Friday, October 18, 2013

Obama and his Poll Rating - 2nd Term Blues

Gallup: Report on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a " 42% Approval rating, while 52% of Americans Disapprove of the the Obama record. ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks the Oval WON its ObamaCare round with the Republicans, lets see if the Oval poll rating rises, the liberal elite press will run with a theme that the Republicans have been routed by the Oval, but lets recall in the mid 1990s Bill Clinton had a 52% Approval rating before and after this Government shutdown, after this defeat the Tea Party supporters in the Congress will keep the feet of the leadership close to fire, to make sure they do not appease the Oval over the next few months.   In January the Republicans should increase the CR for the Government in till after the Mid Term Elections, but hold the line when it comes to the debt ceiling rise, that comes up again on Feb 7th.   The US voter knows that the US cant carry on with a 17 trillion debt,  as they saying goes the other shoe will drop after the President Obama has left office in 2017.   The Republicans should be ready to allow the US to default after the Feb should the Oval remain in stubborn mode.  It will be a Obama default, the Republicans have to make sure that Obama has won short term victory, they have to win the long term war on the US debt, otherwise the US is finished folks, that simple and brutal folks. 

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