Thursday, July 09, 2020

Difficult Times AHEAD, Chancellor - COVID - 19 - Health/Economy

Lets Get Real:

The Conservatives are being HONEST, the Chancellor can not save every job, when the furlough scheme comes to an end in October one can expect around 3 million people will be on the dole, and the majority will be young, those working in the pubs, bars, restaurants  etc.  The Governments first priority is to prevent the young spending years on the dole, those over 50 will have to accept that they will get lesser jobs or just accept as a reality that their work history has finished.  That can be the hardest part, on the ash heap at 50+.   The economy or those that hire people are youth centred, you if you hire someone older you have to teach them to use modern IT systems, while the young have been trained and live their lives on line.   Tough years ahead for the UK.

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