White House can grant money to districts, they can also rejected requests. Thus Expected a quick passage of the Bill in the House and Senate before President' Day.
Obama Wins the Senate
The News wires are reporting that the US Senate has closed Debate on the Obama Economic Plan. This means that there are two steps to go before it becomes law, the House and Senate Bills have to be combined and passed again by both Chambers then it will go to the Oval for the signature of President Obama. The only problem could be with the Liberal Democrats in the House, they could try to put all the pork back in to the Bill, this could cause the moderate Republicans in the Senate to reject the Bill when it comes back to the Senate, thus the West Wing will have to keep an eagle eye on the House Leadership. The President can not afford for the House Leadership to defeat him on this Bill. On the whole it can be expected that the Obama White House will make sure the Bill gets through and keeps the Republican support. Thus a major Congressional victory for President Obama, up there with those of FDR, LBJ and Reagan. The downside is that its now the Obama Economy, the lack of Republican support means that his re - election is down to getting the economy going and making those millions of jobs for the American voter. But this is a night to congratulate the Obama White House, good job.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Is President Karzai the new Diem of Vietnam
The New York Times: Reports how President Karzai of Afghanistan has loss support of the Obama Administration due to the failure of his Administration to reform Afghanistan, the lack of reform has also effected his standing with the people of Afghanistan. This does recall the Kennedy Administration view of the Diem Government of South Vietnam before November 1963 when Diem was overthrown with the approval of the Kennedy Administration. The USA is not going to overthrow Karazi, he still the only national leader known to the International Community, but the lack of support could be taken by ambitious politicians as a green light to take power in Afghanistan. Lets recall the end of the Diem Government did not solve the problem, Diem was killed but the Governments came and went in Vietnam. The War that Kennedy enlarged with thousands of military advisers become an American War in 1964. It should be noted that we are at this stage since 2001, with the attacks of 9/11, the USA and the UK went in to Afghanistan to finish off the terrorists threat, Iraq divert attention but Iraq has been won in many respects, Afghanistan is still a problem. The terrorists are back, no Empire our country has had a good result in Afghanistan, thus the pause by President Obama is to be praised, he wants an Exit after a surge. The best exit is not to have a surge, keep Afghanistan on the low burn, use special forces, get the NATO allies to send more troops to the bloody place. As Fox News reported the Obama Administration wants it options open for leaving Iraq, in other words, Iraq has worked, sending more troops to Afghanistan would make it Obama's War. Thus can President Karazi prevent his fate being the fate of Diem, Diem was assassinated, lets hope he is a good political operator, we need Karazi we don't have that many options in the West.
Modern Iraq
Washington Post: Has an interesting article on how stable Iraq has become; of course there are still problems; but on the whole as the recent provincial elections have shown Iraq after the violence has become in some respects what Bush 43 wanted for Iraq in 2003, but only worked after his surge of troops. The Elite Media seems to have come around to the fact that Iraq after the Bush surge has worked, the Iraqi Army is taking up the security burden, the deal with the USA takes US Troops out of the towns, the majority of combat troops will be out of Iraq by 2011. Iraq after all the violence and death has a chance to become a beacon of regional peace in a War torn region. Read of the Day.
The USA and Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that the Obama Administration sees Afghanistan as a problem harder to solve that Iraq. Its good to see that the new Obama Administration is taking its time when it comes to Afghanistan, the London Times Reports that President Obama wants to know Exit route out of Afghanistan thus a delay in sending troops to the region. This is Obama's LBJ moment, after the 1964 Presidential Election LBJ could have written off Vietnam but he followed the domino theory, that if he lost Vietnam the rest of South Asia would come under threat, thus more troops in to Vietnam. In the case of Afghanistan the argument is that if the west leaves the country the terrorists will come back and we get another 9/11. Thus the argument for more troops. Of course should the West leave the terrorists will come back, they are coming back now through Pakistan, thus it would not make much difference if the West was in Afghanistan or not. It can be argued that the USA and the UK should follow the old British Imperial Policy, do a deal to open Military bases in border badlands of Pakistan, this would allow the West to clean out this region, prevent the terrorists coming back over the border, but also allow them to keep a air patrol over Afghanistan, any building that is not approved by Kabul should be bombed. Any group meetings that are not approved by Kabul should be bombed. Thus we could take the troops out but keep troops on the ground to go back if we need to attack the terrorists but also use Air Power. As stated before it does not matter how many troops you have in Afghanistan you cant win, its that simple, we the UK have tried the USSR tried, thus the need for new ideas, if you cant win through conventional military means then one has to try a steel hand in a velvet glove.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Italy Good Friend
Guardian: Reports that Italy will send another eight hundred troops to Afghanistan, their total force will now be two thousand and eight hundred. This move will force the UK to send its surge of troops, lets hope this works, have my doubts, in less you cut off the terrorists coming from the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan the surges of the West will not work, lets send our troops in to Pakistan, lets finish this once and for all, the Government of Pakistan cant do the job, the West could lose hundreds or even thousands of troops in Afghanistan, if that is their fate lets say we did the best we could, lets take the terrorists out in Pakistan.
Obama and Iraq
Fox News: Reports that the Obama Administration could take up to twenty three months to get out of Iraq, not the sixteen months that Candidate Obama stated on the Campaign Trail. A longer timetable for withdrawal would be a wise move by Obama, it would allow Iraq to build up its own security, the USA could take out combat troops but have enough US Service Personnel in country to train the Iraqi military and police. Also in the region it would warn Iran that the USA is still over the border should Iran ever go nuclear, Obama if he plays this right could have Iraq as a net positive for Obama, a peaceful Iraq would be in contrast to Afghanistan, Afghanistan could become Obama's War after the planed surge of American troops this year. Read of the Day.
805 Billion Obama Money Pit
Fox News: Reports on the price tag for the Obama Economic Plan, eight hundred and Five Billion Dollars. Lets give it a chance, have opposed this and the bank bailout, the bank bailout has cost over seventy billion in losses for the tax payer. It can be argued that this vast spending spree should prevent another Great Depression but it can be postulated it will not prevent another 1982 kind of recession. Ronald Reagan has an approvals rating of in the thirties in this period but still won big in 84. Lets see if President Obama is a master politician in the shape of Reagan and Clinton, can he get re-elected in 2012. Is this Economic Plan the building to a great re-election or the first bad throw of the dice that will lead to a one term Obama Administration.
Friday, February 06, 2009
2nd Victory for Obama
President Obama has gained his second victory in Congress, the Wires report that the US Senate has agreed on his Economic Plan. The Democrats have agreed the plan with a few moderate Republicans. The Economy is now the Obama Economy, if it works President Obama gets re-elected, if the economy fails then Obama will be another Jimmy Carter. It should be noted in 1981 Ronald Reagan had a great victory in the House and Senate, when it came to having a combination of the House and Senate Bills, the Democratic Leadership tried an End Run around the President, the President had to get on the phones again to keep his Bill. Thus President Obama should keep an eye on the House Leadership. It seems that over forty percent of the Senate plan is tax cuts, that's good, more money in the pocket helps the working class. Also from reports it seems that the Democrats and seen the light when it comes to when the money is spent, the House Bill had most of the money coming in to effect in 2012. This would help Obama but not help the Democrats in the Mid Term Elections, thus the money will be spent in the first two years. Lets hope this works, the FDR's New Deal did not work in the end, FDR had a second Wall Street crash after a couple years, President Obama cant serve four terms as President, thus in many respects he has this first term to get the economy out of the toilet. If the Economic Plan works and Obama gets a second term, he will face the fact that within two years of re-election the process will start to elect a new President. If Obama keeps Biden he wont have a dog in the race, thus he will be in the same position as Bush 43. Thus it can be postulated that Obama will dump Biden and get a younger VP in 2012. This would allow the new VP to run on the Obama Agenda, if elected the new VP would give Obama the same aura as Reagan in having his VP be his successor.
Obama Administration,
Ronald Reagan,
VP Biden
" inexcusable and irresponsible, ..... a catastroph " President Obama on the Senate and his Economic Plan
The White House: Reports on the creation of a Economic Recovery Advisory Board by President Obama. I think the President needs to calm down, he is giving the impression that the World is going to end if the Senate does not pass his Economic Plan. Last time I looked the Sun will still come up, what happened to No Drama Obama, Kennedy and Reagan would have been more cool in their public utterances and would not have left their plans to the House and Senate Leadership.
Obama NOT Cool !
BBC News: Reports that's President Obama is angry that the Senate is taking so long to pass his Economic Plan. One gets the feeling that its been a long time since any one has said no to Obama. The President is giving the appearance that he is going off his trolley as we say in North Wales. If he gets this emotional tired ( closing to ranting in other words ) what is he going to be like when it comes to his International Agenda. Iran is not going to say thank you Mr President for being nice to us, the system does not work in that way even for the Secular Second Coming that is Obama in the view of the Elite Media. Kennedy and Reagan could fight the good fight, but they had cool demure, even an ability to laugh at themselves, any one seen Obama really find that fun.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Good Day in Iraq
The Times: Reports on a secular victory in the elections in Iraq. This path taken by Iraq shows that the War was a just War. This allows the people of Iraq to see a future of peace and security, lets hope the Obama Administration does not mess it up with any pandering to the left in the USA.
Is Obama a Leader ?
Fox News: Reports on a harsh attack on President Obama's leadership by a Top Republican. At the end of the day its about winning, Obama has the votes and he will push his Economic Plan through, he won as he keeps repeating, well the Republicans will have to win the Mid Term Elections in 2010.
Obama's Money Pit Part Two
CNN News: Reports on discussion in the Senate on Obama's Economic Plan. It seems that Obama has followed the pandering route to Democrats, he is not interested in having Republican support for his Plan, he will pick up a few Moderate Republicans and then push the Plan through the Congress. It will be a win of a kind, but at a cost, if and this is a big IF, the plan does not work then what, he cant go back to the well again, even the Moderate Republicans wont have the stomach for another bailout, lets hope the West Wing is running its political operation better than its selection process for the Cabinet.
Obama's Money Pit
The New York Times: Reports that President Obama will push his Economic Plan through with Democrats and a few moderate Republican support. The Liberal Times supports the Obama Plan, as the paper is going out of business it does not see reality it sees its Agenda. Thus if President Obama pushes this Plan through with just Democrats support he will own the plan, if it does not work Obama will be another Jimmy Carter Mark 11. In 1981 Reagan pushed his Economic Plan through with Democratic support, if Obama uses this basic political move of just having a Democratic Bill he could face the same fate as Bill Clinton in 1994 when the former President lost House to Republicans. It can be argued that Obama lacks the political craft of Clinton and Reagan, thus it can be postulated that Obama will be a one term President.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
No Money if you Pray!
Fox News: Reports that Conservatives argue that the Obama Economic Plan would ban money going to Higher Education Establishments that allowed individuals to Pray. Nice to know that Obama wants to give money to Hollywood but does not think God should get attention, Liberal Values, No Taxes and No God.
The Senate Votes and the Obama Economic Plan
CNN News: Reports that Republicans in the Senate still have the power to block the Democratic Agenda. The Obama White House has to take two things in to consideration, they are pure politics, not on the merits of the Plan. On the one hand, can Obama be a new kind of leader if he gets no Republican support in the House and Senate and has to push his plan through with only Democratic votes, on the other if he is seen as weak and can be pushed around; to get Republican votes; this will create big problems down the line for the Administration. In pure political terms is it better to take the risk and push the Plan through with just Democratic votes and own the result or is it better to take some time, get cross party support but run the risk of being seen as weak. It depends how long it takes to get this Plan through, in pure political terms it would better to get Republican support, Reagan in 81 had Democrats in the House and Senate to support his Agenda, if Obama can get this and still look strong then better to have this long discussion but time is a matter of politics, better to be seen as a strong leader aka Reagan than a weak leader aka Jimmy Carter.
Reagan and Gorbachev, End of the Cold War
The Times: Reports how President Reagan and President Gorbachev finished the threat of the Cold War. This is a chance for Obama and Putin to lessen the diplomatic results of the invasion of Georgia by Russia last year. The Two leaders can develop a new deal that will vastly reduce the stockpile of Nuclear Weapons. The threat is not from Russia its from Iran, North Korea. Read of the Day.
Obama's Economic Plan
Washington Post: Reports that President Obama does not have the votes to pass his Economic Plan in the Senate, the Economic Plan written in the House of Representatives. President Obama needs to follow the example of LBJ and Reagan, he needs to get on the phone to the Senate, have meetings, do deals, see what votes can be rented, Reagan did deals, he was a pragmatic when it come to the Hill.
UK Security and Terrorism
BBC News: Reports on the threat by US Security Agencies to cut off information to their British Counter Parts should the High Court release information of a security nature. The US was right to place this pressure on the High Court, the security of the UK and the USA comes first before individual rights. The BBC even had a biased reporting, it did not mention that President Obama has authorized the CIA to still follow a policy of rendition of terrorists. I was appalled at their reporting but no change, the BBC are so in the tank for Obama that they cant admit that their man is not going to surrender to make the the BBC happy.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Tom Daschle - The Truth
ABC News: Reports that Tom Daschle's withdrawal from the nomination process as Health Secretary was his own idea, not pushed by the West Wing. If Daschle could not stand up to the D.C kitchen he might have done the President a favour. Health Reform is a major issue in the USA, thus any new reform would have been a fight, if Daschle could not take this fight would he have gotten the President Obama's Agenda through the Congress.
The Times: Reports that two of President Obama's nominees have had to withdraw their nominations due to tax issues. President Obama is finding that D.C culture does not change because the Oval has a new President. One should never take a position on ethics in a new Administration, one can almost guarantee one is going to get bitten by a nominee, ask Bill Clinton. The Reagan First Term Team was the most effective new Administration, Obama thus has problems with his Economic Plan and his nominees. The problem that Democrats have is that they are not in power that much, thus Democrats have to earn a living, thus they take outside work or leave basic issues like tax to others, this can cause problems down the line, when there is a Senate Confirmation hearing. This mess of the nomination process follows the Bill Clinton pattern, Obama should have a word with Bill Clinton, get his advice as how to avoid such issues.
The Back Channels to Iran and Syria Reports on Back Channels from the Obama Administration to Iran and Syria. This is a good move by Obama, it is through back channels you can develop a good relationship at a low level, develop trust even with Iran. It to use the old Reagan line, Trust but Verify, lets see if Iran and Syria want to come Out from the Cold. I think Syria would be the better move on that front, if Iran can be left in the cold this could force the leadership to give up on the idea of being a nuclear armed power.
Iran in Space
BBC News: Reports that Iran has launched its first satellite. One can see in the very near future Iran will announce that it is a nuclear armed power, then what will the Obama Administration do, Obama has stated that he wants to talk to Iran, but as a canny old UK PM once stated that Events, Events have a way of changing the Agenda. Israel well never allow a nuclear armed Iran.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Ross Kemp BACK in Afghanistan
The Times: Reports on the return to Afghanistan of Ross Kemp, actor turned Award Winning Documentary Maker. Hat off to Mr Kemp, not sure I would have the courage to go on foot patrols in Afghanistan, Mr Kemp shows the real side of the War in Afghanistan.
Obama and Rendition
LA Times: Reports that President Obama has authorized the CIA to follow its practice of rendition of terrorists. My estimation of President Obama has gone up, it shows that the President does get the fact that there is a War on Terror. The United States Government has to get its hands dirty as to protect the American Citizen. Those on the left in Europe care more about the rights of the terrorists than the rights of the law abiding citizen not to be killed by terrorists. Hat off to President Obama.
History, Watergate and Frost/Nixon
The New York Times: Has an interesting article on a scholarly debate about the Watergate Tapes of Richard Nixon. There is nothing like a fight between historians, politicians think they hold grudges, its nothing when it comes to Historians, as readers of this blog might notice my views of the Liberal New York Times is not great, well there is a caveat to that, their reporting from Afghanistan and Pakistan is great; because we both agree on the Issue. When it comes to history have just finished Frost/Nixon by David Frost with Bob Zelnick, excellent background to the Frost/Nixon interviews and the Interviews themselves. Also has great Transcripts of the Interviews. If you seen the great Play Frost/Nixon and are waiting to see the Film by Ron Howard, would be worth the time to read this book, will place the interviews in their context when you watch the film.
The Washington Post and the Obama Economic Plan
The Washington Post: Interesting Editorial from the Liberal Post on the Obama Economic Plan, the article states that Obama should show leadership by making the Democratic Leadership on the Hill remove the Pork from the Economic Plan; just as Obama has been critical of big business of late; the WP states the following, " Now the president should make the same demand on those in Congress, including leaders of his own party, who are cluttering his fiscal stimulus plan with extraneous and counterproductive provisions. " It should be noted that this blog noted before the Inauguration that Obama was naive to think that the Hill would not place Congressional Pork in his Economic Plan. The White House should have come out with a simple plan, not allowed the Democrats on the Hill to think this is Happy Hour for Democrats. If Obama cant not get Republican support he will own the Bill, if it works he gets all the credit if it does not work then he cant blame any one but himself, will he be another Jimmy Carter Mark 11 ?. It really depends does Obama want to be Carter or Reagan.
No Republican Support for Obama ?
Yahoo! News: Reports that Republican Senators have problems with the Obama Economic Plan. This is the time for Republicans to return to the Agenda of Ronald Reagan, Small Government, Tax Cuts and a big Defence Spending. The Obama Plan will take to long and is more about welfare for out of work workers. The Democrats need there to be poor people, Republicans want people to get rich, the Republicans are following an old lesson, if you teach a man to fish he can fish for himself and the community, if you give him fish he and the community do not benefit in the long term. In modern language, welfare in the long term creates poor out of work people, tax cuts and helping people to helm themselves grows the civic community. Follow the Reagan Path Republicans.
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