Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Obama and Tax - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports that President Obama is pushing for more tax hikes as to prevent set cuts coming in due to a previous agreement with Congress. 

Lets Get Real: 

This is typical Obama strategy, refuse to deal and hope the other side folds, the Oval and the Democrats on the Hill were never going to agree to real welfare cuts, they Democrats need people to be on welfare, they scare those on benefits at election time that those nasty Republicans are going to take away their benefits.  If the present welfare state, created by FDR and LBJ was not around the Democrats would never get back in to power.   As over 40% of US voters are on some form of welfare, that is an in built Democratic vote, thus they will never cut big government departments, the Republicans have to take the risk and allow the agreed to cuts to come, they can always put more money in to defence, the same can not be said of welfare, the Republicans should call the bluff the White House, allow the agreed cuts to come in to force,  then the Oval will know it has to deal in good faith in the future, that the Republicans will not fold like a cheap tent.   Time for Republicans to grow a backbone folks. 

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