Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hillary Clinton on Fox

Well have had time to think about Senator Hillary Clinton on Fox last night, early morning our time. I think on the whole she did quite well, Mr O' Reilly was fair and balanced, did not let get away with much, so how will this effect the Race 08. In one answer, not on bit, Obama should at end of the all the races be ahead in the Delegate and Popular vote, then the Super Delegates will rush to support him. Senator Clinton should have done this a long time, we might have seen a different result in the 08 Race.

Lets look at a WHAT IF, say Obama's Campaign falls apart, and Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Nominee for President, are there answers from last night's interview that could come back to haunt her, well lets see, Taxes, she sounded like a Classic Liberal, more taxes in this case for health care, it wont pass Congress it didn't the last time, but she did use the name of Ronald Reagan as a great politician, that will go down well with the Reagan Democrats if not with Liberals within her own Party.

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