Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Taking over the Banks

Washington Post: Reports that the Obama Administration has changed the rules of the government support for Banks, they will now take an ordinary share holder interest in the banks, this means its under government control all but name. The Obama Administration should go all the way, take over all the banks in debt, clean the banks of all bad debt, create a tougher regular control of the Banks and Wall Street. Then after the banks are solvent they should be sold back to the private sector but with the US Tax Payer getting something out of the deal, lower House payments or differed payments. The banks by law should be forced under the right financial conditions to lend to small business and states such as California. The Obama Administration should not raise taxes or try to create a National Health Service in the UK model. The raise of taxes would hurt the economy, the NHS is a constant drain in the UK.

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