Friday, April 02, 2010

Obama WHO ? - 2010 Mid Term Elections

The Washington Post: Reports on how the political magic of President Obama has faded since he came in to office, the article states the following, " some Democrats are saying that it's smart for Obama to keep his distance from candidates in difficult races.. ". The health care reform debate has placed a big hole in the Democratic Ship of state, the question is will Democrats find that they are on the Titanic in 2010, and just moving the deckchairs about will not help moderate and conservative Democrats who voted for health care reform. As noted in my previous posts the Democrats have forgotten one lesson of the Great Society of LBJ, after 1968 the Oval was in either in Republican hands or moderate to conservative Democrats. The argument that people would love health care reform once it was passed is to miss the point, they might get around to getting along with it but they still might throw the Democrats OUT. In the run to the November we shall see if POTUS is really liberal Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan, as of now folks he is a worse Jimmy Carter.

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