Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1964 = 2009

The New York Times: Reports on the US buildup in Afghanistan, taking the lessons learnt the hard way in Iraq and transferring them to Obama's War in Afghanistan. This is recalls the LBJ build up in Vietnam after 1964, it starts small then it grows, gets to the point its becomes all consuming. Lets recall the Great Society Plan of LBJ was destroyed by Vietnam, the Obama Presidential Address to Congress had some of the ideas of the Great Society on the domestic front. Its the war President Obama wanted to fight, its his war now, Iraq was the Bush War, and we know what that cost the Republican Party. As long Pakistan and Afghanistan border is free access for the terrorists the War in Afghanistan can never be won, it will just go on for years, more troops, more deaths, lets hope the Obama National Security Team is really bright and find a way out, not holding my breath folks.

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