Thursday, July 09, 2020

The Rishi Special - £ 10 for meals and soft drinks - COVID - 19 - Health/Economy

Lets Get Real:

This was a good speech by the Chancellor, it will help business, get people back in to work before they become lifers ON THE DOLE.  That a Conservative Chancellor  is spending such money shows that the PM and Cabinet have accepted that the only way to protect the economy is to OPEN THE WALLET.  The DEBT will paid off by future generations, those that will receive the benefit will either be VERY OLD by this time or dead.  Jeremy Corbyn must have wished that he had delayed supporting an election in December, the Conservatives have found that magic spending tree that he used to write his Manifesto for the 2019 general election.   The UK could not have gone through another ten year austerity to pay for the funding today, overall all the Government is spending 350 billion on its various schemes, from the furlough to today's spending the UK books will be full of red print, as in debt.   The UK should have tax cuts in the next budget, that will get the economy going, the government is reacting to a prediction that at the end of October the Country is facing its worse recession/depression in three hundred years, the 1980s will look like happy hour by comparison.   There are tough times ahead!

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