Monday, February 16, 2009

The Cost of Iraq ?

The Times: Reports on the military view of the UK in Iraq, that at the end of the day it achieved its goals, thus our soldiers died for a good cause. I have to admit I agree that our noble soldiers died for a good cause, the problem is that at the end of the end of the day the British thought Basra was another Norther Ireland, thus the same tactics would work, they didn't, the Central Government had to come down and take control, the British had to be pushed back to camp to allow Basra to come under Iraqi Government control, at the end of the day we failed, the troops didn't fail, but the strategy was based on fighting a small scale counter terrorism action when massive troops was the order of the day, next time when we go in we need massive fire power and we have to keep our troops on the ground, or else the USA will think we don't have the backbone for long term engagements. The UK PM Gordon Brown should not try to make this failure up with the sending a surge to Afghanistan, this was also be a massive mistake, Afghanistan should be kept as a low level War, lets not give the terrorists more British Soldiers to kill.

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