Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Future of the 08 Race

Politico: Reports on the view of Historians on the chances of McCain winning, two word answer, NO WAY!. But one has to remember this is after 9/11 and if one uses the example of 1968 and 1976, Humphrey and Ford came close when they had been back in the polls. Also it should be noted that McCain is not tied to Bush as Humphrey was to Lyndon Johnson. Plus Iraq after the surge is working, Iraq is not popular but the death toll is down, and the economy even with high oil prices is not in the tank what ever Democrats say often in their speeches. Lets deal with the elephant in the room, this is a change election, the Democrats have the first African - American Nominee for President, one has to ask are the American people ready for such a change, and even if they are, is Obama the right one, he is Liberal, he has moved to the centre but his losses of the later states in the Democratic Race show that if he can be defined by McCain as a Elite Liberal he might have problems, also McCain is a War Hero, POW in Vietnam, he was tortured, a maverick within the Republican Party. If Democrat hold the Champagne!!

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