Friday, July 06, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - Friday Polls

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll of the match up between President Obama and Governor Romney, today Governor Romney leads President Obama by 47% to 44%, a 3% lead.

Gallup ( RV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll of the match up between President Obama and Governor Romney, today President Obama leads Governor Romney by 48% to 44%, a 4% lead.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have different leads depending if you go with likely or registered voters, this blog on the whole goes with likely voters, not just because it shows a Republican lead, but due to the fact that other polls of Adults or Registered voters has voters who will never go out and vote but answer the phone. Thus to fair, and objective it can be argued we have a neck and neck race, the candidates are tied, as we get closer to the election day after the Conventions this blog will start to look at the swing states, how the candidates are doing, also the inside race what the political experts see the race going, lets be clear if this blog sees POTUS winning it will say so, and it will not take months to state that, but then again its JULY folks, few more polls to go. One can argue if one looks at some of the State polls that the Chicago Committee has been successful is making out that Governor Romney does not understand Middle America, on the other hand the Republicans have really started spending yet, lets see the Obama polls after the Republicans spend their billions on negative adverts, it is early folks.

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