Friday, July 06, 2012

Finland OUT of the Euro ? - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 10.29am post that Finland has stated it would leave the Euro rather take on the debt of other weaker Countries.

Lets Get Real:

You have to take your hat off to the Finland, a Country that is willing to tell truth to power, that means the EU Elite, the PIIGS expect Germany and the richer Northern European Countries to bailout them out till the end of time. If the PIIGS are just given money they will never really reform, why should they, they will have Germany by the balls, the more the Germans give to the weaker countries, a good chance they will never getting paid back, even with money they have given is a write off, they are never going to get it back, good for Finland, grown up politicians, come on EU elite wake, your heading for that iceberg, and its called Finland.

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