Friday, July 06, 2012

June Jobs Report - 2012 Race

The Hill: Reports the following on the bad June jobs reports, " ..will add anxiety to President Obama's campaign. ".

Lets Get Real:

The elite media will cover for President Obama so the Republicans have to hit the the swing States hard with negative adverts, build up their ground game, the money is there via Romney and the Republican National Committee, also the Republican Super Pacs are going to have billions. The Republicans have to stress the the lousy Obama economy and how ObamaCare is a MAJOR TAX on Middle Class Americans. The Republicans have to stress that President Obama in 2008 promised that he would not raise taxes on the Middle Classes, the fact that the US Supreme Court has stated that ObamaCare is a TAX allows the Republicans to show that the Obama/Biden lied, in oral arguments to the Supremes the Obama lawyers stated that OBAMACARE was a TAX. Thus the Republicans have to keep to a few narrow arguments, out spend POTUS, really make him spend half of his time in raising funds. The General Election has started folks, the Republicans should see every day as the day before the election, WIN that day, be the last campaign standing.

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