Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Emotional Blackmail and Obama Tax Hike Agenda

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama used the threat that those that work in the emergency services would lose their jobs if the pre set cuts come in to force, the article notes the following, " ..reflected the political frame that he has devised to try to force Republicans into compromising with him by supporting some higher revenues — something they so far refuse to do. ". 

Lets Get Real: 

This is typical of the Obama, he using blackmail, very simple and quite effective if the Republicans play that game, just say NO to the Oval, force the Oval to make real cuts in welfare, just do not play on the Oval field.    If the Republicans refuse to play the blame at the end of the day will land on the Oval, the President should be able to work with the Congress, Obama does not do well when people are not falling at his feet, in fact he folds, just ask North Korea and Iran, he can't use drones on them, that simple and brutal folks.   The Democrats will try anything to avoid doing cuts, they know they are cutting their own throats, they only have tax hikes, in never ends, and when you can not tax the rich any more, its the Middle Class that get it in the neck, factual.    That is why the Conservatives and Republicans always come back and win, that is why Lady Thatcher won in 1979 and Ronald Reagan in 1980, people just get tired for paying for other people, harsh but the real world folks. 

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