New York Times: Reports that Congressional Leaders want the Democratic Race over next week after the State votes. If one looks at the end trend, the Democratic Nominee should be well ahead of McCain, but Obama as stated in previous post is even with McCain. The Democrats have to get in shape for the general election, the internal race has to come to an end. The pundits seem to think that Hillary Clinton will suspended her Campaign, wait for the Obama Camp to have another slip up like Reverend Wright. I don't see Hillary Clinton as the VP to Obama.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Bill Clinton Redux
U.S News & World Report: Looks at the role of Bill Clinton in the 08 race and the effect on his wife, Hillary Clinton. One word comes to mind, disaster. The article has the regular Clinton hands who think that Clinton can turn it around, but they miss one thing, Obama will have won, he does not want Hillary Clinton as his VP and should Obama became POTUS he will want the stage to himself, not a share with Bill Clinton.
Jimmy Carter and the O8 Race
A few interesting articles on how Jimmy Carter has affected the 08 Race. Jimmy Carter is not one of my favorite former Presidents.
Time: A very interesting article that looks at the idea that President George .W. Bush needs Senator McCain to win the general election as to allow him to follow in the footsteps of the Gipper. Reagan did something that neither Eisenhower or Clinton managed, his Vice - President won, Nixon went down to defeat to Kennedy and of course Gore was defeated by Bush. Reagan is seen as transformational President by Obama, while Clinton is not, in many respects the Campaign of 08 is more about Bill Clinton seeking a legacy after the failure of 2000. Also the article looks at both Obama and Carter and their campaigns, how they came from nowhere, but Carter won can Obama. Also Read of the Day.
Washington Post: Looks at how both Obama and Carter had similar roads to the White House, but also how this was a weakness when you come to government. Is Senator Obama another Jimmy Carter, we all know how much a disaster that administration was to the the USA. Read of the Day.
Time: A very interesting article that looks at the idea that President George .W. Bush needs Senator McCain to win the general election as to allow him to follow in the footsteps of the Gipper. Reagan did something that neither Eisenhower or Clinton managed, his Vice - President won, Nixon went down to defeat to Kennedy and of course Gore was defeated by Bush. Reagan is seen as transformational President by Obama, while Clinton is not, in many respects the Campaign of 08 is more about Bill Clinton seeking a legacy after the failure of 2000. Also the article looks at both Obama and Carter and their campaigns, how they came from nowhere, but Carter won can Obama. Also Read of the Day.
More on that Beltway Book
New York Times: Has a low opinion of Scott McClellan 's book. If Mr McClellan was expecting a thank you from the Liberal New York Times he has made a mistake, all he has done is to confirm what the Liberal Elite think about Bush and his White House and shown his friends that he cant be trusted.
Slate: Shows that if McClellan was a Bush friend, then Bush 43 does not need any enemies. As with the Times the Slate does not have that much time for McClellan.
The Politico: How White House Press Core was not as surprised as the Bush White House by the book. The White House Press Core are never surprised!! The Politico points something quite interesting about the book, McClellan has a go at the Washington Press, Politico states the following, " Although McClellan writes in his book about how the press corps hammered away during Plame affair, he also slights the media for not being aggressive enough before the administration’s decision to invade Iraq. " The answer from the press and it has some merit is that you have to recall it was after 9/11, Bush could have invaded all the Middle East at the time and the public and the media would have supported the move, events change so do the perception.
Good Advice to Obama
New York Times: Ms Dowd has excellent political advice for Obama. Its simple, how to make sure Hillary Clinton is not your VP. At its core, " Follow the Money " to the Clinton Library. If in Obama Camp Read.
Florida and Michigan Redux
New York Times: Reports on the problem of Florida and Michigan for the DNC. Obama has to make sure that the States are seated at the convention, it 50 states after all but he cant give an inch to the Clintons or they will take all they can get, even the nomination. This is the time for Obama to show that he wants to be President, he has to take it, that's shows leadership.
The General Election - Gallup Tracking Poll
I am loath to do Presidential match ups before the Democratic Race is really over and the conventions but its interesting to look at the Daily Gallup Tracking Poll just before Obama becomes the nominee for the Democrats. In the Gallup Tracking Poll McCain leads Obama by 1%. Gallup has McCain on 46% while Obama is on 45%, thus we have recent attacks on Obama by McCain, wants him to go to Iraq to talk to the Army Commanders, while he states Obama's policy of talking to enemy nations while not USA commanders. This is a good old political method, define Obama before he can define himself, show him as a young, weak liberal leader, plus he is no Gore or Kerry, he has never served in the military. Watch the Gallup Poll to see if Obama is allowing McCain to define him before the Convention in August.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Scott McClellan and his Book
Washington Post: Reports that McClellan states the the USA - Iraq conflict could only end in war, the Bush Policy could only end with the USA in Iraq. The WP states the following, " The book, coming from a man who was a tight-lipped defender of administration aides and policy, is certain to give fuel to critics of the administration, ...." McClellan will became a favorite of Liberals, loyalty I guess is not part of the McClellan make up.
New York Times: A fair article on the book but they would, feeds their own negative views of the Bush Presidency.
Reagan, Bush and Books
The Politico: Has an exclusive on a new book by Scott McClellan, a former Press Secretary to President George W. Bush. The tone of the book is critical, but then President Ronald Reagan had to cope with a few critical books. In other words history is a long term game, Reagan considered great now if not at the time. Interesting Read on the Bush White House. Read of the Day.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Obama's Victory!!
CNN News: Reports that the Obama Camp will declare victory after the final Primary Votes. After that victory the only problem Obama will have is to keep Hillary Clinton off the ticket that will be difficult if she has more of the popular vote than him, and her base want her to be offered the VP spot. Obama once its over needs a high profile supporter of Hillary Clinton, a Governor would be good to take the VP spot and early, otherwise all he will hear till the Convention in August is that Hillary Clinton should be the VP. Politics is a tough and harsh business, Obama has to show leadership and finish the Clinton Campaign for both the Presidency and the Vice - Presidency. This is the first test for Obama.
Obama and the General Election
CNN News: Reports that Bill Clinton has stated that Obama will lose the general election. This kind of comment helps Obama very much, he does not have to choose his wife for the VP spot, has Bill Clinton lost his political magic or was he just lucky before, one has to ask the question.
30s and Single
The Times: Has an excellent article if your in your the following, 30s, single, male, and not gay ( nothing wrong with that ) but as this article points out we also need attention, this important, who cares about global warming if you are like me in this group. Read and Weep!!
Iran the Bomb
BBC News: Reports that the International Atomic Energy Agency has stated that Iran is not telling the whole story about its nuclear development. Israel in the end as it did in Syria and before the change of Administration in USA will have to take military action to make sure Iran does not became a threat in the Middle East.
Israel and the Bomb
BBC News: Reports that former President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has around 150 nuclear weapons. As a former President, Carter still has security access so one has to wonder is this sum based on published information or secret information, if its secret has he broken some law? This does not help Obama, Carter is not trusted by Jewish voters due to his talking with the perceived enemies of Israel and his critical remarks of Israel. The Obama Camp in pure political terms has to show there is water between Obama and Carter.
Professor Henry Jones Jr
Had a chance to see the new Indy movie, it was great, Mr F, Mr S, Mr L should do a quick sequel. The audience in the cinema at the end of the movie applauded. Am to old to wait for nearly another twenty years for a sequel. So get of that dime and give us poor audience a another Indy movie.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on another death in Afghanistan, the total now stands at 97. Please tell me there is an exit plan out of this bloody place.
NYT and the VP Clinton
New York Times: Looks at the prospects of Hillary Clinton becoming the VP. Mr Krugman writing in the Times states the following, " What about offering Mrs. Clinton the vice presidency? If I were Mr. Obama, I’d do it. Adding Mrs. Clinton to the ticket — or at least making the offer — might help heal the wounds of an ugly primary fight. " The problem with a offer it might just get accepted, does Obama really want Bill and Hillary breathing down in neck for four to eight years, also what if an offer is made based on the idea it will be rejected, and they accept, they are conned in other words. The best thing for Obama to do is get someone that appeals to Clinton voters but also ticks the following boxes, male, white, older, executive experience as in former Governor or Mayor and also Foreign Policy experience.
Obama on RFK and Clinton
Washington Post Blog: Reports that the Clinton Camp sees the Media fuss about the RFK comment by Clinton as being pushed by the Obama Camp. On the one hand the Obama Camp is pushing the comments while the candidate Obama is looking statesman like by saying its over. Cool tough politics, just what VIEWS would do with Hillary Clinton. It is still possible that Obama might want Clinton on the ticket, to help with her base in the General Election but it would make the JFK/ LBJ relationship look like friends having a great time with Bobby Kennedy is full support.
Clinton and the Senate
IHT: Looks at the prospects for Hillary Clinton on her return to the Senate should Senator Obama not put her on the ticket. If you think about it she could became the new Lioness of the Senate, in the footsteps of Senator Ted Kennedy.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Cold War and the Titanic
The Times: Reports that the finding of the RMS Titanic was really a cover story for the US Navy, as they wanted to know what had happened to two of their Nuclear Subs. What a story and its true, Dr Ballard has confirmed the story only after the secret classification was removed, this story would make one hell of a movie. The Cold War, Nuclear Subs, fear that that one has been sunk by the USSR, ending of the Cold War and the truth about the Sub and the Titanic.
West Wing Fact and Fiction
I was watching the last season of the West Wing on Saturday, as since we have almost a match on the Democratic and Republic when it comes to the 08 Presidential Race, lets see if fiction matches reality. In the world of the West Wing, Congressman Santos of Mexican - American descent and in the real world Senator Obama of African - American descent, both ethnic candidates, on the Republican side, Senator Vinick a Republican Maverick in the real world, Senator McCain also a Republican Maverick. In the first episode " The Ticket " Santos is down 9 points to Vinick. In the West Wing world, the Republicans have their convention first followed by the Democrats. In our real world, the Democrats go first followed by the Republicans. Lets see what the first Gallup poll has the race after the conventions. CALL TO ALL WEST WING FANS, KEEP AN EYE OUR FOR ANY OTHER EXAMPLES THAT HAVE FICTION AND REALITY MATCH. The first one is of course McCain wanted a guess worker programme, Vinick also, McCain has a problem with the Conservative base, so does Vinick, and that's from the first three episodes.
Hello Cleo !!
Fox News: Reports that Tomb of Cleopatra has been found, this find would match the discovery of King Tut. Lets hope its true and that the Tomb has not be robbed in the past.
Bill Clinton on Hillary 08
CNN: Reports that Bill Clinton still thinks Hillary can win the nomination. The theory being that if she can win big in the up coming states the Super Delegates will give her the nomination. A majority of these Super Delegates are politicians in their own right, they are not going to lose the African - American vote to help Hillary Clinton. One thinks of the Clinton Campaign as a nightmare that you have just woken from, but you are still in the dream, when it will end!!
NYT and Clinton and Obama
New York Times: Interesting article on the RFK comment and how it was treated by the Media through the day. One thing that really struck VIEWS and mentioned in the article is in this day and age you need a good broadband connection, if you report or blog on politics.
NYT on Hillary
New York Times: Ms Dowd is right on the money, she writes the following on Hillary, " Obama now has the perfect excuse not to pick Hillary as his running mate. She has been too unseemly in her desire to be on the scene if he trips, or gets hit with a devastating story. .." But as noted in previous post, if Hillary has the majority of the popular vote and Bill uses his magic to get the super delegates to give her the VP spot, Obama might be stuck with her, the only way not to have her is to put his foot down and pick someone that helps him and force the Convention to follow his lead, that is called leadership.
What Next ?
The Washington Post: Reports that the Clinton Campaign main aim is to get the popular vote majority over Obama, the Post states the following on Clinton, " aggressively campaigning in the final three contests of the primary season in the hope of seizing a victory in the overall popular vote..." The question that has to be asked is why, Reagan in 1976 had the popular vote over Ford but still lost, Craig Shirley points out in his excellent book on the 1976 Campaign that Reagan would have taken the VP spot if Ford had offered it to him, is Clinton forcing the Obama Camp to offer her the VP spot, if not to help with Campaign debts, make her Secretary of State, the Supreme Court, or a combination of the above. VIEWS thinks that she is after the VP spot, Obama is going to have a hard time is saying NO. The first African - American Nominee and the second woman VP Nominee would be a hard slog with the voters, also the Clintons have a lot of baggage.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
UK Media on Clinton and RFK comment
The Times: Reports on the negative reaction to the Clinton comment and how Bill Clinton is after a White House pass via the door of the VP spot for Hillary Clinton. After this comment there is no way Obama will take her as his VP, think of her on the campaign trail with Bill, the damage they could do to Obama in 08.
The Telegraph: How Hillary Clinton has had to back peddle over her RFK comment and the prospect of the VP spot with Obama. As stated Obama might have given her the VP spot early on if she had made a grace full exit not now, Mrs Obama would not be happy with Hillary as VP after the RFK comment.
NYT and Hillary Clinton
New York Times: Is less that impressed with Hillary Clinton and her apology, the Times states the following, " Is it even possible that Mrs. Clinton thinks someone out there was not offended by her remark, Kennedy relative, Obama relative, or just plain folks? " As the paper has endorsed Hillary Clinton they are walking back, the race card and now this, the liberal elite will make her life hell for the time she stays in the race.
Clinton on Obama and RFK
You Decide on the RFK comment.
Elite Media on Clinton, Obama and RFK
Lets see what the elite media think of the RFK comment.
New York Post: Reports that the comment has angered some of the leaders in the African - American community, has not gone down well with the Obama Camp.
New York Daily News: States the following, " Clinton has killed her own chances of being vice president. She doesn't deserve to be elected dog catcher anywhere now. " I ask the reader can you see Obama standing on a platform with Hillary Clinton now as his VP. If was Hillary Clinton would get out of the race now, today, any more comments like this she might find herself facing a primary fight for her own Senate seat and with no help from a President Obama.
New York Post: Reports that the comment has angered some of the leaders in the African - American community, has not gone down well with the Obama Camp.
Clinton on Obama and RFK
BBC News: Reports on the remarks by Hillary Clinton that it was not unusual for the Democratic Race to go through June, she used the example of her own husband in 1992 but also the tragic assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968. This final remark could cost her the VP spot, due to the nature of Presidential Politics one should never directly bring this up, to many nuts jobs out there, Hillary Clinton has said sorry, but the damage is done, no VP spot for Hillary Clinton. One can add this major mistake to the mistakes of her campaign in 08.
Friday, May 23, 2008
More on Clinton and the VP Spot
New York Times: Reports on the push to get the VP spot for Hillary Clinton. One has to think this is coming from the Clinton Camp, the political war is over, and it seems that Hillary Clinton has had enough of the Senate, plus lets be honest the Senate was a step to the Presidency for Clinton, more years as a backbencher would not appeal. Either way a VP spot would help her if Obama wins or losses.
VP Spot for Dems
Time: Reports that Bill Clinton wants Hillary Clinton to be the VP. Obama should pick one of her supporters, the VP should tick the following boxes, white, old, male, foreign Policy experience and to the right of Obama.
Crewe and Nantwich Result
The gain in the By - Election of Crewe and Nantwich and the swing of 17.6% to the Conservative Party could see the men in Boiler suits coming around to 10 Downing Street to inform their Colleague that time is over, the Time and Motion Man, ( the UK Voters ) have found him wanting and they need to replace him. I confirm my view that Gordon Brown wont be the Leader of the Labour Party at the next general election.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Convention Fight ?
RCP Blog: The general idea was the Hillary Clinton was looking for the VP spot with Obama, even if he didn't want her, now RCP Blog reports that the Clinton Camp could take the fight to the convention. Is Florida and Michigan really that close to the heart of Hillary Clinton or is this very good blackmail, in other words, give me the VP spot or else, if I was cynical and a Clinton that is what I would do, but then I am not cynical.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Obama the next POTUS ?
Telegraph: The paper seems to have fallen for the Obama spin, yes he will be the Democratic Nominee, no this does not mean he will be the next President of the United States of America.
No Obama - Clinton Ticket
CNN: Reports that former President Jimmy Carter does not see Senator Obama asking Hillary Clinton to be his VP. This would be a wise move by Obama.
Advice to Senator John McCain
If your in a hole, you have two options, dig your self out or bury yourself. As we humans tend to fight for life when under threat, well politicians have to see their battleground and figure out how to win over their opponent. Thus if your Senator McCain, you have one problem and one advantage, that being President George W. Bush. On the negative side, he is not popular, if fact since records have started he has the highest Gallup disapproval of any President, even Nixon. On the other hand Bush is President of the United States of America. The Democratic Nominee for President, Senator Obama has walked in to a mine field when it comes to Iran. Obama has stated he would talk to the President of Iran without preconditions. As noted yesterday on this blog, there are reports out of Israel that the Bush Administration wants to bomb Iran before the Bush Administration leaves office in January of 2009. As you read this section, close your eyes and think, its a few days before the election in November, Bush it is announced will be making a speech from the Oval Office, a speech of National Security Importance. The rumours are around the Beltway that Bush is about to attack Iran or has attacked, Obama is out there stating his opposition. Then the President announces that Israel has attacked Iran with the support of the USA. Lets see McCain would support the move. Obama was be stuck, he could not attack Israel without losing the Jewish vote, but no reaction and the Liberals in the Democratic Party will go wild. Thus advice to McCain, keep close to Bush.
Clinton Campaign End ?
The New Republic: Article that looks at the Clinton mistakes. One major mistake that hits you between the eyes is that Hillary Clinton was fighting the General Election fight in Democratic Primaries, the main issue being Iraq. It can be argued that Hillary Clinton thinks that if she was to say sorry for her Iraq vote she would lose the general, weak women don't get elected, this is true, but if you don't get the nomination you cant fight in the general. I recall Bill Clinton always saying, you have to fight the election your in, it seems Hillary did not listen to the master politician.
Obama, Clinton and the 08 Race
Slate: Another article that looks at why Clinton is still in the race and how she will exit. The Elite Media really want Clinton out, the Clinton Campaign is getting on their nerves. They want to support Obama but they still have to deal with Hillary Clinton.
Obama and Pledge Delegates
Fox News: Reports that Obama has claimed the majority of the pledge delegates in the Democratic Race. The speech was not his best, he still speaking to the Liberal voters within the Democratic Party. The following impressions have to be avoided, that he will raise taxes, aka Walter Mondale in 1984, and that he is weak in Foreign Policy, he needs to walk back from the impression that he will talk to Iran and Cuba without preconditions. Those Democratic Surrogates for Obama are using the same line, younger people in Iran want a closer relationship with the USA, thus we should talk, younger people in Florida might not have the same ideas as those from a older generation. This is a typical problem for Liberals, in Iran, yes a majority of the population was born after the Revolution of 1979, but here is the fact, they are not in power, and never will be with the regime that controls in Iran at the moment. As for Cuba, the Democrats are missing the point, the new regime in Cuba knows that their suppression wont last, thus the move to allow for more freedom, and what does Obama want to do, give the regime oxygen. Both Kennedy and Reagan looked at the option of getting better relationship with Cuba, it did not happen, the regime in Cuba must be destroyed from without. Also Obama has won Oregon State as expected by the pundits.
Clinton for VP
The answer is in, Hillary Clinton wants to be Vice - President, her Campaign Team came close to stating that was the aim on Fox News. The win in Kentucky by Clinton over Obama by 65% to 3o% shows that she is still in the race. Obama can not afford to have Clinton on the ticket, you cant be the change candidate if you you have Hillary and Bill Clinton breathing down your neck. Forget the next few contests this is about the Clinton plan to get the VP spot for Hillary. Does the Obama camp have have the back bone to say no to the Hillary Clinton.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What went Wrong with Hillary ?
New York Times: Has a forensic look at why Hillary Clinton lost, expect a lot of these articles from now till Hillary throws in the towel.
Senator Edward Kennedy
BBC News: Reports on the illness of Senator Kennedy. Surprising it does mention Chappaquiddick, fair and balanced. Read of the Day.
Obama - Clinton Ticket ?
The Hill: Looks at how Obama supporters do not want Clinton as VP. The Campaign has hurt her with the African - American voters, also her Foreign Policy experience is not that great, thus older running mates with Foreign Policy experienced are being looked at at the present. A dream candidate would be older, tough as old boots, to the right of the Democratic Party, and wants to bomb Iran, not easy find in the modern Democratic Party.
Iran Attack ?
The Jerusalem Post: Reports that Bush Administration is planning to attack Iran before it leaves office in 2009. The White House has denied the plan, they would either way.
Iran Stratagem
The Obama Campaign has to find a way to walk him back from his comments that he will have direct talk with Iran without preconditions. He goes on about Kennedy and Reagan talking to the leaders of the USSR, but Kennedy and Reagan did not have the impression of peace nicks before their election, 1960 Kennedy attacked the Eisenhower/ Nixon Administration for the Missile Gap and Reagan attacked Carter for his failed policy with USSR after they invaded Afghanistan. If Obama is to be another Kennedy or Reagan, he will have to be practical, change policy or lose the election.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that another British Soldier has died in Afghanistan, the total is now 96. What is the Exit Plan?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bill Clinton
New York Times: A Liberal dream, Clinton becomes the VP to Obama and Bill Clinton takes her seat in the Senate. Lets see are the Democrats trying to lose the election? Lets start, Obama does not want Hillary Clinton as his VP, he could not trust her, its always about the Clintons, and the idea that Bill Clinton should fill her seat in the Senate, if an African - American would have a few problems with that idea. Also if your President Obama do you really want Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton breathing down your neck, not if you have a brain cell!! Read Understand the Modern Democratic Party.
Oregon Vote
Interesting poll from ARG, in this poll Obama is only ahead by 5%.
Obama 50%
Clinton 45 %
Obama 50%
Clinton 45 %
As we have seen in other polls and exit polls Obama does better in them than the actual result. What if Clinton wins while Obama is in Iowa, state voters dont like to be taken granted. The question does it matter, depends if Clinton wins and by how much. If was a betting man would still see a victory for Obama. The RCP average of the polls in Oregon has Obama ahead by 12.4%, the political talk from the TV pundits and the campaigns has Obama winning Oregon, what if we was to lose by 10%, just a wild thought. It is expected that if things go to plan, Clinton will take Kentucky and Obama Oregon, after that Obama is expected to announce he has won the nomination. The Obama Camp has moved the candidate to Iowa, the first majority white state that he won, my money would be on Obama.
Kentucky Vote
Well at least VIEWS wont have to stay up all night to watch the returns come in from Kentucky. The RCP averages of Polls has Clinton leading by 28.7%. The question does it matter, the answer as in West Virginia is no, this race is over, Obama will be the nominee. The question it does raise is how will Obama connect, blue collar white workers. McCain had a similar problem with the right of the Republican Party. Lets recall McCain has had a couple of months to do some field work with the right, Obama once Clinton throws in the towel is in a general election fight.
Obama on Fox and Kentucky
McClatchy Washington Bureau: Reports that the Democratic Nominee, Senator Obama has stated that Fox News is the leading reason that is expected lose in Kentucky next week. He does not like being attacked it seems, my reply would be get used to it, this is not your Senate run, not a walk in, if you cant take the heat your don't deserve the Presidency.
The Unicorn and the Wasp - Dr Who Review
The Doctor Who News Page: Another great episode, the season has its it stride, "made ones gray cells think ", loved the combination of a Dame Agatha Christie and Sci - Fiction, can we do that again in 2010. Bloody Great, and what a sting in the tail!! It should be noted that Dr Who was the top show on BBC1.
Obama Victory ?
The Sunday Times: Reports that the Obama Campaign could declare victory next week, this phony war could be finlay over!! Read of the Day.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Appeasement and the NYT
New York Times: President Bush has really touched a nerve with his attack on appeasement, the Liberal New York Times states the following on the polices of the Bush Administration, " Those failed policies are one reason we yearn for the coming change of administration and for the next president to reject Mr. Bush’s bullheadedness. " This from the paper that covered up for a mass murder in the shape of Stalin, the same paper that has released the national security secrets of the United States. And worse its losing money.
New York Times: A profile of Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy Adviser and Speechwriter. Read of the Day.
Foreign Policy
Fox News: Reports that the Republicans are going after Obama and his statement that he would meet the leaders of Iran, Syria, Cuba and North Korea without conditions. The reaction of Obama Camp is just odd, they think they are still fighting a Primary against Hillary Clinton, the voters in the Primaries are off based Liberal, the rest of the country is not!! Advice to McCain Campaign, ask the Reagan Library to borrow their political commercials from the 1984 Campaign, the ones with the bears, new narration, replace the USSR with Iran and few shots of the President of Iran of stating that he wants to destroy Israel. Make Obama to the left of Mondale. Democrats smell the coffee, its the general now, do you want to win?
Lets recall that 3am ad by Hillary Clinton was very effective.
Hillary Clinton and the Exit ?
US News and World Report: Looks at what it will take for Clinton to get out of the race and her future in the Democratic Party and National Politics.
Obama Surrogates
Have been watching the Obama surrogates on the old goggle box, they are getting their knickers in the twist trying not to look like appeasers, its not working. If Obama wants to be POTUS, he is going to have to find a away to dump his Liberal Polices or he is heading for Walter Mondale defeat. A President of the United States of America can not shake hands with the President of Iran, a man that wants to destroy Israel. The point of conditions is to avoid such embarrassing pics. Advice to Obama, do you want to win the Presidency, or win a popularity contest in Hollywood, find a way to ditch your Liberal Foreign Policy or you wont win its that simple.
Obama and Appeasement
Fox News: Reports that Senator McCain is attacking Obama for his Foreign Policy ideas, seen by Appeasement by some. It can be argued that this row helps and hurts Obama, on the positive, McCain is seen as in the same boat as Bush, Bush has very low approval ratings, on the other hand this can hurt Obama. Lets look at the JFK/Obama debate JFK was war hero, Obama has never served, JFK had served in the House and the Senate, JFK had a tough fight for the Senate seat, Obama had a walk in, JFK was tough when it came to Foreign Policy, Obama is being defined as weak. Iran and Cuba, Obama wants to talk, JFK wanted to invaded Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Obama can not be seen as to much of a dove or he wont get elected.
Friday, May 16, 2008
No Edwards VP Spot!
CNN: Reports that former Senator John Edwards has thrown cold water over the idea that he would run as Vice - President with Obama. As of working in a Obama Cabinet Edwards left that open.
What went Wrong with Hillary ?
The New Republic: Excellent article on what went wrong, main points, Iowa was a mistake, no plan for long term race, Bill Clinton lost his his political touch, loyalty was important than reality. The Press got their own back after bad treatment by the Campaign. Read of the Day.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Obama on Bush and Nixon
Fox News: Reports that the Obama Camp has come out swinging over the remarks of Bush in Israel. I found them quite new in some respects, the Obama Camp stated that Bush has failed to use all American power as used by Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan. What happened to Bill Clinton? Nixon would have been very appreciative to be grouped together with Kennedy and Reagan. Is Obama as he states post racial but also post political, has Nixon finally be forgiven by the Elite Liberals, you always look good in their eyes compared to Bush 43.
President George W. Bush in Israel today stated the following, " Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is -- the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.
Some people suggest if the United States would just break ties with Israel, all our problems in the Middle East would go away. This is a tired argument that buys into the propaganda of the enemies of peace, and America utterly rejects it. Israel's population may be just over 7 million. But when you confront terror and evil, you are 307 million strong, because the United States of America stands with you. " The above is more about Obama in 08 than Israel. As Obama has stated he would meet with leaders of rogue nations, Iran, North Korea, with no conditions. This will allow McCain to go after Obama on National Security. Iran will have to be dealt with either by President Bush or the next President. It also shows that Bush will lift a finger to help McCain, it should be recalled that Reagan could play dirty pool not for his benefit but for Bush 41. Reagan stated that he would not attack the Democratic Nominee as he was disabled. A sitting President can be helpful or not to his own Party, recall Eisenhower and Johnson did not help their nominees while Reagan made sure Bush got elected in 88.
RCP on Clinton and the VP Spot ?
RCP: Looks at the prospect that Obama might be stuck with Clinton as a VP. Is it me or have other readers noticed that the elite media seem to be playing up this idea of late. Are the Clintons a running a covert VP spot Campaign.
The Nation and Edwards
The Nation: Reports on the demise of the Clinton Campaign, but more important suggests that John Edwards just might be a good Vice - President Nominee for Obama. Lets be honest about the politics here, he is white, southern, appeals to Blue Collar white workers. As suggested in post last night, think its a bad idea, just recall the 2004 race, the Vice - President has to he an attack dog, did not work out that well for Kerry. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton would be a good attack dog for Obama. But one question, can you trust Bill?
The Future Today, McCain Foreign Policy
Have just seen an interesting speech by Senator John McCain. This had an usual rhetorical appeal, based on him winning the general election and what he wants to achieve in his first term. Iraq still troubling, but most troops home and the US troops not in combat, UBL dead or captured. Pakistan dealing with rogue areas of its mountain areas. The question is it truthful to reality, Iraq can be done, it will take time and there will be setbacks but it can be done under McCain. As Afghanistan and its terrorist groups, that is a different matter, Afghanistan is going to take a long time, it hard place to fight as the USSR found and its people don't trust the outside world, lets face they have been invaded so many times one has to understand. Of all the promises that McCain stated Afghanistan and the War on Terror will be the hardest to achieve over four years.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Obama - Edwards o8 ?
I was thinking what about a Obama - Edwards ticked for 08. This on second thought would be a bad idea, Edwards did not help Kerry in 04, can see him as Attorney General of the United States.
John Edwards
Formal Endorsement of Obama.
11. 51pm
Edwards Endorsement of Obama
Edwards good on Hillary Clinton, appreciate her candidacy!
Critical reaction to the name of Hillary Clinton, Obama Team want her out!
Good start by Edwards, fun but to the point.
Introduction by Obama of Edwards in Michigan.
Formal Endorsement of Obama.
11. 51pm
Edwards Endorsement of Obama
Edwards good on Hillary Clinton, appreciate her candidacy!
Critical reaction to the name of Hillary Clinton, Obama Team want her out!
Good start by Edwards, fun but to the point.
Introduction by Obama of Edwards in Michigan.
Why Hillary ?
Huffington Post: Looks at why Hillary Clinton is still in the race. The Elite Media is bored, they want to move on to the general election.
Edwards for Obama
Both CNN and the BBC News report that former Democratic Senator John Edwards, Vice - President nominee in 2004 and a candidate this time around is to endorse Senator Obama. This shows if it needing showing that this race is over for the Democrats.
Obama and West Virginia
New York Times: Ms Dowd on how Obama has to up his game, JFK overcame similar problems in 1960, Obama has to be a better candidate than JFK as to win states such as West Virginia. Is Obama another JFK of 1960.
The Left and Hillary Clinton In the 90s, Hillary Clinton saw a vast right wing conspiracy, today I would advice her to look to the left. This article by Camille Pagila makes the right look supportive these days.
Clinton 2012 ?
New York Post: Reports on the prospects that Clinton will run in 2012. Views has stated that the political reality of that happening is low, four years is a life time in politics, and of course should Obama win, we are talking four to eight years.
West Virginia Result
BBC News: Reports on the big win by Hillary Clinton in West Virginia. The final result was Clinton 67% and Obama 26%. Obama lost by 39%. Although impressive win, does not matter, Obama will be the nominee. What is interesting is the Congressional Special election in Mississippi which the Democrats have won, a pattern is developing. It could be projected that the Democrats will increase their majorities in Congress. On the Presidential Level, we could see a split ticket development. McCain gets Reagan Democrats who vote for a Democratic Congress.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Clinton VP ?
CNN: Reports that a majority of Democrats, and a majority of Hillary Clinton supporters want her to be the VP to Obama. Obama would have to be nuts to go along, how can be the change merchant if he has a Clinton on board, since 1980 we have had either a Clinton or a Bush on a national ticket. The USA is not a Monarchy!!
Carl Bernstein on Clinton and the Exit ?
CNN: Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame writes on the possible exit routes for Hillary Clinton. Read of the Day.
Hillary Clinton Redux - Exit ?
Telegraph: Reports on statements by Clinton that seem to accept that Obama will be the next nominee. It would be a class exit to leave the race after the result in West Virginia, she is going to win big, and it would be a surprise, all the pundits even this one thinks she will wait till June 3rd. In politics you don't normally decided your fate, Hillary Clinton should think about getting out of the race tonight, morning UK time. The Democrats would be happy to get going with the general election, the press would have some breaking news, Hillary Clinton would own the news cycle. I have my doubts, they might still be in the bunker!!
Hillary Clinton
The Times: Looks at how the reality that Obama will be the nominee is effecting Hillary Clinton. Looks at why she is still in the race, and when she will get out. The Elite Media are bored they want to move on to the general election, it is easy to understand why, a great political fight between Obama and McCain. This political fight will be like the last season of the West Wing.
Back Door Way Out!
New York Times: Interesting article by George McGovern in the Times. A suggestion after West Virgina that the candidates call the dogs off and visit the up coming states and amount an attack on McCain. Is this a open back door idea from Obama for Clinton to get out of the race with grace, not a bad idea.
What went wrong for Hillary ?
Washington Post: Interesting article in the WP that looks at the positive aspects of the Clinton Campaign, she has her own base within the Party as compared to her husband ( lets just say Bill Clinton does not have the African - American base any more ) also she has gotten Obama to became a real candidate. This sounds like an article that would come from the Liberal New York Times. Lets get real but sorry, she has blown it big time, only the Times and the Post could see her Campaign as positive, she and her husband and have used the race card, lets recall her remark about hard working white voters, as if blacks don't work. Politics is brutal, she thought she had the right to the throne, the nomination, her first mistake was not to jump Iowa, she should gone directly to New Hampshire. The Campaign of her husband in South Carolina was a disgrace. The first " black " President use race to help his wife and it was a disaster. Also she did not fight the Caucus's states as she should, she did not run a good campaign. This argument that she has a future within the Democratic Party if Obama wins, is rubbish, Mr Novak has reported that Mrs Obama has put a veto on her becoming Vice - President. If your a President Obama do you want Bill or Hillary Clinton any where near you, not if you have a brain cell.
Lets look at the possibility that Obama wins the nomination and but losses the general election, Clinton is no Reagan or Thatcher, her weak interview on Fox confirmed my view that see is seen as Liberal. Also lets be honest she will be four years older, there is glass ceiling for older women, harsh but true, in four years time you will have younger politicians coming up, they will want to run. This was the Clinton chance and she blew it big time, its over, the sad part seems is that the Clinton Campaign and the Elite Media can not see that the Clinton Era is over for the Democrats.
Stone on Bush 43
New York Post: Reports on Oliver Stone's new movie on Bush 43. As I liked JFK and Nixon, will wait to see the movie before doing a post, that is fair and balanced.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Karl Rove and the NYT
New York Times: On the whole a fair article by the Liberal NYT on the role of Karl Rove as political pundit on Fox. They do seem surprised to learn that he is human and has likable aspects, this is the Liberal New York Times after all, they covered up for Stalin and his policies. Views enjoys Mr Rove commentary on Fox, he has won two Presidential Elections, does know what he's talking about in the field of Politics.
Impeachment and the 08 Race
The New Republic: Why the Impeachment has effected the Hillary Clinton Campaign. Read of the Day.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Split Ticket
I caught a clip on Meet The Press when a panel was discussing how the Republicans are losing Special Elections and how this this could be bad for the Republicans in November. This might be a YES/NO answer, the public might split ticket vote, they have seen what happens when you gave one Party the White House and Congress. Thus some advice to the McCain Campaign, put some distance between McCain and the Congress, let people think that's its okay to ticket split, vote for McCain for President but vote for Democrats for Congress. Lets recall, this how the system worked for decades, on security issues people trust Republican Presidents, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43. On Domestic Issues they used to vote for the Democrats thus why the House was controlled for nearly fifty years by the Democrats. The Obama Campaign should be worried about a split ticket. This might be a very interesting election!!
The General Election 08
The Sunday Times: Looks ahead to the Presidential Election between Senator Obama and Senator McCain. Read of the Day.
Primary Vote - West Virginia
As we are whistling past the political graveyard of the Clinton Camp lets looks at the up coming vote in West Virgina. The latest West Virginia ARG poll has Clinton leading by 43%, Clinton 66%, Obama 23%. A breakdown of the poll shows that Clinton is getting 70% of white voters, and this is interesting as ARG points out that white voters are 93% of the vote in West Virginia. No wonder Clinton is going on about the working class white vote being for her. The question does it matter, the simple answer is no, its over. I guess West Virginia Democratic voters will be like those Japanese Soldiers from WW2 who did not get the result.
The Long Weekend - MAD MEN
Have to give a special mention to Mad Men, great episode, The Long Weekend, great story acting and storyline, but also showing the 1960 political ads from Nixon and Kennedy. As a politics geek it was nice to see these political ads, the Nixon one was a disaster, looked gray and boring, no wonder he lost. The Kennedy critical ad of Nixon, with Ike telling reports he would take a week to think of anything Nixon had done was great, no wonder Kennedy won. Hope there is a second season.
The Doctor's Daughter - Dr Who Review
The Doctor Who News Page: Well what can I say but bloody fantastic, best Episode since Fires of Pompeii. I think Georgia Moffett should be drafted in to Torchwood, that would bring in the Doctor in without the Doctor in if see what I mean. If the BBC cant decided on the new Doctor why not give the keys to the Tardis to Jenny ( Georgia Moffett ) to see what happens, might be fun to match her up with the 5th Doctor, he crash lands his Tardis in to the new Tardis. Is this sounding complex!! Having to have a cup of tea.!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Obama Super Delegate Lead Redux
The Politico: Reports that Obama has overtaken Clinton when it comes to Super Delegates. Have to be honest feel like I am blogging on the Imperial Russian Navy after the 1917 Revolution, no longer exists but some still think the Czarina is still in the charge. In other words those still in the fox holes for Hillary Clinton need to smell the coffee. Obama I will predict will get lot more Super Delegates well before June 3rd. No one wants to be the one delegate that does not matter, the Clinton time is gone, its Obama Time.
Obama No to Clinton VP, thats the Wife!!
Chicago Sun - Times: Mr Novak reports that Michelle Obama has said a NO to a Clinton VP. Hat off to Mrs Obama, shows great political insight. Think 4/8 of Clinton saying, " Mr President, Bill thinks, " would drive me up the wall!.
Why ?
Those that are kind to read this blog will be wondering why after asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton I want her out of the race. The answer is simple, she cant cut it as a Presidential Candidate. Indiana was the test, she had to win big, she didn't, thus the prize goes to Obama. I have my policy problems with Obama but he is the better candidate. HE IS A WINNER ITS THAT SIMPLE. Politics is harsh business, no time for retirement clocks, its goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the way out message to Hillary Clinton.
Obama the Nominee ?
Fox News: Reports that Obama is close the to the Super Delegate count of Clinton. Obama has moved from the phony war to the general election, us political geeks as just waiting for Clinton to throw in the towel. That will be a time for a Party and then back to work for the Presidential Election.
No Class Exit !
New York Times: The Liberal Times wants the Clintons out, its getting its knickers in a twist by them, in a article that is harsh but truthful, they go after the Clintons, on race and how they exit the stage. Lets deal with race, the Times writes the following on risk that Obama will not get the white vote, " The Clintons have been trying to embed that gruesomely destructive message in the brains of white voters and superdelegates for the longest time. It’s a grotesque insult to African-Americans, who have given so much support to both Bill and Hillary over the years. " This started in South Carolina when Bill Clinton compared Obama to the Reverend Jackson, but he made the mistake, Jackson won the South Carolina Caucus, this time Obama won a Primary. If a Republican had used the Clinton tactics the Liberal Elite Media would have eaten her or him for breakfast. It seems some in the media still give the Clintons a pass. This was shown last night by the Factor on Fox, Mr O' Reilly thought that Hillary Clinton was just making a factual point, that white working class voters will not vote for Obama, but Obama is building his vote. On this issue the the Times is spot on.
How to enter a race is as important as how you leave, in 2001 Bill Clinton could not allow George W. Bush to enjoy his inauguration without creating another scandal over pardons, and at Andrews Air Force Base telling his Cadre of supporters he was not going anywhere!! The Times writes the following, " The Clintons should be ashamed of themselves. But they long ago proved to the world that they have no shame. " The Impeachment, pardons, the Affair, you name it, the Clintons have no class.
Cherie Blair, Gordon kicked Tony OUT
The Sun: Reports on their exclusive interview with Cherie Blair. I would say the PM, Gordon will not be to happy.!! Read the Sun Interview, Click here:
Cherie Blair on Gordon, Iraq
The Times: Cherie Blair on Tony's relationship with Gordon Brown, he would not wait his turn to be PM. After nearly year of Brown, Tony Blair could have done us a big favour, and sacked him, that would have been leadership. How Iraq affected the Prime Minister and how Brown did not help. Gordon wont be happy, but he is dour so does not matter!! Must Read of the Day.
No VP Spot for Clinton
The Politico: Reports that Senator Kennedy does not see Hillary Clinton as VP. Agree with Kennedy the Campaign has gone to harsh for them to share a ticket.
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Phony War, Clinton and Obama
The end of the Clinton Campaign feels like the phony war at the start of WW2. Its the waiting, its pundits working out what Hillary Clinton wants, does she want to be VP, Obama to pay her Campaign debts. Does she really believe she can win the nomination?
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Dirty Pool, Clinton Style
CNN: Reports that a Hollywood Producer threatened to withhold money from the Dems if Michigan and Florida did not get a vote. Of course it should be noted that the Producer, Harvey Weinstein had a different view of the talk. The Clintons must be desperate to threaten the Speaker of the House. Good old DIRTY POOL.
“eggheads and African-Americans,”
New York Times: Has picked up on the race theme in the Clinton Camp, a Clinton Cadre 2, Paul Begala used the above term as how the Democrats can not win with just that support, the eggheads refers to better educated whites, with more money who are supporting Obama. The less well educated whites are the supporters of Clinton. This with the interview Clinton gave below shows that the Clintons are going for the nuclear option, they want to destroy Obama, they are making it crystal clear to Super Delegates that Obama can not win white working class voters. How in the hell Obama could place her on the ticket after this is beyond this blogger.
Clinton GET OUT
New York Times: An article that at its core wants Hillary out, how a long campaign could benefit Senator McCain. The Dems don't have a Barry Goldwater who can tell Hillary Clinton its over. That is sad.
Clinton and the Race Card
USA Today: Reports that Clinton has used her support from white working class voters as a reason she should be the Democratic Nominee. Clinton has to be careful, if she wants to be the VP she has to be more racial aware and diplomatic. Any more of this language and Obama wont have her near him never mind as VP.
Clinton for VP ?
ABC News: Reports that Hillary Clinton is looking for the VP spot with Obama. Advice to Obama, offer to pay her debts but no VP spot, he has enough problems for the general election, he does not need the headache of Bill Clinton.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
McGovern Message, Clinton GET OUT
CNN: Reports that an early supporter of Senator Clinton, former Democratic Nominee in 1972, Senator McGovern has asked her to get out of the race. How can can she justify keeping the race going, the Democratic Party wants it finished, well the leadership wants it finished.
Clinton Out ?
Fox News: Reports on the pressures for Clinton to get out of the race. Perhaps Obama should offer the VP spot to Clinton and help her with her campaign debts.
It's over, NOT YET, Its the Clintons after all!!
New York Times: How Indiana and North Carolina results has give the pundits the excuse they have wanted to tell the Clintons to get lost!!
Money talks and weeps!!
New York Times: Reports that Clinton is lending her Campaign 6.4 million dollars again, throwing money in to a dry hole ( no oil term ) is a very bad idea, and your own money even more so, Clinton can not win, how much price Impeachment before Bill takes her Cheque book away.
Praise of CBS News
New York Times: Reports on the early call by CBS of the vote on Tuesday. This is a post in praise of that decision, when looking at the returns I called Indiana for Clinton. Although my projection was out, the call was right. So tipping of the hat to CBS News.
The Future of the 08 Race and the Media
Lets see what the Media thinks of last night's result:
New York Times: Reports that Obama is going to be the nominee and that " His supporters look more and more like the McGovern-Dukakis constituency, and the walls between that constituency and the rest of the country are higher than they were weeks ago. " The article points out that both Obama and McCain have to get voters that have not made their minds up. But as the past has found, it is a lot more easier to move from the right to the centre that it is to move from the liberal left, just ask Presidents, Mondale, Gore, Kerry!! McCain has a great advantage over Obama, it has to be noted that a minority of white working class voters will not vote for a black candidate, sad but its the truth. Thus Obama has to get more of these Independent voters than McCain.
Reports that Camp Clinton wont give up, next phase change the rules so Clinton can get Florida and Michigan in, that will be tough to get through, Obama will fight tooth and nail. On the whole does not look good for Clinton.
The 08 Race
The final result was as following:
Clinton 51%
Obama 49%
This was a good result for Obama, close race, didn't allow Clinton to build up her vote total. Thus Obama has a healthy lead. Obama has to keep the popular vote lead up to June 3rd. If Obama can keep the popular vote and Delegate lead then he has the nomination.
North Carolina
Obama 56 %
Clinton 42%
A healthy victory over Clinton, North Carolina could be the state that hands the nomination to Obama in the long term.
37% of the vote in Indiana. Clinton 56%, Obama 44%. Very close to that Survey USA Poll. See past post.
33% of the vote in Indiana. Clinton 57%, Obama 43%. I am taking a punt, Clinton margin of victory of about 10%. Clinton seems to be keeping a forty thousand margin between herself and Obama. Depends on urban votes. So Clinton by 10%. NC no idea as yet.
I think Clinton will win Indiana but its the margin. So I am calling Indiana for Clinton. NOT THE MARGIN.
Fox has called North Carolina for Obama, Indiana still not called. Also the NC margin is very important, if Obama can win big, lot harder for Clinton to fight on. NOT CALLING THE MARGIN.
Clinton 51%
Obama 49%
This was a good result for Obama, close race, didn't allow Clinton to build up her vote total. Thus Obama has a healthy lead. Obama has to keep the popular vote lead up to June 3rd. If Obama can keep the popular vote and Delegate lead then he has the nomination.
North Carolina
Obama 56 %
Clinton 42%
A healthy victory over Clinton, North Carolina could be the state that hands the nomination to Obama in the long term.
37% of the vote in Indiana. Clinton 56%, Obama 44%. Very close to that Survey USA Poll. See past post.
33% of the vote in Indiana. Clinton 57%, Obama 43%. I am taking a punt, Clinton margin of victory of about 10%. Clinton seems to be keeping a forty thousand margin between herself and Obama. Depends on urban votes. So Clinton by 10%. NC no idea as yet.
I think Clinton will win Indiana but its the margin. So I am calling Indiana for Clinton. NOT THE MARGIN.
Fox has called North Carolina for Obama, Indiana still not called. Also the NC margin is very important, if Obama can win big, lot harder for Clinton to fight on. NOT CALLING THE MARGIN.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Liberal Left and Race
The Nation: It seems if your white, working class and vote for Hillary Clinton you are a racist. Thus from the Bible of Liberals we hear what they really think, learn and understand why Liberal has became a dirty word in politics. Read and Understand the Modern Democratic Party.
James Carville on the 08 Race
FT: A very thoughtful and interesting article by Mr Carville on the forces within the Democratic Party. How after its all over, and yes there will be day when its over, the Nominee first job will be to unite the Party. Mr Clinton Cadre One when he sticks to political strategy should be listened too, when he becomes the Clinton Enforcer, one should avert one's eyes.
Hanks on Obama, another Reagan
So Obama is another, FDR, Truman, Kennedy and Reagan. Hollywood as spoken, right, but have to admit Mr Hanks is good on old goggle box, wonder if he has thought of running for office.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Vote on Tuesday
New Indiana Poll
Survey USA: A new poll has Clinton with more of a lead over Obama. As Obama does over well in polls as compared to actual results this could be the real deal. Here are the results:
If you have a chance have a look at the breakdown of this poll by race, Obama seems to have lost a lot of votes in the African - American Community. In this Poll Obama gets 77 % of the black vote while Clinton gets 21 %. It will be interesting to see the exit polls, have to believe Obama will get more of the black vote than just 77 %.
Cheap Trick but EFFECTIVE
Very effective Political Ad by Hillary Clinton. Its rubbish but very effective. This blog is about effective politics. Does Senator Obama really want to be President?
The Vote on Tuesday
CNN: Reports on the Polls in Indiana and North Carolina. In their polls of Polls, Clinton is ahead in Indiana and while Obama is ahead in North Carolina. Here are the results of these Poll of Polls.
Clinton 48 %
Obama 44 %
North Carolina
Obama 50 %
Clinton 42 %
I think Indiana is the most interesting result to look at, very close race, and as mentioned another poll has Obama ahead in Indiana. Also it has been noted that Indiana is close to the home state of Obama. Thus a lot of TV coverage gets transferred from Illinois to Indiana. It could very close race, could be wrong has been known but watch the early returns from this state, dont be surprised if Obama wins.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
The Polls
Lets look at Indiana and North Carolina Polls before the vote on Tuesday.
In Indiana we have a new poll from the respected pollster, Zogby. In this poll Obama leads Clinton by two points, a surprise victory here would be great for Obama. Here are the Results:
Obama 43 %
Clinton 41 %
A victory in Indiana and North Carolina for Obama could finish the Race. The RCP average of Polls has Clinton ahead by 5.8% ahead in Indiana. This is small margin after the mess that the Obama Camp has been in over the past few weeks.
Lets look at North Carolina Polls. Obama is more sure of winning this state.
The RCP average of Polls has Obama leading by 7%.
The Zogby Poll has Obama leading by 9%
If Obama can win over ten points in North Carolina and and win Indiana, and that a big if, he is on his way to the Nomination. On the other hand of Obama and Clinton split the result, Obama takes North Carolina and Clinton takes Indiana we are back at the start again, its down the margin of victory and Defeat. Tuesday could define the election of 08 in the Democratic Race.
Reagan and the Left
Newsweek: Interesting article, has the left finally caught up with the fact that Ronald Reagan was a great President? It shows that there is a God, and the left can learn, George W. Bush next in line for revision?
Obama and Clinton on the Trail for Votes
New York Times: Looks at the weekend leading up to voting in Indiana and North Carolina.
Obama wins Guam
Washington Post: Obama has won Guam, Obama 50%, Clinton 49%. The four delegates are split between Obama and Clinton. At least Obama has won something, now for the major test on Tuesday.
The Poison Sky - Dr Who Review
The Doctor Who News Page: The Top Drama again on BBC 1. The Poison Sky was great, dramatic, had to watch it a second time. Did you see Billie Piper as Rose Tyler, blink and you missed her. Must admit at the end when the Doctor teleports up to the the Sontaran Space Ship to give them a choice, I would have sent automatic bomb and blown them away. Does that make me more or less human?
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Indiana Vote
RCP: Reports that Obama is getting his vote out in Indiana's early voting. This is good, if Obama can keep it close and wing big in North Carolina then his Campaign will have shown itself to have recovered from the mess that was Reverend Wright.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that another British Soldier has died in Afghanistan. The Death toll now stands at 95. Is there an end to our War in Afghanistan.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Vote Projection by the BBC
The Local Elections has been a great success for the Conservatives, a disaster for Labour and even for LD. The Projection is as follows:
Conservatives 44 %
LD 25 %
Labour 24 %
Conservatives 44 %
LD 25 %
Labour 24 %
This is my projection, Gordon Brown will be dumped by Labour before the next election. He is a loser, a dour Scot will not warm the hearts of Southern English Voters. Its harsh but its the truth. The next question who will be the successor to Gordon Brown.
Hillary Clinton, Part Two on Fox
Clinton is pandering when it comes to Iraq, she wants to get out, does not see that this will help Iran. When it comes to Terrorism, she is also weak, we live in 24 world, she wont do what needs to be done. A President had to do tough things in the Oval Office, Clinton is pandering to the Liberal Left wing of the Democratic Party. She is also weak when in comes to illegal Immigration. A good day yesterday for Clinton a bad day today. A Presidential Candidate has to have a tough persona, or else the opposition will take them apart, recall President Ford in his debate with Jimmy Carter. Today is Jack Bauer World, if Hillary Clinton can not see that she is making the same mistake her husband did in the 1990s, thus we have 9/11. Hillary Clinton will not win the general election.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
North Carolina Poll
Insider Advantage: Has a very interesting poll that if followed through, would throw the Democratic Race in to the air, Clinton ahead of Obama by two points in North Carolina. Here is the poll:
Clinton 44%
Obama 42%
Still think Obama will win but he has to win big, or if close race, and Clinton wins Indiana with a wide margin this race will go on an on!!
Andrew another Judas ?
ABC News: Reports that Joe Andrew the former DNC Chair expects the Clinton Mean Machine to come after him, one can see it in advance, "made him what he is and how he treats those that he should be loyal too!! " just a few things I expect from the Clinton Mean Machine. Mr Andrew did the right thing, the Clintons are the past, the future could be Obama. Politics is a harsh business, if you want loyalty get a dog!!
DNC Chief for Obama Reports that a former Chairman of the DNC Joe Andrew, appointed by Bill Clinton has come out in support of Obama. Andrew is a Super Delegate, the water is reaching E Deck for the Clinton Campaign.
Hillary Clinton on Fox
Well have had time to think about Senator Hillary Clinton on Fox last night, early morning our time. I think on the whole she did quite well, Mr O' Reilly was fair and balanced, did not let get away with much, so how will this effect the Race 08. In one answer, not on bit, Obama should at end of the all the races be ahead in the Delegate and Popular vote, then the Super Delegates will rush to support him. Senator Clinton should have done this a long time, we might have seen a different result in the 08 Race.
Lets look at a WHAT IF, say Obama's Campaign falls apart, and Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Nominee for President, are there answers from last night's interview that could come back to haunt her, well lets see, Taxes, she sounded like a Classic Liberal, more taxes in this case for health care, it wont pass Congress it didn't the last time, but she did use the name of Ronald Reagan as a great politician, that will go down well with the Reagan Democrats if not with Liberals within her own Party.
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