Rasmussen: As with Gallup, Rasmussen has Obama ahead by 5%. The poll finds the following, Obama 49% - McCain 44 %. Obama if he is to win, needs to get a bigger margin, a safe margin over 10%. Thus if you get down to a close race, Obama could afford to lose a few points but still win in the long term. This race as has been noted is for Obama to lose, all the building blocks are there for him to win, but he needs to make a good VP choice, Hillary Clinton would help with older women.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Polls and 08 Race
Rasmussen: As with Gallup, Rasmussen has Obama ahead by 5%. The poll finds the following, Obama 49% - McCain 44 %. Obama if he is to win, needs to get a bigger margin, a safe margin over 10%. Thus if you get down to a close race, Obama could afford to lose a few points but still win in the long term. This race as has been noted is for Obama to lose, all the building blocks are there for him to win, but he needs to make a good VP choice, Hillary Clinton would help with older women.
The Truth about Obama
Liberals Attack McCain War Record
Obama on Patriotism but no Gipper
Just seen the Obama speech on what American means to him, well folks it was the worse speech I have head from a candidate who wants to be President of the United States of America. It does not work if you place the great Presidents of the United States as worse that Nixon. In this case Abraham Lincoln for his suspension of law and FDR for placement of Japanese Americans in holding areas. The actions of Lincoln and FDR has to bee seen in the context of the time, with Lincoln it was the Civil War, a War to free African - Americans, with FDR it was after Pearl Harbour in 1941. Reagan always stressed the positive about the United States, a Shinning City on a Hill. If you listen to Obama you would get the impression that the USA was a third world country. The Obama Camp has to stop playing to the base, the base wont get you elected, the speech writer for this speech should be sent on Garden Leave, civil service term for the sack. This speech wont get Reagan Democrats.
Seymour M. Hersh on Iran and the USA
Sunday, June 29, 2008
McCain on Carter
Dowd on Bill Clinton
" Kiss my Ass " Clinton to Obama! ?
Covert Action and Iran
Iran to attack Israel ?
No Money !
Gates on Obama Team ?
Attack on Iran ?
Death in Afghanistan
The Stolen Earth - Dr Who Review
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Terror in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Washington Post: How Afghanistan is going to get hotter in military terms, the problems with the border security with Pakistan and how this hurts the military in Afghanistan. The USA and the UK should meet and discuss are there any other ways to deal with Afghanistan, the UK Armed Forces are getting hurt in Afghanistan, it has become worse that Iraq, are we getting our own Vietnam.
LA Times: Reports on the threat to Peshawar in Pakistan from the Taliban. The Government of Pakistan should be supported in what it needs to do to make sure its does not fall and is replaced by a government that supports the Taliban.
Purpose - McCain Ad
The Sting and the o8 Race
Update: The Sting, movie about con men in the 1930s. That had more reality that the meet yesterday.
The 08 Race
Labour in Scotland
Death in Afghanistan
Sex And The City
Update: Well folks what a great movie, you worry sometimes when a series goes in to the movies but this worked, all the actors on top form, ah to have a girlfriend like Samantha, she can cook and I would not be at work for the serving of the food!! If you liked the series go and see the MOVIE.
Friday, June 27, 2008
A Year for PM Brown
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Grow Up Mr President!
Our Poll is RIGHT
Iran the Left
Gun Control and the 08 Race
Dr No is Senator Obama
CNN: Reports on a new political Ad by the McCain Camp, it is an Ad that will try to define Obama as a prisoner of the Liberal Elite. The Elite that does not understand the concerns of the folks, is concernd more with the welfare of animals than getting Oil. The folks need cheap gas now, not in 5-10 years that the Obama plan would try to solve the problem.
Good Politics
A New Poll - Gallup
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Great Ad, shows Obama in his true colours, does what it takes to win, more ads like this, keep it on policy, show that McCain is the real deal.
Clinton for VP Redux ?
A Trend ?
The RCP average polls has Obama ahead by 7.3%, but these include the Bloomberg and Newsweek Polls, they could be right but have my great doubts. But if the tracking polls catch up with these polls it would be a big win for Obama, but we have to wait, this is going to be a long race.
Death in Afghanistan
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Iran Attack before 09
Iran the Bomb
No Iran Attack Yet!
Death in Afghanistan
Domestic and National Security
Good Ad by McCain, the Campaign has to stress in this day and age, that Domestic security is combined with National Security. McCain has to set himself as the reformer, also good political punch at Obama with the President of Iran with the President of Venezuela together, good first ads by McCain.
Target Iran ?
Bush the New York Times and Iraq
Silly Season
Diplomacy and Iran
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Obama and Money
The Other Polls
Right folks lets have a look at other polls, and in my view more accurate for the 08 race.
Rasmussen Poll: This shows the race a lot closer, Obama has a 5% lead of McCain. The tracking poll has the following results: Obama 48% - McCain 43%. Again Obama has not gotten over the 50% mark while McCain is still under 45%. Thus a narrow lead by Obama, recall if narrow lead by rule is that its an even race.
Gallup Poll: This poll shows a even race, Obama is ahead but not by much, 2%. The poll find the following, Obama 46% - McCain 44%. As stated above the Obama lead is between 5% - 2%. This race is not going to be a blowout for either candidate. A long hot summer awaits, well rain in the UK.
USA TODAY/Gallup Poll: Also shows that the Obama lead is in the margin stated above, in this poll its 6%. Not the 15% swing in the Newsweek Poll. In this poll, Obama 50% - McCain 44%. Lets see if the polls change over the days, weeks ahead, if not we can discount the Newsweek the poll as an outrider and that is being kind, Newsweek is the tank for Obama lets hope its not became a 527 in all but name.
New Poll - Newsweek
Turn left - Doctor Who Review
Friday, June 20, 2008
Edwards for VP ?
Israel and Iran
Israel attack on Iran ?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Friday Polls, 08 Race
Fox News: Reports that Obama is ahead by follows the trend from last week, in this Poll Obama is ahead by 4%, in the match up, Obama 45% - McCain 41%. In the poll a interesting find was that Obama/Clinton v McCain/Romney would win 48% - 41%.
It could be argued that McCain is doing something right, he has kept the Obama lead down to single digits. Thus the move to the right when it comes to drilling seems to be working, needs to stress Drilling on the USA coast, with the cost of gas at 4 dollars and above the American people are not that green. Obama needs to create the impression that he is in the centre, his first ad was good but he needs to do something that will make Liberals unhappy, if he is seen as a Elite Liberal he will lose the election.
No, No and No ?
2000 = 2008
Obama 1st General Election Ad
Electoral Collage
FL, 27 = McCain
NC,15 = McCain
MO,11 = McCain
VA,13 = McCain
In, 11 = McCain
Mi, 17 = McCain
NH,4 = McCain
OH,20 = McCain
NV, 5 = McCain
Total 286 ( POTUS )
States in Play 08 Redux
Obama another Nixon!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
States in Play - 08 Race
Lieberman for VP?
Deaths in Afghanistan
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Front Line in Afghanistan
The Polls for the 08 Race
Monday, June 16, 2008
Afghanistan and Iran and the West
UK,USA and Iran
Troop Surge for Afghanistan
The Moscow Summit 1988
Fathers Day without Father
Bush, another Truman
Pakistan and Afghanistan Border
What price loyalty? Richard Nixon has a point!!
Dr Who in the NYT
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Joe Lieberman in the DOG HOUSE
The Future of the 08 Race
McCain and Vietnam
Clintons and Divorce ?
Lisbon Redux
Midnight - Dr Who Review
Friday, June 13, 2008
Obama and Clinton ?
Thank God for the Irish
John McCain Town Hall Event
A very good Town Hall meeting by John McCain. The Senator was tough on Foreign Policy but moderate and reforming when it came to domestic issues. The Senator was good in pointing out that Obama had not visit Iraq in years, Obama has to be careful that he does not throw away his lead that he has received since becoming the nominee, in the RCP average of polls has Obama leading by 4.3%, lets have a look at the latest individual polls, the Hotline poll shows a close race, Obama 44, McCain 42%, thus you have an even race, lets have a look at the National Tracking Polls, Gallup has Obama leading by McCain by 6%, Obama 48%, McCain 42%. The margin of six percent is followed in two other polls, Rasmussen has Obama leading by 6%, while NBC/WSJ polls also had this margin of 6%. The general view is that Obama will lead over the next few months before the Conventions, lets see, he wont get the rock star treatment as he has had in the fight with Hillary Clinton, lets be honest the Elite Media didn't like the Clintons, its not that easy when it comes to John McCain. Over the years, the Elite Media has stressed how they wish the Republicans would follow the lead of McCain, well McCain is now leading, the Republican nominee in the West Wing was based on McCain. Over the next few weeks watch the polls, its going to get a lot closer, think 1960, 1968, 1976, 2000, 2004. The Country is split, we have a long road before November.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Obama on Terror
Deaths in Afghanistan
Liberal NYT and Terror
The 42 Vote
More on Johnson
Obama, VP, and the Real World!
War with Iran ?
BBC News: Reports that President Bush has made it clear that the military option is in play should Iran not stop it Nuclear Policy. The only option for Iran is military, we have the played the Diplomatic game, Iran wants to play the clock, it hopes it will get a better deal from the next American President. The Government in Iran is forgetting one thing, Bush 43 has nothing to lose, he has reached the level of Richard Nixon after Watergate when it comes to popularity. If one thinks that President Truman was not very popular when leaving office, but looks great now, he was willing to do what had to be done, in other words, he dropped the Bombs on Japan. The war had to end with the least loss of American Armed personnel. Bush 43 should give a warning to Iran, twenty four hours to release all its nuclear information, to have UN inspectors in Iran to check all areas of concern, they should be backed up with military force. If the government in Iran says No, then the USA has to hit Iran hard, heavy bombing of its nuclear buildings and also its security and economic structure. The bombing should also be based on the general stated view that should Iran attack Iraq the USA would use all weapons to end the war. Its coming folks, the conflict one way or another, the security of the West is at stake at the present time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Flaws in the Unity of the Dems
Iran Threat
Clinton = Nixon
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
VP spot with McCain
VP spot with Obama
Iran threat to the World
Yahoo!. News: Iran has threatened serious action should it be attacked over its Nuclear Plans. The government is Iran has shown itself to be a threat to the region, it plays for time, talking about diplomacy but giving nothing, the West has tried all diplomatic paths with Iran, at end of the day, the nuclear structures in Iran have to be taken out one way or anther, lets finish it before they can attack Israel. As long as this rogue regime is in control in Iran the West is under security threat, the West should take firm military action for its own sake but also for the people of Iran.
Iran Attack ?
Cyber War and the 08 Race
Electoral College
CNN News: The match up between McCain and Obama is even, CNN have the following results, Obama 190, McCain 194. This is quite early so expect different forms of the Map. Its just an bit of fun at this stage.
Obama another Reagan
Obama another Carter
Monday, June 09, 2008
100 Dead in Afghanistan
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Should Hillary Clinton be the VP ?
The Polls for the General Election - USA
Lets take a breath, a long road has just started in the 08 race.
Clintons and the Presidential Chapter ?
Update: Folks this is my last post on the Clintons, unless Obama puts her on the ticket she is old news, this is time for the General Election, thus henceforth the posts will be about the General Election and the Obama and McCain contest.
Dick Morris on Hillary Clinton
Mark Penn on 08
Hillary Clinton and Women
Bill Clinton TODAY
Not My Planned Party ?
Forest of the Dead - Doctor Who Review
Friday, June 06, 2008
High Noon and OUT
How Domestic is National Security
This Ad from McCain is good, it places Domestic and National Security in the same context. Grade B
Israel and Iran
John McCain - General Election TV Ad
Great First General Election TV Ad by McCain. But the McCain Camp also has to make sure that its got a good domestic TV Ad to follow, McCain has to be the National Secuirty and Domestic President. Grade A
Obama and Clinton Meet, THE STORY
James Bond
Update: Finished, a great summer read, have gone back to the start of the series of books, have just bought Casino Royale.
Obama and Clinton MEET
Thursday, June 05, 2008
McCain v Obama Poll of Polls
Clinton's End Game
Obama and the Clinton Long March to the End!!
Clinton D - Day
Update: The breaking news broke on Thursday, the original reports had Friday as the end day for Clinton, this has now been moved to Saturday.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Bill and Hillary Clinton
RCP: A scathing critic of Bill and Hillary Clinton. The former first family should skip the article over breakfast.
Obama and Iran
The New York Observer: Looks at the comparisons between 1984 and 2008 in the Democratic Race. In 84 Mondale was put over the top by Super Delegates. I don't think Obama wants to be Walter Mondale, he lost 49 states to Ronald Reagan. Also Mondale later on could not win back his old Senate Seat due in some respects to his defeat in 1984.
Poor Pundits!!
Elite Media and Clinton
Washington Post: The description of the Clinton Camp on the day Obama won the nomination sounds like something out of nut house, but you have to give it to the Clintons, they never give up even when its over, finished. The WP states the following, " For a candidate who had just lost the nomination, she seemed very much in charge. " In all my years of watching and reading about American politics this takes the biscuit its surreal, am feeling sorry for Obama!!