Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Emotional Blackmail and Taxes - 2nd Obama Term

CNN - Politics: Reports the following on the effects of the agreed governments cuts if they came in to effect as stated by President Obama, " ..warned Tuesday of diminished emergency services, longer airport security lines and other problems.. ". 

Lets Get Real: 

One is surprised that the Oval did not have starving children and weeping mothers at the front, yes folks its that low, might work, the liberal ellite media, CNN etc will run the Oval line, the elite media will not ask the Oval if its is ready to suspend ObamaCare during this crisis, or suspend its money throwing policies when it comes to green issues.   The Republicans should just tell the elite media to get stuffed, refused to do interviews, only do Fox News, those interviews are balanced and fair, time for Republicans to grown a steel backbone, and tell the Oval it has to make major cuts in welfare before any agreement.    The Oval respects a steel resistance as mentioned, time for Republicans to be more like Reagan, call a spade a spade, Obama is a tax and spend liberal, just say NO. 

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