Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Polls and the 2015 General Election

Lets Get Real:

If your a political geek you LOVE polls. it does not matter who is ahead, you love to see who is up and down, what people are really thinking, lets be honest politics and polls bore most people, or they want to keep their political opinions to themselves, also recall the UK voter lies, they did that in 1992 and that election saw Sir John Major getting another term as PM.  On the whole this blog has been bored by THIS election, one is so used to US elections that our own election seems tame, of course with Hillary getting in to election the US Presidential Election starts this year, so expect a lot of coverage of US polls, how the candidates manage Iowa and NH,  and the numerous candidates on the Republican side should make for fun year and half of politics.  The game is afoot. 

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