Friday, November 18, 2011

Gingrich TIED with Romney in New Hampshire - Republican Race

WSJ: Reports on a new poll in New Hampshire of Republican voters, the race is a virtual tie, with Romney on 29% and Gingrich on 27%. If the former Speaker could win Iowa and New Hampshire this would the best political comeback since Truman, but can Newt Gingrich not implode as has been the fate of past front runners, Parry, Cain. It is only seven weeks in till the Iowa Caucus folks, if Gingrich can mount a decent field operation and win or come close he has a good chance to take on Romney on his home field of New Hampshire. The close fight causes problems for the Obama team, they had thought that their opposition would be Mitt Romney, thus the early attacks on him, as following the Clinton handbook of 1996. But they just might have to wait, this helps the Republicans, they seem to taken on Reagan’s 11 rule of not attacking fellow Republicans and attacking Obama. There is a CNN debate on Tuesday folks, that Wednesday morning UK time, lets see who wins that and if any other candidates can make an impression.

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