Wednesday, February 11, 2009

790 Billion, Jobs or More Flushing down the Toilet ?

Fox News: Reports that the West Wing and Congressional Leaders have agreed a final sum for the Obama Economic Plan, the very grand total of seven hundred and ninety billion dollars. This will either work or President Obama will have to find a Plan B, the problem is there might not be a very good Plan B. If the Debt of the American Banks is anything like the EU problem the USA is in " A World of Hurt ". The Moderate Republicans in the Senate will vote for the final combination of the House and Senate Bill, they have gone this far, the Conservatives in their States will never vote for them again, they might even face a Primary fight down the line. I guess they might be thinking that Obama will give them a job in his Administration down the line if they find they cant get re- elected back to the Senate. In the House it can be postulated that Obama will fail to get any Republican votes, in their Republican Districts this Bill has had a negative reaction.

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