Friday, August 15, 2008

The Friday Polls - US Election

Its that time of week folks, the Polls. Here are the tracking polls from the USA.

Gallup: Reports a tied race between McCain and Obama. The Poll finds the following, McCain 44% - Obama 44%. The War between Russia and Georgia could have helped McCain, it plays in to his positives on National Security, also the weakness of Obama shows, his measured statement to the War might be Presidential but he is not President yet, that arrogance again coming through. Also going on Holiday in a time of growing World tension shows a lack of judgement. Lets see how the Polls stand next week, the Democratic Convention is coming up, this should give Obama a bounce, but it should be noted that Kerry got a negative bounce from his Convention.

: Reports that Obama is ahead by 2%, the poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 45%. As noted in previous posts, Obama needs a bigger lead, in these close polls at the end of the day McCain will win, we recall N.H. The voter does not tell the truth, Obama has to move to the centre right, had get a bigger lead or he will lose and then we will have Hillary Clinton in 2012. Smell the Coffee Senator Obama, ditch the left wing and move to the centre right.

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