Sunday, May 25, 2008

What Next ?

The Washington Post: Reports that the Clinton Campaign main aim is to get the popular vote majority over Obama, the Post states the following on Clinton, " aggressively campaigning in the final three contests of the primary season in the hope of seizing a victory in the overall popular vote..." The question that has to be asked is why, Reagan in 1976 had the popular vote over Ford but still lost, Craig Shirley points out in his excellent book on the 1976 Campaign that Reagan would have taken the VP spot if Ford had offered it to him, is Clinton forcing the Obama Camp to offer her the VP spot, if not to help with Campaign debts, make her Secretary of State, the Supreme Court, or a combination of the above. VIEWS thinks that she is after the VP spot, Obama is going to have a hard time is saying NO. The first African - American Nominee and the second woman VP Nominee would be a hard slog with the voters, also the Clintons have a lot of baggage.

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