Thursday, May 29, 2008

More on that Beltway Book

New York Times: Has a low opinion of Scott McClellan 's book. If Mr McClellan was expecting a thank you from the Liberal New York Times he has made a mistake, all he has done is to confirm what the Liberal Elite think about Bush and his White House and shown his friends that he cant be trusted.

: Shows that if McClellan was a Bush friend, then Bush 43 does not need any enemies. As with the Times the Slate does not have that much time for McClellan.

The Politico
: How White House Press Core was not as surprised as the Bush White House by the book. The White House Press Core are never surprised!! The Politico points something quite interesting about the book, McClellan has a go at the Washington Press, Politico states the following, " Although McClellan writes in his book about how the press corps hammered away during Plame affair, he also slights the media for not being aggressive enough before the administration’s decision to invade Iraq. " The answer from the press and it has some merit is that you have to recall it was after 9/11, Bush could have invaded all the Middle East at the time and the public and the media would have supported the move, events change so do the perception.

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