Sunday, May 25, 2008

West Wing Fact and Fiction

I was watching the last season of the West Wing on Saturday, as since we have almost a match on the Democratic and Republic when it comes to the 08 Presidential Race, lets see if fiction matches reality. In the world of the West Wing, Congressman Santos of Mexican - American descent and in the real world Senator Obama of African - American descent, both ethnic candidates, on the Republican side, Senator Vinick a Republican Maverick in the real world, Senator McCain also a Republican Maverick. In the first episode " The Ticket " Santos is down 9 points to Vinick. In the West Wing world, the Republicans have their convention first followed by the Democrats. In our real world, the Democrats go first followed by the Republicans. Lets see what the first Gallup poll has the race after the conventions. CALL TO ALL WEST WING FANS, KEEP AN EYE OUR FOR ANY OTHER EXAMPLES THAT HAVE FICTION AND REALITY MATCH. The first one is of course McCain wanted a guess worker programme, Vinick also, McCain has a problem with the Conservative base, so does Vinick, and that's from the first three episodes.

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