Thursday, February 12, 2009

NYT Attacks President Obama over Renditions

The New York Times: The Liberal, Left wing New York Times attacks President Obama for following the Bush policy when it comes to rendition, the Liberal Times writes the following, " Voters have good reason to feel betrayed if they took Mr. Obama seriously on the campaign trail when he criticized the Bush administration’s tactic of stretching the state-secrets privilege to get lawsuits tossed out of court...." The Liberal, Left wing Times is more interested in the protection of terrorists than the protect of the American citizen. The paper has shown constant contempt for the security of the United States, it has released secret information on the CIA secret prisons, it has attacked USA policy in Iraq, it is more interested in the rights of those terrorists than the protection and well being of the American citizen. It attacks those that don't agree with it a vicious manner, just ask Mr O' Reilly of the Factor on Fox News. Thus what can you expect from the Times, it supported Stalin while he killed millions. Thus President Obama must be doing something right, good on you Mr President.

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