Thursday, July 09, 2020

UK and EU have pointless talks AGAIN!! - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

The UK and EU talks are pointless, it seems neither side is OPEN to concessions, and the UK want their fish back, its very symbolic for the UK.   The EU has to please 27 States, and this is the first time they are not calling the tune, so more talks, next week in Brussels and then in London the following week.   It is about time that PM Johnson called an end to the talks, they are going nowhere and it makes the UK and the EU look ridiculous and petty.  The SIDES should just be honest with each other and the voters, there is no DEAL to be made, after December 31st the sides might give concessions, even more so if there is a 2nd wave of COVID - 19.  The UK has right to its fish, we do not need to give concessions to the EU. 

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