Friday, July 06, 2012

100 Million for Romney and Republicans

BBC News: Reports that Governor Mitt Romney the Republican Nominee for President and the Republican Party raised a 100 million dollars in campaign funds in June.

Lets Get Real:

There has been talk that Governor Romney needs to upgrade his campaign team after his waffling over if ObamaCare is a TAX. It is JULY folks, the Romney Campaign has not chosen a VP yet, the National Conventions are a few months away. The Republicans are worried this is 1996 again, when Bill Clinton defined his Republican opponent before he could define himself. The worry by the Republican Establishment is that the Romney Campaign that won the nomination is not the campaign to win the Presidency. Lets see first who Romney picks as his VP, then lets see the polls after the Conventions, if the national polls and State polls show Obama still ahead then lets worry, one plus about raising more money than POTUS is that the Romney Campaign will be able to produce more negative adverts in the long term, they know how to do negative adverts, they and the Super Pacs can outspend the Democrats later in the Campaign, lets not jump in the lifeboats just yet folks.

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