Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What went wrong for Hillary ?

Washington Post: Interesting article in the WP that looks at the positive aspects of the Clinton Campaign, she has her own base within the Party as compared to her husband ( lets just say Bill Clinton does not have the African - American base any more ) also she has gotten Obama to became a real candidate. This sounds like an article that would come from the Liberal New York Times. Lets get real but sorry, she has blown it big time, only the Times and the Post could see her Campaign as positive, she and her husband and have used the race card, lets recall her remark about hard working white voters, as if blacks don't work. Politics is brutal, she thought she had the right to the throne, the nomination, her first mistake was not to jump Iowa, she should gone directly to New Hampshire. The Campaign of her husband in South Carolina was a disgrace. The first " black " President use race to help his wife and it was a disaster. Also she did not fight the Caucus's states as she should, she did not run a good campaign. This argument that she has a future within the Democratic Party if Obama wins, is rubbish, Mr Novak has reported that Mrs Obama has put a veto on her becoming Vice - President. If your a President Obama do you want Bill or Hillary Clinton any where near you, not if you have a brain cell.

Lets look at the possibility that Obama wins the nomination and but losses the general election, Clinton is no Reagan or Thatcher, her weak interview on Fox confirmed my view that see is seen as Liberal. Also lets be honest she will be four years older, there is glass ceiling for older women, harsh but true, in four years time you will have younger politicians coming up, they will want to run. This was the Clinton chance and she blew it big time, its over, the sad part seems is that the Clinton Campaign and the Elite Media can not see that the Clinton Era is over for the Democrats.

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