Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Demoocratic Convention and the Polls

It is odd that during the Democratic Convention the polls are so close, you would think with the fawning of the elite media that Obama would be well ahead of McCain. Yesterday Gallup had McCain ahead by two percent, today's Poll has Obama ahead by one percent. The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has McCain ahead by one percent. The Poll finds the following, McCain 47% - Obama 46%. Is Obama not sealing the deal with working class white voters? Is it down to his elite background, the Moses of the 21st Century. Or is it a more negative reason, a reason that should not be in this day and age, the matter of race. It can be argued that to favour McCain over Obama is down to the maverick nature of the Senator or his war record, but it should not be because he is white, lets hope the polls are about character not skin colour.

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