Thursday, July 09, 2020

Keep your HANDS OFF our FISH Mr Barnier!! - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Talks

Lets Get Real:

These endless talks are about each side covering each others backside, on the UK side the PM wants to show that he has tried for a DEAL, while on the EU side they want to show how tough they can be as to frighten other Countries from not leaving the EU.   If there is a deal to be made, the side should get together and DO A DEAL, otherwise stop the hot air and tell the people that there is no deal and we the UK will go for an Australian Deal, in other words the WTO.  The PM should state that at the end of this month, either an agreement or its over.  Considering COVID - 19 it is in the interest of both sides to do a deal.   The problem with the EU is that they take SO LONG to do a deal that watching paint try sounds more fun, also they are used to getting their own way, the UK Brexit showed that they can not bully Great countries like the UK, whatever Brussels think. 

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