Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Clinton vs. Biden - The 2016 Race

Lets Get Real: 

This blog would be very surprised if the Clintons,  that is Bill and Hillary really through that VP Biden was a threat to the Hillary Clinton in 2016, this blog's late beloved dog would beat VP Biden, yes folks, he is not going to be the nominee, one can think that the Biden Camp thinks that everyone thought that Hillary Clinton would win the nomination in 2008 and she did not, also President Obama must know that should Hillary Clinton win, the only former President would have her ear is her husband.  If the Oval thinks that Bill Clinton has forgotten or forgiven that the Obama Camp used the race card on him in 2008 they are out of it, or smoking something illegal.   One can postulate that Biden might think that Hillary Clinton might not run, or that the Libya scandal might come back to haunt her, there is always chance folks, but this blog does not see a real political threat to Hillary winning the 2016 Democratic nomination and at present no threat to winning the Presidency.   But folks, three years is a long time, the Clintons must think that somehow Biden is a political threat, this time they are not taking any chances, that is the one thing about Democracy folks, who in 2006 would have thought that then Senator Obama would be the next President.  Let the fun start folks on the Democratic side. 

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