BBC News: Reports that President Bush will miss the Republican Convention due to Hurricane Gustav. This works both ways for McCain, on the hard political front, Bush is not popular thus McCain does not have to have Bush at the Convention, and on the PR front McCain can show leadership, should Gustav be the disaster as it is expected, McCain can have tone down convention and show Presidential Material by his action this week.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Bush to Miss Republican Convnetion
BBC News: Reports that President Bush will miss the Republican Convention due to Hurricane Gustav. This works both ways for McCain, on the hard political front, Bush is not popular thus McCain does not have to have Bush at the Convention, and on the PR front McCain can show leadership, should Gustav be the disaster as it is expected, McCain can have tone down convention and show Presidential Material by his action this week.
The History of the Surge in Iraq.
The New York Times: Reports on the development of the surge in Iraq. How President Bush was more interested in winning than following policies that could have lost Iraq to the terrorists. Read of the Day.
The Republican Convention ?
Politico: Reports that the nature of the Republican Convention is in doubt due Hurricane Gustav. If it is as bad as people think its going to be, the Convention could turn in mourning event, this is the time for Bush to make up for Katerina, the Federal Government has to do a better job and the President has to be seen as leading from the front.
A Close Race
Zogby Poll: Reports that after the Democratic Convention and the Speech by Obama and the selection of the Governor of Alaska as the VP to McCain, McCain is ahead of Obama. The Poll finds the following, McCain 47% - Obama 45%. Lets see what the Tracking Polls show over the next few days, is this a trend or a fluke, if a trend then Obama has a fight on his hands to win in November.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Weekend Polls
Lets see what the Polls have for the US Presidential Election.
In the West Wing Season 7, the Republican Candidate had the lead coming out of the Convention and he lost, could the same fate happen to Obama.
Gallup: Senator Obama had a good convention, he gained a eight point bounce from the convention. The Gallup Tracking Poll found the following result, Obama 49% - McCain 41%. This was a good bounce, but lets see the Polls after the selection of Governor of Alaska has settled in and also the Republican Convention. If Obama can keep that bounce after the Democratic Convention and in to the debates he had a good chance of winning in November. Lets just wait till after the RNC to see what the polls are like for the candidates.
Reports that Obama has had a four point bounce from the Convention, the poll finds the following, Obama 49% - McCain 45%. This bounce is not great and if the Republicans have a good Convention then the race could be back to even. In a even race, McCain wins.
In the West Wing Season 7, the Republican Candidate had the lead coming out of the Convention and he lost, could the same fate happen to Obama.
Democrats and Women
New York Post: The Democrat Kirsten Powers looks at the negative view of the Obama Camp to the selection of the Governor of Alaska as the VP to McCain. The Democrats don't need to recall to women voters there bad treatment of Hillary Clinton, could cost them votes in November.
Politics and Time
BBC News: Reports on the reaction to the McCain news that his VP would be a woman, the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. That is the fun of politics, the elite media was all over the Obama Speech and the next day it was Obama Who?. Politics is ruthless and brutal, your either in or out, Obama has been around for some time, the Elite Media need new people to cover thus on the whole some good coverage for Palin even from the Liberal Elite Media. I have noticed that the surrogates for the Obama Camp have go their knickers in the twist, they don't know how to attack Palin, it been fun seeing them attacker her for lack of record while Obama has the same problem, she is the VP nominee not the Presidential Nominee.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Obama Bounce
The Democratic Convention has given Obama a traditional bounce and that's before his speech to the delegates. The Gallup Daily Tracking Poll gives Obama a six point lead over McCain. The Poll finds the following, Obama 48% - McCain 42%. After the Obama speech, here in the UK early Friday morning, Obama should get a few more points. The question is can Obama keep the bounce or will the attacks at the Republican Convention dilute that bounce. It should be noted that the other Daily Tracking Poll has a different result, Rasmussen has a tied race with both Obama and McCain on 47%. Both Gallup and Rasmussen see a bounce for Obama, the range differs, but the question is can Obama keep himself in the news with the Republican Convention on and the latest tensions between the USA and Russia. This will be a very close race, this is just the hype before the trench warfare of a long race. I am worried that Obama has made a mistake with his Convention Speech, he needs less of the Star aspect and more of the politician who listens to the voters.
Russian Threat to the USA Ships
The Times: Reports on the threat by Russia to USA Ships in the Black Sea. The Russians have to be warned that their rhetoric is getting out of hand, if need be send in NATO troops to Georgia, make it plain to the Russians that this is finished, the more weakness the West shows the more chance of a mistake, a skirmish between the USA and Russia that's gets out of hand.
The Eyes tell the STORY
Have just seen a historical event also a sham, Senator Obama has finally gotten the Democratic Crown. That Crown was handed to him by Hillary Clinton. The Sham, did you look at her eyes voters, if you think she was happy at being there, I have a bridge on Brooklyn I can sell you with no questions asked. The question what will the voters think of this event, the elite media is fawning, even Fox seems to have taken a happy bill. The reason of course lets be honest is because Obama is African - American, so what, it a certain age hang up I think, it would not matter if he was black,white, brown, green or any other colour you can imagine. He still an arrogant, if your traditional voter your are bitter, he is the Star, not sure your name being shouted in Berlin is what you want, they don't have the best judgement. Liberal, do the voters really think he wont raise your taxes. Then there is the matter of trust and character, would a voter throw their own grandmother under the bus to protect someone that had help you in your career, the Pastor to Obama. This might sound old fashioned but blood is blood, and one has to ask if one was to change the colour of the characters, if Obama's grandmother was African - American and his Pastor was white would have Obama have done the same thing, its a matter of character.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Demoocratic Convention and the Polls
It is odd that during the Democratic Convention the polls are so close, you would think with the fawning of the elite media that Obama would be well ahead of McCain. Yesterday Gallup had McCain ahead by two percent, today's Poll has Obama ahead by one percent. The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has McCain ahead by one percent. The Poll finds the following, McCain 47% - Obama 46%. Is Obama not sealing the deal with working class white voters? Is it down to his elite background, the Moses of the 21st Century. Or is it a more negative reason, a reason that should not be in this day and age, the matter of race. It can be argued that to favour McCain over Obama is down to the maverick nature of the Senator or his war record, but it should not be because he is white, lets hope the polls are about character not skin colour.
Lieberman for VP ?
Chicago Sun-Times: Robert Novak reports on the idea of Senator Joe Lieberman as VP to McCain. This would be a bold move, two maverick politicians, from the Republican side McCain and from the Democrats Lieberman, it would be bold and would show the Republicans as the real change agents.
UK and Russia
BBC News: Reports on the call by the British Foreign Secretary for an realistic relationship between Russia and the West, the need to understand the threat to the West and reaction the West must take in relationship to Russia. Its about time the West in the shape of Europe realised the affect the War between Russia and Georgia has had on International Security. If Russia is not checked, it will be the Ukraine next, that could lead to a hot war with the West. The problem is if the West does not keep the pressure on Russia over Georgia, Russia could make a mistake that could make the Cold War look like happy hour at your local pub.
That Call
Another great Ad by the McCain Camp using Hillary Clinton as an attack dog on Obama. God you got love politics. I would bet a good fiver that Bill Clinton approves and that Hillary Clinton will try to look like that she is not happy with McCain, but she was right about that 3am Call, who would you trust. Come on Obama give me some fun ads, not very impressed so far Senator.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Clinton Voter ?
The New York Times: Reports on the Clinton voter, what Senator Obama needs to do to get them to support him in November. If Obama cant get the majority of the Clinton voters to vote for him then he will lose in November. The placing of Clinton as his VP would have pushed him closer to the White House.
A Blow Out on Day One
CNN News: Reports that Mr James Carville on War Room Fame of 1992 has low opinion of the first night of the Democratic Convention. In other words the Clintons think Obama is a rubbish candidate.
McCain ahead of Obama
Gallup: Reports on the most unusual poll I have seen in years. The Gallup Tracking Poll has McCain ahead of Obama. The VP news and the Convention does not seem to have helped Obama, Obama better do better over the next couple of days or he could match Senator Kerry and get a negative bounce from his Convention. The Poll finds the following, McCain 46% - Obama 44%. Lets hope the Clintons behave themselves over the next two days. I expect Obama to take the lead after the Convention.
A New Kind of War
BBC News: Reports that the West is furious with the Russian President for his declaration that Russia would recognise the Independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The question is what is next, is this a new Cold War, no as the Old Soviet Empire is not more, most the Satellites of the Old Soviet Union is in the European Union and NATO. A threat to Poland would be a threat to the USA and the West. The Russians might be drunk on power, but not they are not stupid. The next flash point will be the Ukraine, the Russians will start to give out Russian passports to the ethnic Russians in Georgia. The President of Ukraine has called for the Ukraine to be allowed in to NATO. The West has to draw a line in the sand for the Russian bear, they have gained two Georgian Satellites but no more, the USA should give the Ukraine a security guarantee, an attack on the Ukraine would be an attack on the West. Russia is a hoodie in need of a ASBO. A once great Imperial and Soviet Power is now but child who wants all the shop, while his parents, e.g the Russian people have pay the price, a freeze from the West.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Uncle Tom ?
Fox News: Reports an African - American supporter of Hillary Clinton was called a Uncle Tom for supporting her over Obama. This is a disgrace you don't support someone because of the colour of their skin, you support a candidate what ever their ethnic, gender character because they speak to your concerns. If the story is true, the Obama has to have a word with his supporters, he cant annoy the Clinton supporters any more, he needs them what ever their colour or gender.
The Democratic Convention
Lets see what the Media is reporting from the Convention.
Washington Post: Reports that the Senior Advisers to Hillary Clinton are going to miss the speech by Senator Obama. I have problems with Senator Obama but he did win fair and square, this dissing by the Clinton Camp is bad, is shows that there a deep divisions between the Clintons and the Obamas. The truth is out there, the Clintons want Obama to lose the 08 race.
Politico: Reports on the bad blood between the Clintons and Obama. The Article notes that former President Bill Clinton is not happy with the Convention schedule. Bill Clinton should be grateful that he is allowed back to a Democratic Convention, the Party Establishment made sure he survived in office, he owes the Democrats, grow up Bill, your not the President any more, Obama if he wins will leave you out in the Cold.
Two Satellites for Russia
The Times: Reports that the Russian Parliament has voted to recognise the two Georgian provinces of South Ossetia, the province that started the War between Russian and Georgia and Abkhazia as Independent states. The Russians have won on the ground, in less NATO is ready to place troops in Georgia and march up the Russians with an order to leave they will stay on Georgian Soil. If Russia wants to play this game, lets hit them hard on the diplomatic front, the Ukraine in to NATO, NATO bases on the border between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian fleet under the eye of the USA Navy. If they leave their base in the Ukraine they don't come back in to port. In Georgia place NATO troops and planes right up the noses of the Russians, counter every move they make with further action, make them blink like they did in 1962. Lets make Putin wish he had given the two provinces in full to Georgia. Lets show the Russia bear that if steals honey it he will get a sting that will make him think again before taking action against a Democracy.
Lieberman for VP ?
The New York Times: William Kristol a Conservative writes in the Liberal New York Times that McCain should pick his friend Senator Lieberman as his VP. This would be a bold move, McCain would become the change agent, Lieberman was the VP to Al Gore in 2000. Lieberman has supported the War in Iraq, this has cost him on the political front, this move would be a great move, it could blow the Obama/Biden ticket out to the water. The question is would McCain dare take such a bold move in the 08 race.
Obama vs Clinton
The New York Times: Reports on the division with the Democratic Party between the the Clinton and Obama supporters. A minority in the Clinton Camp are never going to forgive or vote for Obama, if McCain can get this minority either to vote for him or not to vote then McCain could win the 08 race.
Democrats for McCain
A great Ad by the McCain Camp, shows that McCain has appeal to Democrats. Also meant to show the problems between Obama and Clinton Supporters. A great, fun Ad.
CNN Poll after Biden Pick
CNN Poll: Reports that the Biden pick has not helped Senator Obama. The Poll finds that Obama and McCain are tied at 47%. The Convention is another chance for Obama to seal the deal with white, working class voters, also to retake the lead among older women voters from McCain. The Obama Speech has to hit the ball out of the park, otherwise this will be a very long campaign for the Democrats.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Split Democratic Party !
The New York Times: Reports on the split in the Democratic Party between the Obama and Clinton supporters. The Liberal NYT does not want to see a split, it cant, its whole foundation would fall apart if it really did an investigation on what the Clintons really think of Obama.
Biden and the U.S Supreme Court
The New York Times: Reports on the role of Senator Biden as Chairman of the U.S. Sentate Judiciary Committee, it looks at his role on the confirmation hearings for Justice Thomas. How from the left wing view Biden was to fair to Thomas. It should be noted that in the mid 80s he was in zealot for the Liberal Cause, he lead the opposition to the nomination of Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court, it is from this case we have the poison of the present atmosphere in Washington D.C. Biden has shown as noted by the Gipper that he plays on the fears of the voters, women, the abortion issue. A leader leads, Biden has shown that he panders to the left wing of the Democratic Party when it comes to Judges, also he has been wrong on the relationship between the USA and then USSR. In the present, he wanted to split Iraq up in to three provinces, if the USA had followed his advice we would have lost Iraq to Iran.
Why Biden ?
The New York Times: Reports on the process that Obama took to select his VP. If Obama should lose it could be down to the fact that Russia invaded Georgia, the change candidate needed a VP with a some National Security background, thus Senator Biden, other wise Obama might have gone with the Governor of Virgina, Tim Kaine. The Change is candidate is now the average politician who will do what it takes to win, if Obama had chosen Kaine of Virgina it would have followed through on his message of change and allowed Obama to be competitive in Virgina. The Russians just might have done McCain a big favour.
Why not Hillary ?
Fox News: Reports that McCain Campaign is going after Senator Obama for not selecting Hillary Clinton as his VP. This could allow Senator McCain to think out side of the box, what about Senator Joe Lieberman as the VP to McCain, this would show that McCain was the change agent not Obama/Biden.
U.S Navy arrives in Georgia
BBC News: Reports that the US Navy has arrived in Georgia. Although the US Navy is carrying non - military Aid the message is clear to Russia. The signal is clear, thus far and no more, lets hope the Russians have Big Ears to hear the message.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
WP on Biden
The Washington Post: As the WP points out they did an article yesterday as to why Obama should pick Biden, one can only guess what Obama thought after reading this article. This is the reverse argument as to why Obama should keep Biden away with a very long stick. As Reagan the WP states that the Senator has a fondness for his rhetoric and is quite happy to bore other people. Does Obama wish he had a Tardis? Read of the Day.
Reagan on Biden
I did wonder what the Gippper thought of Senator Joe Biden, the Gipper was right of course about Biden. In The Reagan Diaries, President Reagan stated on the 15th of June 1987 that " He's smooth but pure demagogue ( spelling corrected ) - out to save Am. from the Reagan Doctrine. " As with Iraq Biden was wrong when it came to the Reagan policy of dealing with the Soviets, he was for Arms Reduction as opposed to winning the Cold War. The theme of the Obama Campaign has been change but the Partisan warfare of Washington is one of the foundations of the Biden record in the Senate. One can imagine Political Ads from the McCain Camp that will show that Biden has been the problem in Washington D.C not the solution, a politician who play on the fears of the voters and not the truth as is the case in Iraq. The point of Biden lets be honest is to mitgate the lack of National Security background of Obama, but that experience that Biden brings is just not right for Obama, he will never be a political threat to Obama as Hillary Clinton would have been as VP, but following the Bush Model as with Cheney has not worked out as was seen in the 2000 race, Cheney was meant to prevent Wars like Iraq, the reverse happened, Obama has show that he is weak by this move, we shall see what the voters think of the move, the Gipper would not have been impressed, at least he had Bush 41 as VP and he had a good record on National Security.
Reagan, Ronald, Edited by Douglas Brinkley, The Reagan Diaries, HarperCollins, 2007.P507.
Ukraine and Nato
The Times: Exclusive Story in the paper of record. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko wants the Ukraine in NATO. The War between Georgia and Russia has shown that Russia can not be trusted, the Ukraine should be in NATO, this would show Russia that some lines should not be crossed as it could cause a major War between Russia and the West.
Biden on Obama by McCain
Great Ad by the McCain Campaign, using the words of Biden against Obama as a reason to vote for McCain.
Stealing Georgia
BBC News: Reports that Russia is to keep troops at the Georgian Port of Poti. This is against the Ceasefire, if the West does not take action then expect more trouble down the road, one can postulate that the Russians will try to get Russian Passports to those people that support it in the Ukraine, then we will see what happened in Georgia happen in the Ukraine, is the West ready for the Russians to get the wrong idea and start a War with the Ukraine, a War that will drag in the West and NATO. The West has learned nothing from Munich and World War 11.
Bush Era and Beyond,
A Win for Russia!
BBC News: Reports that the USA and France are not happy that Russia is following the terms of the Ceasefire with Georgia. The Russians have broken their word, the old Reagan line comes to mind again, Trust but Verify, the West has verified that the Russians are still in Georgia proper, they have won the tactical round but on the Strategic level we have to make the Russians pay for this Invasion of Georgia and the keeping of troops in Georgia that goes against the Ceasefire deal that was bought to the table by the French. The Ukraine should be bought in to NATO and Russia should be placed in a Cold Freeze, till it acts like a respected actor on the World Stage.
Bush Era and Beyond,
NYT on the Biden
The New York Times: On Senator Biden becoming the VP to Obama. They point out the experience that Biden brings to the ticket but what they leave out is that it could be wrong experience, he wanted to split up Iraq in to three provinces, it was McCain that had the right answer to the question of Iraq. The NYT does make a very good point that Obama has followed the Bush model for his VP, in other words not a political threat to him, also like Dick Cheney, Biden will be to old to run for President after one or two terms for Obama. I wonder what Hillary Clinton will be thinking at this exact moment, I know what Bill is thinking and you cant write that in a blog!
Weekend Polls
Lets have a look at the Tracking Polls before the Democratic Convention and naming of Joe Biden as VP to Obama.
Gallup: Reports a tied race between McCain and Obama. The Tracking Polls find the following, Obama 45% - McCain 44%. The McCain Campaign has predicted that Obama will come out of the Democratic Convention with a 15% lead in the polls. This would be a big bounce, but if Obama gives a great speech and the Liberal Media sticks the script and fawns over him then its in the realm of reality. If Obama gets that swing and keeps it he would win in a landslide, not holding my breath over that result.
Rasmussen: Also finds a tied race, the poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 46%.
The well respected RealClearPolitics average of the Polls has Obama leading by 1.4%. In other words a tied race, the Conventions this year could give either candidates a bounce that could place them on the road to victory.
Obama/Biden 08
BBC News: Reports that Joe Biden has been selected to run with Senator Obama. The naming of Obama is meant to negate the weakness of Obama in National Security. The problem on Iraq Biden wanted to split up Iraq in to three provinces, he saw it as a failed state, President Bush was right when it came to Iraq and the surge. The McCain Campaign should start to run Political Ads which shows that Obama has made a mistake, and shows clips of Biden when it comes to Iraq and his wrong solution for that problem. If Georgia had not come up it is interesting would Obama have chosen Biden, would he have not preferred the Governor of Virgina.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Nation and Clinton
The Nation: Argues that Hillary Clinton should be the VP to Obama. As the polls stand now its a good argument, never though I would agree with the Bible for Liberals, if they believed in God.
Satellites of Russia
Telegraph: Reports that Russia will recognise the Independence of two Georgian Provinces, South Ossetia, the province that sparked the War between Russia and Georgia and Abkhazia. They will become Satellites of Russia.The Russians can now be considered bad actors in International Politics, they have broke the Ceasefire with Georgia, they are still in country, and worse they have broke their word to the West. The West and NATO, should place the Ukraine under Western Security guarantee, if the Russians start to play games in that country they should be aware this is not Georgia and the West will take action, Putin is a modern Tsar, minus title, give him time, the question is will he be Alexander 11, a wise ruler or Nicholas 11, a stubborn man who failed and destroyed Imperial Russia.
What Next for Obama ?
CNN: David Gergen writes an interesting article on what Obama needs to do to became the Star again in the Presidential Race. He's for Clinton as VP, Mrs Obama is not for that option. Also I think McCain has defined Obama with some success, young, lack of experience, arrogant, liberal, thin record of political achievement. Obama has to turn it around with his VP and the Convention.
The West and Russia
Fox News: Reports that Russia has threatened to take action over the deal between Poland and the USA, the action would go beyond Diplomatic methods. Have the Russians lost the plot are, have they drunk to much Vodka, you don't threaten the USA and Poland in this manner, its negative on two fronts, the West will but Russia in the Cold Freeze and on the USA domestic front this helps McCain. Obama is seen as weak on National Security, his first response to the the War between Russia and Georgia was seen as weak by most commentators. Think 1960 Election when Kennedy used the Missile Gap to win, if you are seen as weak the USA voter will go with the hawk. SIMPLE LESSON FOR RUSSIA, IF YOU WANT OBAMA TO WIN, GET OUT OF GEORGIA, IF YOU WANT MCCAIN TO WIN ANOTHER COLD WAR, THEN JUST CARRY ON, POOR RUSSIA.
Bush Era and Beyond,
McCain leading Obama
Reuters/Zogby: As noted don't do individual polls during the week in less they are different from the norm, this one has McCain ahead of Obama. On the whole in most polls Obama has a slim lead over McCain. The RCP Average of polls has Obama ahead by 1.2%. This Reuters/Zogby Poll has the following result, McCain 46% - Obama 41%. It should be noted that this Poll was taken while Obama way on holiday and McCain had the stage to himself. Thus we have the Convention to come up and also a VP to be named. As Obama and the Democrats go first, one should expect Obama to get a bounce from the Convention, it should be noted that Senator Kerry managed to get a negative bounce from his Convention. It will be interesting to see the Polls after both Conventions, in the West Wing Season 7, the Republicans had the lead it would be interesting to see what the polls show after the Conventions. It should be noted that the Republicans in the TV series lost the election even after having a lead after the TV Conventions.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The West and NATO
The New York Times: Reports that NATO has stated that its relationship with Russia can not be the same as it was before the War between Russia and Georgia. The problem is that the French though they had a deal with Russia but to quote an old Reagan line, " Trust but Verify " the Russians have broke their word on the deal. The West has to send a message to Russia, no more land invasions, the top of this list should be the Ukraine, the Russian bear has to but back in his cage.
Bush Era and Beyond,
The Russian Bear in Georgia
Fox News: Reports that Russians Troops don't seem to be moving back due to the conditions of the Ceasefire between Russian and Georgia. The Russians wont move in less they think that the West will place NATO troops in Georgia, it has to be a threat that the West will carry out, the Russians do not want to be seen as having been chased out of Georgia by the NATO. The setting of a deadline when NATO troops would arrive would make the Russians understand that they have to move back to home soil. This is not 1956 or 1968, Russia might have to learn that the hard way with NATO troops coming up the road to replace them on the border between Russia and Georgia.
McCain Win ?
CNN: Looks at how well McCain did in the Presidential Forum against Obama. Lets recall in 2000 everyone thought that Gore would preform well in the Presidential Debates and show Bush the Exit Door. The reverse happened, Obama does not do well in Debates when he is challenged, and if his sole answer is that he did a speech against the War in Iraq before it started then this race is over well before November. How about telling people what his grandmother thought about being thrown under the Bus so Obama didn't have to throw his Pastor under the Bus.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that ten French Soldiers have been killed in Combat and another twenty one wounded in Afghanistan. The UK since 2001 has lost 116 Armed Forces Personnel, while the USA has lost Five hundred. Afghanistan is going to be a long and bloody War.
NATO on Russia and Georgia
BBC News: Reports on a NATO meeting to discuss the action of Russia in Georgia. A lot blame on Russia but what about sending in military support to replace the equipment destroyed by Russia, how about NATO peacekeepers to draw a line in the sand, NATO can not be seen as weak by Russia.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Russian - Georgian Ceasefire ?
Fox News: Reports that the Russians are playing games, using the press to state they are leaving Georgia but they are still in Georgia. The USA should send in the Marines as peacekeepers with tanks, and start a slow drive up to Gori with the expectation that the Russians will have left, the Russian Bear respects a strong fist not a weak hand of friendship.
Obama's VP Choice?
ABC News: Reports on the runners to be Obama's VP, Hillary Clinton not at the top of the list, not news that one!!. I would suggest to Senator Obama that after the War between Russia and Georgia he needs an Old Foreign Policy expert as VP, in this case Senator Sam Nunn. This might not bring in a State, but it would help if there are hot spots before the election, think Israel and Iran.
Musharraf OUT in Pakistan
BBC News: Reports on the enforced resignation of President Musharraf of Pakistan. Lets hope the West does not regret this move, lets recall Iran in 1979. A nightmare for the West would be a Pakistan in the hands of the terrorist. A terrorist controlled Pakistan would be a threat to India, cause the West massive military problems in Afghanistan and Terror groups would have a heaven as to plan attacks on the West.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total now stands at 116. The War in Afghanistan will last a long time and will cost more deaths for the British Army, what is the Exit Strategy for this War.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Another Good Ad by McCain Camp. McCain has to stress that Obama is old type Liberal. That the tax level will go up under a President Obama. The rest of the election has to be about Obama. If Obama is not seen as up to the job as President then McCain will win in 08.
Weak Obama Ad
Weak Obama Ad, does not have the fun and power of the McCain Ads, Senator Obama has friends in Hollywood get them it to redo these Ads, they lack the punch of McCain's Ads. That's the problem with Obama, he lacks depth and humour, comes out in his Ads.
The Truth Obama
Another good attack ad by McCain. The Ad shows that Obam is just another Chicago Politician, the truth does not matter as long as you have that fawning or fainting crowd. THE TRUTH DOES MATTER SENATOR OBAMA.
Troops OUT
Fox News: Reports that Russian Troops will start to pull out of Georgia on Monday. I don't trust the Russian bear as far as I can throw him, we have to keep the pressure on the Russians, we have to keep them to their word, not that their word means much to be honest.
CNN Presidential Forum
I saw the CNN Presidential Forum last night, it was on here at the UK at 1am to 3am. I thought after watching two hours, that Obama was weak, to quote Hillary Clinton all he has was a speech that he was against the War in Iraq, also his Elite Professor Persona came out, while McCain was relaxed and funny, also he has his time as a POW in Vietnam, being tortured for years and coming out the other side shows his heroic character. Also he was funny, some of the commentators make funny that McCain uses the same jokes. They fail to understand that its how you get it to work, you use it till you get the audience to think its new also get them to laugh, makes a politician human. Reagan before becoming Governor used to go around the country and talk to big and small groups, he refined his message thus became the Great Communicator.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Russia - Georgian War , END
The New York Times: Reports that Russia has signed off on the revised Ceasefire between it and Georgia. Lets be honest the Russians have made limited gains, they have gained two more provinces, but on the big board this was a bloody disaster, Poland has taken the Son of SDI, the Ukraine has placed limits on the use of Naval forces, also the the USA can argue that the West has to take the Ukraine in to NATO. Also if the USA and the West wants, Russia will be out of the G8. Any deals to allow Russia in to Western Trade are on long term ice. On the political domestic front in the USA, the War has helped McCain tie Obama in the polls. I think it could be argued that Moscow would prefer the weak Obama to McCain. And lets get back to Georgia, the USA and Western leaders have made the trip to Georgia, if Russia acts again it could be deeper in the freeze. The BBC might think Russia has won, well that's the feeling one gets with some of the coverage, but on the big board Russia has lost big time, this was 1968 but Russia lost the game.
Friday, August 15, 2008
What Next in the War ?
The New York Times: Reports that Russian Troops have moved closer the Georgian Capital. The Russians are playing chicken, they want to provoke the Georgian Troops to hit them, then they can take over Georgia. The problem is the USA will not allow that at the end of the day, the Russians should be happy with their gains.
The Friday Polls - US Election
Its that time of week folks, the Polls. Here are the tracking polls from the USA.
Rasmussen: Reports that Obama is ahead by 2%, the poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 45%. As noted in previous posts, Obama needs a bigger lead, in these close polls at the end of the day McCain will win, we recall N.H. The voter does not tell the truth, Obama has to move to the centre right, had get a bigger lead or he will lose and then we will have Hillary Clinton in 2012. Smell the Coffee Senator Obama, ditch the left wing and move to the centre right.
Gallup: Reports a tied race between McCain and Obama. The Poll finds the following, McCain 44% - Obama 44%. The War between Russia and Georgia could have helped McCain, it plays in to his positives on National Security, also the weakness of Obama shows, his measured statement to the War might be Presidential but he is not President yet, that arrogance again coming through. Also going on Holiday in a time of growing World tension shows a lack of judgement. Lets see how the Polls stand next week, the Democratic Convention is coming up, this should give Obama a bounce, but it should be noted that Kerry got a negative bounce from his Convention.
Rasmussen: Reports that Obama is ahead by 2%, the poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 45%. As noted in previous posts, Obama needs a bigger lead, in these close polls at the end of the day McCain will win, we recall N.H. The voter does not tell the truth, Obama has to move to the centre right, had get a bigger lead or he will lose and then we will have Hillary Clinton in 2012. Smell the Coffee Senator Obama, ditch the left wing and move to the centre right.
Russia OUT
BBC News: Reports the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has demanded that Russian forces leave Georgia, after Georgia signed off on the Ceasefire Deal. The big question is what if Russia does not leave, what if its starts to believe its own press statements. The Threat to Poland and the Russian slow progress in leaving Georgia means the West has to place Russia in the cold freezer, it has to learn a lesson, its not a Super Power, that went with the demise of the Evil Soviet Union.
Poland under Threat ?
Telegraph: Reports that Russia has stated that Poland is now a target for Russia's nuclear planning. Russia should recall that Poland is part of NATO, all for one being its foundation, the Russians really need to smell the coffee, Poland is not Georgia, any move on Poland will be seen as a war between NATO and Russia.
Bush or Russia
The White House: President Bush has stated the following on the War between Russia and Georgia, " With its actions in recent days Russia has damaged its credibility and its relations with the nations of the free world. Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century. " The President has to be even tougher, he should go to the Ukraine and declare that the USA will protect the people of the Ukraine and also any threat to Poland is a threat to the NATO. The Russians are not happy that the the USA has placed the Son of SDI in Poland. As Poland is part of NATO, Russia has to be careful, Georgia is one thing, the backbone of NATO is all for one, so Russia better not believe its own press statements.
Obama and Tax
Another excellent attack Ad by the McCain Camp. Thus we have Obama as arrogant, as in Moses, weak, his response to the War between Russian and Georgia, and even worse he wants to raise the tax of those Americans who hold on their traditional values because they are bitter. Obama is being defined by McCain and Hillary Clinton, he was rolled at the Convention.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Son of SDI
BBC News: The SDI project that was started by Ronald Reagan, has developed in to the Son of SDI. The BBC reports that Poland has agreed to have missile interceptors in country. The War between Georgia and Russia has shows that the bear is out of the cage and the countries around Russia need the protection of the NATO more than ever before, it can be argued that the Ukraine will be next to become part of the Western Alliance.
Civilisations Come and Go!!
BBC News: Reports that a classic marble head that is thought to be the Roman Empress Faustina the Elder has been found in Turkey. With the World as it is today its sometimes interesting to look back, we are so different but not that different, one wonders sometimes how we made it to the 21 Century.
South Ossetia and Abkhazia
The New York Times: Reports on the latest move by the Russians to remove South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia. One has to ask, is all this worth it for Russia, is it worth be thrown out of the G8, barred from Western Trade, the Ukraine becoming part of NATO. Those former Republics will want even more to become part of NATO, as this will give them protection from Russia. The old countries of the Warsaw Pact who are part of NATO have that card in their dealings with Moscow. The next few years are going to very cold between the West and Moscow. If this is still an Issue next will week will be very surprised, Moscow can not be that foolish, there is winning and a hollow victory.
NYT and the War
The New York Times: The second time VIEWS has agreed with the Liberal New York Times up to a point, the NYT writes the following, " Europe and the United States must make clear to Mr. Medvedev — and the real power player, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin — that more aggression and lies will not be tolerated. They must make clear that Russia will pay a price, in diplomatic standing and economic relations..." Georgia as a going concern might be finished, lets be clear its not fair but that might be the reality. Thus what is the next move, that is simple, get the Ukraine in to NATO as fast as tomorrow. Make it clear to Russia, that any move on the Ukraine is not on, that its a red line, that if they move an eyebrow over the Ukraine it will be seen as a threat to the West and NATO. The Bush Administration should have been tougher with Russia, the bear is strong but the eagle soars and can hit in many targets.
3-1 to the Clintons
Politico: Reports that the name of Hillary Clinton will be placed in nomination at the Democratic Convention. The press release is pure spin, the Clinton wanted a Cathartic moment for her supporters, Obama on his plane was not for that moment, lets see Hillary and Bill will speak and Hillary Clinton will have her name placed in nomination. Obama has been rolled by the Clintons, he gets one day and he hope it does not rain as his speech will be at a no roof convention, got to give to the Clinton they are ruthless, nod of the hat to the Clintons.
The End of the War ?
BBC News: Reports on the Stern critic of Russian actions by US Defense Secretary Robert Gates but also the statement that the USA would not be sending in the the US Military. The US Military is already there, and civil aid can be turned around in a second. The War is coming to an end, the last few days we have seen the occasional skirmish but the Russians will want to mend fences with the West over the next few months, they don't want to be thrown out of the G8, they want to be part of Western Trade. Thus expect Russia to be very quiet when Israel attacks Iran and is supported by the USA. Georgia is not worth WW3 but Russia has to be taught that it can not pull this kind of action in the 21 Century. The next few months are going to be very cold between the West and Russia.
Aid for Georgia
Fox News: Reports that Aid has started to arrive in Georgia. The next few hours will be interesting, it can be argued that Russia should start to withdraw troops, it does not want by accident to get in to a shooting war with the USA. The USA is sending in the Cavalry, the Russian bear should know when its got enough honey, to much and a victory can turn in to rout. The USA is not Georgia, the USA could decide to to send in the Marines for a holiday, a long term holiday. Russia has made her point, lets hope she gets out, Bush it seems from the Fox Report was being told by the State Department that Russia would not take this action, Presidents should never listen to the State Department. Bush will want to make a point, expect the Fleet to turn up soon to make a point to Russia.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ukraine Next Flash Point ?
The Times: Reports on the next flash point of the Ukraine, the President of Ukraine is supporting Georgia and is threatening to throw the Russian Navy out of the Ukraine. NATO should make the Ukraine a member quick, this would prevent any mistakes by Russia. The success so far in Georgia could make the leaders in Russia think that they can move in to former Republics or countries that made up the Warsaw Pact. This is the time to be firm with Russia, this War between Georgia and Russia is not over yet, one gets the impression from the TV and print media that this is over and Russia has won, its not how a War starts it how is finishes.
The Cavalry in Georgia
Courtesy of the White House
BBC News: Reports on the strong reaction by President Bush to the latest developments in Georgia. The President was highly critical of Russia and stated that USA military forces would help the civil population, the Cavalry has arrived in Georgia. The President stated the following, " I've also directed Secretary of Defense Bob Gates to begin a humanitarian mission to the people of Georgia, headed by the United States military. This mission will be vigorous and ongoing. A U.S. C-17 aircraft with humanitarian supplies is on its way. And in the days ahead we will use U.S. aircraft, as well as naval forces, to deliver humanitarian and medical supplies. " This is a strong message to Russia to get out out of Town, in a press Conference the Secretary Rice stated that the USA would not control the ports, but since the Georgian Army has been defeated and the Russians are the only game in town, the USA will have to take over these links in Georgia. I thought this crisis was over, what does Russia want, why risk being in the Cold over Georgia. Has Putin started to think that his press statements are true.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
More Clinton trouble for Obama
CNN: Reports on the prospects that the name of Hillary Clinton will be placed in nomination at the Democratic Convention. What more do the Clintons want, Hillary on Tuesday and Bill on the following day. Poor Senator Obama will only have one day, if Obama Camp would not be happy.
NYT and the War
The New York Times: Almost never agree with the Liberal Times but support their view on the War, the Times states the following, " The United States and its European allies must tell Mr. Putin in the clearest possible terms that such aggression will not be tolerated. And that there will be no redivision of Europe. " If the West does place peacekeeping troops on the border between Georgia and Russia they should be NATO troops, the EU is to weak and would buckle under pressure from Russia.
Why Clinton LOST
The Atlantic: This article has created a great amount of political buzz, in essence Hillary Clinton was not a good leader, she should have learnt from the 1980 Campaign of Ronald Reagan, he lost Iowa but won N.H., he got in new management and won the race.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The death toll now stands at 115, a lot more will die, the terrorists have regrouped in Afghanistan, the Afghanistan and Pakistan border are great cover for the terrorists, these badlands allow the terrorists to go from Pakistan over the border to Afghanistan, commit acts of terrorism and then return over the border. The government of Pakistan has not control of these badlands.
No Battle for Georgia ?
BBC News: Reports on the Russian decision to end its war with Georgia. It was surprising that Russia did not follow through and take Georgia, once President Bush was back in the White House and put Russia on notice due to its actions the Russians flipped on the War. I guess they don't want to be thrown out of the G8, banished from Europe, and have the Ukraine in NATO. On the strategic level this could be a mistake by Russia, it showed that the Russians blinked, so this wont be 1956, 1968, perhaps the Russia deep down knows it cant pull this kind of stunt post Cold War. They should stick to using economic pressure and keep the troops on base. I wish the BBC would stop acting like a branch of the Kremlin Press Office, noticed they seem to stress the Russian side often, not a great surprise after Iraq. It can be argued that we will see endless Diplomatic moves over the next few days, weeks, months, its better than War, but expect the occasional skirmish.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Final Battle for Georgia
The Times: Reports on the disorganised retreat of the Georgian Army form Gori, how we could be seeing the final battle for Georgia. I guess Georgia is finished, it will become a satellite of Russia, a puppet regime in charge of the former Democracy. The West now has to get the Ukraine in to NATO. The West has to make Russia pay for this actions, no more G8, make it the cooler king ( as in the Great Escape ) of the International System. The Russians have to be taught that with great power comes great responsibility. Thus we should treat Russia like the Old Soviet Union in the bad days, no benefits at all from the West.
Bush and Georgia
Washington Post: A critical article on the Bush policy towards Georgia, the article states the following, " So where was Bush as Russia launched a major military attack against Georgia? Monkeying around with the U.S. women's volleyball players...." The ironic thing about the article is that the WP offers no alternative to the Bush Policy, it does not want the troops sent it as has been argued on this blog, so what is Bush to do, look unhappy. At least the President made an appearance, the British PM was hiding in his bunker on holiday. If the elite media is going to attack least come up with a policy, not just being critical because the Elite Media hates Bush.
Bloodbath ?
The Times: Reports on the next phase of the War between Georgia and Russia, what comes after Gori. If the West does not take action we could see a bloodbath in Georgia, is the West willing to see a young Democracy destroyed, also the loss of Oil supply as a threat from Russia. This is the time for the West to take action, or else we are in a New Cold War.
Confirmed - Gori Taken by Russia
Fox News: Has confirmed that Gori has been taken by Russia. In history you have a few turning points, this is one, if the West allows Russia to take over Georgia this will create a New Cold War. It is urgent that NATO sends in peacekeeping forces, or else the bad old days are back, the West vs Russia.
The Battle for Tbilisi ?
Telegraph: Reports that the Government of Georgia is holding the line at the Capital Tbilisi. If the Russians go beyond Gori, it has been stated that Gori has been taken but would like to get more confirmation for that move by Russia. Thus if and when the Russia takes Gori and move down to Tbilisi the West has to take action, the West should send in NATO peacekeepers. That is the problem with Wars, truth goes through the window.
Moscow Issues Ultimatum
The New York Times: Reports that Russia has given an Ultimatum to the Georgian troops on the Abkhazia Front to give up their weapons. It has to be postulated that Russian under PM Putin wants to take over Georgia. If this is the case, then NATO should make the Ukraine part of the Club. The G8 should become the G7, this suspension would last till Russia act like a great power with honour. The War Crimes Court should look at the actions of Russian leaders in Georgia. I did notice that a BBC Reporter at the US State Department did mention that the USA could send in NATO peacekeeping forces, this would draw a line in the sand.
Gori taken by Russia
BBC News: Reports that Gori in Georgia has been taken by Russia. This destruction of Georgia is a disgrace for the International Community. By the way, how come PM Brown has not shown his face, as always in a crisis the PM is in his bunker on Holiday.
Pakistan Problem
The New York Times: Reports that the Taliban in Pakistan has forced government troops from the border with Afghanistan. The badlands of the Pakistan and Afghanistan border have been nightmare even for the British Empire. The Government of Pakistan will have to send in more troops to clear the problem, if they fail Bush or a new American President might clean house. This would of course help the terrorists in Pakistan and could topple the government, then the terrorists could have Pakistan and the bomb.
Ghost Town ?
Telegraph: Reports that Gori in Georgia, the birthplace of Stalin was being evacuated. As noted before the NYT is reporting that Russian troops have already crossed the border in to Georgia. Lets hope the government of Georgia gets all the people out of Gori. If Russia takes over Georgia then we are in a New Cold War.
The Times - Georgia Help US
The Times: Reports that Georgians are asking for help from the West. It wont happen, if the USA or UK was going to help it would have done so by now, it might get the Ukraine faster in to NATO. History will record as in 1956, 1968 the West did not push back Russian aggression. It can be argued that 2001 and 2008 are dates that will effect the rest of the Century.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Georgia Invaded
The New York Times: Reports that Russia has invaded Georgia, its attacking Stalin's home town of Gori. What can the West do, take bloody action for a start, if the West does not take action we are back in a Cold War, a War that could go hot any time with the present leaders in Russia. Bush has to send in the Fleet and the Marines. If the West fails this will be Munich again and we know the history that developed from that shame.
Abkhazia Front
Telegraph: Reports that the Russians are taking over the Abkhazia Province of Georgia. It also reports that Georgia can not not really fight this invasion. If I was Georgian and in the leadership I would take the Afghanistan style of fighting, go guerrilla against the Russians, as Afghanistan has how shown and Iraq, this is the best way to fight a Western Army, not to take them on but fight in the shadows.
No Ceasefire by Russia
BBC News: Reports that Russia still attacking small Georgia, even Georgian military boats are being attacked. This is the time for George W. Bush to drop the hammer on Russia. The only way to stop Russia is to send in USA Troops. Make it clear that this has to end, Russia might have Imperial ambitions for the near abroad but it wont take on the USA. In less the USA takes action, 2008 will go down with the failure of the West to react in 1956, 1968, and in 1979 in Afghanistan.
Ceasefire by Georgia
Telegraph: Reports that Georgia has declared a Ceasefire. The problem is that Russia might have bigger plans, this could be its chance to take over Georgia, control Oil from the region, prevent Georgia becoming part of NATO. The West has to careful, it should send military support to Georgia.
The Next War? Iran and Israel
TJP: Reports that the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has stated that the USA has no veto on any action that Israel should take over Iran. The lack of action by the West over the aggression of Russia should be a warning to Israel, Georgia a friend of the USA is under a threat of Invasion and the USA and the West don't seem to be taking much action. Israel has to be concerned that a Obama Administration would even be weaker, would an Obama Administration allow Iran to became a nuclear power and a threat to Israel. The West should be wary that lack of action over the War between Russia and Georgia could make Israel think that it better take action now over Iran.
Russia Invades Georgia ?
The Times: Reports that the people of Georgia fear the above headline. President Bush and PM Brown should cancel their breaks and come home, we need a strong Western action, the lack of action could either allow Georgia to became part of Russia again, as mentioned when will the Imperial plans of Russia stop, will the Ukraine be next, Poland, it has to be asked, the bear is on the move. Or the crisis could really get out of hand, what if Russia or the West makes a mistake, think 1914, hot summer and War.
The Next Move ?
The New York Times: Reports on the latest in the War between Georgia and Russia. The Omens are not good, Russia if they wanted to could move troops in to Georgia. The blockade of Georgia, the War developing on other fronts, does recall in some context 1914, the Note the Austrians sent the Serbs to prevent War, a Note that would have placed Serbia under Austrian Power. Is the point of this war to make Georgia a satellite of Russia again, like in the Soviet period. One gets the feeling that Putin's Russia wants to recreate the Old Soviet Union, what next the Ukraine.
A Russian Win ?
BBC News: Reports that Georgia has announced that it has removed its troops from the province of South Ossetia. But the War is spreading, as posted yesterday the Russians have invaded another province, Abkhazia, the Russian bear is on the move, the West has to take action or this could get well out of hand. The BBC Reports that the Ukraine could deny the right of the Russians ships to return to their ports. If the Russians think the West is weak it could try some military action in the Ukraine, this could lead to a major conflict between the powers. Russia has to be told that Georgia will be supported even by military support from the West. President Bush and PM Brown it can be postulated are being told by the State Department and the Foreign Office not to take any action, could be wrong but would be surprised. The West has to support Georgia.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Abkhazia Invaded
Telegraph: Reports that another Georgian Province has been invaded by Russia, this time Abkhazia. This is the time for the West to move, if the West is seen as weak by Russia it well could take a chance on the Ukraine or god for bid Poland. The USA and UK have to take a tough stand, if not there will be trouble down the road, this could be Munich all over again folks. This is the time for Bush and Brown to come out, no more holiday and do something to protect Georgia.
Get out Georgia ?
The Times: Reports that the Russian President has told US President that the War between Georgia and Russia can only end if Georgia leaves South Ossetian. President Bush should order Georgia to leave the disputed province but at the same time send in a massive troop build up on the border of Georgia and South Ossetian, place Georgia under the protection of USA. This should make both sides both happy and not happy, as stated Russia gets South Ossetian and Georgia gets the protection of the USA and NATO. Also it will allow the USA to have a presence on the Russian border to keep them in line should they have any funny ideas over Georgia, Ukraine or Poland.
The Truth and War, Russia and Georgia
The New York Times: Reports that the death toll from the War between Georgia and Russia in South Ossetian is nearing the thousands, at present around 1,500 civilian deaths, on the military side the Russians are hitting Georgia itself as noted in early post, also it is reported that Georgia has had success it downing Russian Planes, the NYT reports 10 planes have been downed. This is good reprting by the NYT, when it does hard news without an agenda it should be appluded. As with all wars the truth will come out when the shooting war is over, but the question is when will this war end, what will the West do to protect Georgia from the Imperial ambitions of PM Putin. As stated in previous post this is the time to place lines in the sand, Russia has to be shown that this is another Afghanistan, even if the West has to military supply Georgia.
Old Media and New Media on Edwards Scandal
LA Times: Reports on how the New Media will decide whats a political story not the old lions of the print media. A very fair article and honest article. Read of the Day.
Elite Media and Edwards Scandal
The New York Times: Looks at why the Elite Media didn't go after the Edwards scandal, 1, the source, 2, Edwards was distant in the polls, and then when it looked like Edwards could have been Obama's VP or Attorney General the media started to look at the story. This is fine up to a point, but when McCain was a target for the Times, the paper put the story on page 1. Lets be honest, Edwards was a Democrat and the Times and the rest of the Elite Media didn't want to know, they allowed their agenda to overtake their job of getting the news, shame on you New York Times.
John Edwards in his own WORDS
Politico: Has the full text of the statement by former Senator John Edwards. The words that I find that come from the heart are the following, " I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up – feel free. " All politicians from dog catcher to President feel they are the only man or woman who can lead, the difference is they don't have a wife who has cancer, even Bill Clinton looks better after John Edwards.
Lieberman for McCain's VP ?
FT: Reports that Democrat Joe Lieberman is on the VP short list for McCain. This would be a bold political move, this would show a national ticket of both Republican and Democrat. This would help McCain with Independents and Conservative Democrats, the Conservative base of the Republican Party would not be happy, but a joint ticket to McCain and Lieberman could just win over Obama.
Stalin's Home Town
BBC News: Reports that Gori in Georgia itself has been attacked by Russia. Gori was the home town of Stalin, it is time for the West to place pressure on Russia, Russia can not allowed to win this or we will have trouble with them later down the line. What if they make similar claims over the Ukraine or Poland ( Poland is in NATO ). The West should send in peacekeeping troops in to Georgia as to show Russia that there is a line that it cant cross. Also South Ossetia should be give to Russian protection, everyone then will be happy up to a point, Russia gets South Ossetia and Georgia gets NATO protection. Lets face it, the West, USA and UK is in Afghanistan, Iraq why not Georgia.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Edwards and the Truth
ABC News: Reports that former Senator John Edwards has admitted he had an affair but that he is not the father of a child from that affair. I guess Edwards is lucky that a war has broken out between Russia and Georgia. This Scandal will not get that much coverage from the Main Stream Media, but his chances of a VP or Attorney General in a Obama Administration is out of the window. I feel sorry for his wife, who has cancer, what man to be married to, almost makes Bill Clinton look good, don't have much time for John Edwards have even less at this time.
Update: The MSM did go big on the Edwards Scandal, CNN and Fox had the story for most of the night, the reason being its a sex scandal, that always gets the ratings in, the majority of the print and TV media are liberal but they are a business and thus they will go with this sex scandal. Also as it was broken by a paper that the MSN looks down they will have to find new angles to the story, to show they can actually find a story.
Mr Tax, Mr Star = Obama
Another good Ad by McCain, he is making Senator Obama, Mr Tax and Mr Star. This Ad should work well with Independents and Conservative Democrats. The McCain Camp should cut an Ad on National Security and the War between Russia and Georgia. The tag line is simple, "Do you trust McCain or Obama with your Security "
Russia blames the West for the War
Telegraph: Reports that Russia blames the West for the War between Russia and Georgia. As Georgia has gotten a lot of Western Support over the years, this includes military support. This is typical of the New Russia, its pandering the mind set of the NYT and the Guardian, blame the West not its own policies. Lets send in Western Troops between Russia and Georgia, it would also protect Oil from the region.
USA and the War
The New York Times: Ask what the USA is going to do about the War between Russia and Georgia. The NYT writes the following, " The developments raised the question of how the United States might react to a Russian attack on Georgia, an American ally whose pursuit of NATO membership has angered the Russians. " As noted below the West should send in troops to keep the Russia and Georgia apart but also to protect the Oil. Also it can be asked if the War gets worse and the USA is dragged in to the conflict, how will this affect the US Presidential Election. If in a time of tension will voters go for the young, not experienced Obama or the military hero and experienced McCain. The Obama Camp must hope this war is finished fast or it might have a negative effect on its Campaign. It does recall the 1990s, August was always a bad month in International Politics.
War News from Georgia and Russia
Fox News: More on the War between Russia and Georgia. The sides have caused casualties to each other, Russia can not afford another Afghanistan, and the West can not allow Georgia to be take over by an Imperialist Russia. The first casualty of war is truth, but lets get to the meat of this issue, what is the USA going to do or what can it do to calm this major crisis. The USA could place troops between Russia and Georgia, Russia would go through the roof but it could do little, it might want to take on tiny Georgia, the USA is something else, also as Georgia has a major Oil pipeline going through its land, its in Western interest to calm this war before it drags in the West. The New Russia has to be shown by the West that there are lines in the sand, we have allowed our attention to move to the Middle East for the past few years but the Russian Bear is still in the woods and it can be a threat.
Georgia and Russia at War
The Times: Reports that Georgia and Russia are in a " undeclared state of war. " The US President George W. Bush and the real power in Russia, PM Putin had a conversation as shown on the BBC coverage of the Olympics, was the talk about the games or this new invasion of Georgia by Russia. One has to wonder if Russia wants a new Cold War, it seems Putin has learnt nothing from the Invasion of Afghanistan and the burden this caused for the then USSR.
Newsweek: Has more on the latest that is the soap opera of the Clintons. Reports that Clintons have pulled a fast one, Hillary and Bill on following nights of the Democratic Convention. It seems that Bill Clinton will speak on Wednesday, just before the Vice - President Nominee speaks. If I was Obama's VP I would going through the roof, his or her speech will hardly get a mention, it will be about the Clintons again.
Debate Obama!
Time: Mr Klein Advices Obama to accept the McCain Challenge of debates. This would not be a good idea for Obama, he is not good at debates, without the fawning crowd and at least some tough questions, he is weak and he looks weak. The Obama Camp know their man, keep him with his fawning crowd and in the tank media till the debates. The Debates might not be great but he should not lose because of them as Gore and Kerry did in 2000 and 2004.
Hillary Clinton
The New York Timers: The latest on the soap opera that is the Clintons, the role of the Clintons at the Democratic Convention. This is down to money and ambition, on the money side Hillary Clinton wants help from Obama with her debt, on the power side she wants to set herself up for a run in 2012 should Obama lose in 08. Obama could do with a holiday after the Clintons.
Hillary Clinton will not have helped with her antics over the Convention.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Democrats on McCain
Another great Ad by the McCain Camp. This shows when McCain was the favourite Republican to Democrats. Also great the last few seconds, with Hillary Clinton asking of Obama what has he done but a speech. The McCain Camp will benefit form Independents and Conservative Democrats and woman over 40, come on Obama give me some ads to like or at least think are worth showing.
Clinton on Obama
Time: Reports that Hillary Clinton does not think Obama can win in November. Of course the Clintons don't want Obama to win, its a twofold reason, if Obama wins his VP will have a run at the Presidency in either four to eight years, Clinton wont have a chance then, also Bill Clinton will no longer be the Rock Star of the Democratic Party.
Roll Call for Clinton!
ABC News: Reports that Hillary Clinton might place her name in nomination at the Democratic Convention. This is about money, she wants Obama to help her with her debt before the Convention, after the Convention she does not get her money back, she is thinking about a 2012 run should Obama lose to McCain.
Israel Attack on Iran ?
Yahoo! News: Reports that Israel is getting ready to use force to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power. As stated many times on this blog, a attack is coming but its condition will be based on the view in Israel on the chances that Obama will win in the USA. If Obama will win then Israel will attack while Bush is in the Oval Office. An attack before November could help McCain.
Edwards Scandal ?
News&Observer: Reports that former Senator Edwards has to deal with the alleged scandal and rumoured affair before the Democratic Convention. If Edwards wants to save his future political career he better say one way or another if the story is true or not, silence does not help, if true get out in front of the story, if not true, he is a lawyer start to sue. Placing his head in the sand wont help, this is not like Bill Clinton and Impeachment, this is an election year, Edwards has scant time to get some good out of this story.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
McCain for the Future of America
Another hard hitting Ad by McCain. Its a good tag line that McCain Camp is developing, Obama as the star, while McCain cares about the security of the American Family and Nation. I am still waiting for a good Ad by Obama, they seem well just boring!!
Dowd and Obama
The New York Times: Ms Dowd comes to the defence of Obama, she writes those that attack him have some envy of him. Lets see Bill Clinton won Two Presidential Elections, Reverend Jackson is a leading leader in the field of Civil Rights, McCain was POW in Vietnam and has served in the Congress for decades. What has Obama done ?
Get Real Bill !!
CNN: Article telling former President Bill Clinton to get over it, his wife lost and for him to live in the real world. When Obama wins two Presidential Elections and is thrown under the bus by the new Democratic Nominee he will understand why Bill Clinton is upset. After twelve years of Republican rule, Bill Clinton won the White House for the Democrats, his wife was part of the deal, and she lost, Clinton is a Alpha Male, he will never get over this insult to his wife, and more important if Obama wins, Bill Clinton will not be the rock star of the Democratic Party and that hurts, he still young, it could be argued that he should have waited and ran in 1996 for the first time. The history of the present world could have been very different, politics is a harsh business, lets give the Clintons some time get over this loss.
August Rain
August Days
Rain and Shine
Hot and Cold
Time to Clean and Breath
Those Holiday Days
Moving on, letting Sleeping Dogs Sleep
Memories of What Was and Can Never Be Again
The Past, Present both in Sight
I see a memory, happy but sadness
What Was but a lingering thought
Memory folds to what could have been
A memory of Happiness that is swept away
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