A very good article by Bill Clinton on Boris Yeltsin, Clinton has learned from the his autobiography to be short and to the point. I would normally have expected five pages just on the Introduction and and some points on how great he was before getting to the subject. I read his autobiography and because I am am political geek liked some aspects compared to the critical review the book received. I recall when Bill Clinton was on Larry King Live before the book was published and Bill Clinton was going on that he kept all his records, even from College days, Larry made an excellent point that he should keep it short, President Clinton did not listen, thus the critical reaction to his book. As a political geek would not mind reading Bill Clinton if he keeps it short and to the point, am sure Bill Clinton could be a great political writer, but there are rules to writing as in life, as long as you learn them you can go far in this world.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Yeltsin by Clinton
A very good article by Bill Clinton on Boris Yeltsin, Clinton has learned from the his autobiography to be short and to the point. I would normally have expected five pages just on the Introduction and and some points on how great he was before getting to the subject. I read his autobiography and because I am am political geek liked some aspects compared to the critical review the book received. I recall when Bill Clinton was on Larry King Live before the book was published and Bill Clinton was going on that he kept all his records, even from College days, Larry made an excellent point that he should keep it short, President Clinton did not listen, thus the critical reaction to his book. As a political geek would not mind reading Bill Clinton if he keeps it short and to the point, am sure Bill Clinton could be a great political writer, but there are rules to writing as in life, as long as you learn them you can go far in this world.
The Media and the Debate
Washington Post, how Clinton acted would act tough during a crisis while Obama showed he has only two years real high politics experience.
Slate, in essence making Obama sound better and tougher, correction of his flawed debate Performance.
Newsweek. What Obama has to do to during the next few months to put some meat on his campaign, but not to much meet that it can be turned around and used to destroy that campaign. VIEWS did read some troubling aspects, the Senator come across behind closed doors as a bit of a Jimmy Carter and John Kerry, clever but does he need to be the brainest person in the room and asking a lot of questions to advisers in and out of the campaign. As Reagan showed, have four or five major policy aims, keep on record and WIN. Being the best and brightest is not that great, Vietnam anybody, hope Obama is not another Carter or Kerry.
Slate, in essence making Obama sound better and tougher, correction of his flawed debate Performance.
The Politico, states the following on Obama and the Debate, " After Obama responded to two foreign policy questions with indirect, rambling answers, he was able to use the combative responses of Kucinich and Gravel ( other Democrats in the field ) as a foil for his second try at sounding decisive. " There is a thread that the Media and the love in with Obama is at and end, this is real hard tough politics, sounding the call for a positive debate might work in Berkley it just gets you second in Presidential Politics. Nixon learnt that lesson the hard way in 1960 when Kennedy's Campaign was out to win no matter what and how, Nixon had not been tough enough, he was in 1968, does Obama need another eight years to learn how to Run to be President, this is his challenge NOW, otherwise it will be Hillary Clinton in 08.
Newsweek. What Obama has to do to during the next few months to put some meat on his campaign, but not to much meet that it can be turned around and used to destroy that campaign. VIEWS did read some troubling aspects, the Senator come across behind closed doors as a bit of a Jimmy Carter and John Kerry, clever but does he need to be the brainest person in the room and asking a lot of questions to advisers in and out of the campaign. As Reagan showed, have four or five major policy aims, keep on record and WIN. Being the best and brightest is not that great, Vietnam anybody, hope Obama is not another Carter or Kerry.
Clinton Wins 1st Debate
Politics is a matter of impression more than reality, Senator Clinton showed she understood that when Americans elect a President they want a President that will act if the United States is under threat or has been attacked, in the debate when asked what she would do if America was attacked, she stated she would used armed force to attack the enemy. Obama reacted if he was running for Mayor of Berkley, about getting right intelligence, getting people on the ground, when a country is attacked people want cold ruthless revenge not a debating President. On this 1st round 1- 0 to Clinton. VIEWS has been quite critical of Clinton it has to be stated, might be worth a second look. Western Security requires an experienced President, a President with resolve in these troubled times.
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Edwardians - Diary of a Nobody
Humour is very subjective, VIEWS smiled through the first episode, it is funny, well acted and a great script. But it could be argued perhaps it would have been better if the monologue had been dropped and the characters talked about had been shown and the story followed in that manner, VIEWS could be wrong it has been known, shall watch all the rest of the shows to see if it gets more funny, Humour again is very subjective.
The Edwardians, The World of Albert Kahn
The second episode of this wonderful series, Edwardians in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn was even better than the first, we see the United States, Japan, India, Mongolia in the Edwardian Period. In VIEWS interest the Edwardian Period is at the top, on the whole it has been Imperial Russia and the political developments up to 1914, but this series has in some respects shows there is more to that period that reading the diary's of Kings, Emperors and the political actions of politicians. When looking at these colour pics VIEWS has wondered what happened to the people did they survive the great turbulence of the First World War, did these pictures in some respect represent their happy life's before war, natural disasters and disease took them. But of course on the whole we cant know what happened, but we see the high and low points of the period, before the destruction of 1914.
The President V Congress
The US Senate has a passed that calls for a Time Table to withdraw troops form Iraq by early next year, the President has stated that he will Veto this Bill. The process of the Bill has been a game, the Democrats don't have the votes to over turn a Presidential Veto, thus they are playing to their left wing appeasement base, at the moment they are following the Polls and think this is the way to win the Presidency. As I have written to be thought as in the same company as those that supported Appeasement in the 1930s shows why the Democrats lose elections over and over again, they learn nothing, EVENTS change and you cant bet your Presidential bid on the idea things are going bad NOW then events wont change, Politics is about change, and the great unwashed, that is us the people, VIEWS does consider himself a man of the people, those that bother to VOTE, have very short recall, they might say in one poll get the troops out but if the SURGE works will say they never supported a cut and run policy and vote against a politician who though that is what the people wanted, you are not lead by the people you lead the people, hint there for Senator Reid. George W. Bush is President of the United States of America and he wont allow Iran to became a Nuclear Power, if he attacks Iran, the left will go mad, but it should be noted Iran is not on the top ten favourite list of the American people. A massive air attack on Iran, wipe out their nuclear development, force the Democrats to eat their words. It should be recalled in 1983 after a terrorist attack on American troops in Lebanon, President Ronald Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada, some of the left attacked the move but it worked, Reagan finished off the political aspirations of Former Vice - President Walter Mondale in the 1984 Presidential Election. Mondale could not even win his old Senate Seat back years later when he was drafted in on short notice to run for the Senate after the death of a fellow Senator. This is the time for Bush 43 to act, stand tough on Iraq and start to plan for Iran. As a wily British Prime Minister once stated when asked what could happen in the future, "Events, Events " The Democrats see an election but they do not see the future.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Lieberman and Iraq
Senator Lieberman a Independent Democrats supports the War in Iraq, that is why he is an Independent and the votes of a lot of Republicans in his home state, but here is the crux of this blog, Lieberman is right in his article that the threat to the United States in Iraq is al-Qaeda but he talks the talks the talk but wont walk the walk. If Lieberman wanted to stop the foolish actions of the Democrats in the United States Senate he could vote with the Republicans and make them the Majority Party in the Senate. Lieberman cant have it both ways, if he thinks his old party is wrong on the most important issue facing the USA then why is he still supporting the Democrats to run the US Senate. It has come time for the good Senator to do more than talk the talk he has to walk the walk. The Issue is to important for a half way house, it should be asked of Lieberman " When Sir are you going to walk the walk and really support the War in Iraq and leave the Democrats or is it all talk, What is your answer Senator. "
Iraq and the VETO
The House has passed a resolution to withdraw troops from Iraq by next year, the Senate will pass it soon, thus the President has no choice but to Veto the Bill and make sure he gets a clean Bill next time, the President is looking at the Security of the United States the Democrats are looking at their bank balance to fight elections, who would you want to safe guard your security. It is time that the President stand firm and tall, he is the President of the United States of America and if the Democrats don't like it they should start to win Presidential Elections.
Yeltsin Buried Today

Courtesy of the NARA: US National Archives
Today Russia Buried a great leader but more important a great Russian. Boris Yeltsin was Russia, the real Russia of DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM, it can be argued that Russia today could do with the kind of leadership that aims for Democracy and greater wealth for all Russians. Yeltsin gave the world a great gift, the end of the USSR, the future of Russia is in the hands of leaders who seem to want allow the economic Freedom but want to control the Democracy. Today Russia lost a great leader of Freedom lets hope its present leaders think of the road they are taking and change path and follow the road of DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
2008 Election
Here are some interesting articles on the 2008 Election, its only April 2007, that politics USA.
The Hill, A interesting article, but also with some good empirical evidence, don't write off Hillary Clinton yet is the message, and if the figures are right VIEWS would have to agree with the assessment.
The Gallup Poll, looks at the 2008, the runners and the issues, read and be informed.
The Hill, A interesting article, but also with some good empirical evidence, don't write off Hillary Clinton yet is the message, and if the figures are right VIEWS would have to agree with the assessment.
The Gallup Poll, looks at the 2008, the runners and the issues, read and be informed.
New War, Old Battle
In 1972 George McGovern lost the Presidential Election in a major defeat to Richard Nixon, the policies he followed then are in the view Vice - President Cheney the new policies of the Democratic Party. McGovern is annoyed hence a article that shows how out of touch the Democratic Party is, McGovern was a War Hero no doubt, but he was a bad politician. The Republicans should keep quite and let the Democrats became the New McGovern's. If the Democrats follow the same road and they are quick walking that road at the moment over Iraq, then in the 08 Presidential Election the Republicans will defeat them as they did in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000 and finally in 2004. The Democrats only won in 1976 because of Watergate and that was a very close election, in 1992 because the economy was bad and Bush 41 had broken his word on taxes. In 1996 Clinton has moved to the centre adopted Republican policies and the economy was good.
The Democrats might not have noticed but the American Economy is going great, due to the Bush Tax Cuts which helped after 9/11. The American Homeland has not been attacked since 9/11, terrorists are in Iraq fighting not in the USA. The policy of defeat of the Democrats and their almost love of new taxes and their miss reading of the 06 election results are major problems for the Democrats to overcome to win in 08, the American public want to win, the USA can not just walk away, if the USA did leave Iraq, the Terrorists will then move to attack the West from the safety of Iraq. Think this, what If, Democrats are successful and remove troops, elect a Democrats President and start to raise tax then a major attack comes from terrorists in Iraq, what will a Democratic President do, go back in after winning a election of getting the troops out, if a major attack the economy falls due to increase in oil prices, higher tax low returns, welcome to the 1970s and the world of Jimmy Carter, bad economy and the security of the United States under threat, Jimmy Carter at least had the USSR in Afghanistan, what if the threat is on American Streets. The left and their Hollywood Friends will be secure it is the people that will suffer. The first decade of the 21st Century will makes us all love those Cold War Days, the West is under threat the left can not be allowed to win in the end, they are the modern equals of those that supported Munich and Appeasement, the costs are that high. If you think if the Strategy during WW1 or WW2 during the bad days had the same critical reaction then the Kaiser would still be on his throne or Europe would be under the Hitler. The fight is that stark, McGovern was wrong in 1972 he is wrong in 2007.
The Edwardians, Shopping for England
Another treat from the BBC Edwardian Season, Shopping for England, normally shopping is not something VIEWS spends his time thinking about, but after this show its history and its effect on the political, social and economic aspects is quite interesting. UK has to to thank two Americans for our modern shopping development, Gordon Selfridge and F.W. Woolworth. It seems shopping was well dull to be honest before these two men arrived, thank god for our American cousins.
Bush Firm On Iraq

The President has been critical of Democrats for their demand to leave Iraq, the Democratic plan is stupid as they don't really care about Iraq they care more about their political base, and how much money they can raise in the months before the 08 Election. Once the Bill is sent to the President he should Veto it and only sign a new Bill if it what he wants, otherwise he should Veto the Bill or Bills in till its clear that the President is the man in charge of the War in Iraq not a few Hundred Representatives in the House and a Hundred would be Presidents in the Senate.
African American Vote?
A Very interesting article in the The New York Times, can African American Political leaders deliver African American Votes to Hillary Clinton. This is not a normal political race, of course there is Hillary Clinton, Junior Senator from New York and former First Lady and wife of Bill Clinton, considered by many in the community to be the " First Black President " as his ability to understand the needs of the African American community. On the other hand we have a Black Candidate who can win, young, charismatic has that JFK quality. The politician you might not agree with all the time but you like, in many respects like Ronald Reagan. It should be noted Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton in the charm department. On the other hand Obama although a Liberal is the kind of politician VIEWS could vote for if he was an American voter, VIEWS has not liked any of the Democratic Nominees since John F. Kennedy, Clinton was to flawed and he could never overcome himself thus a failure. It should be noted that in 1992 Clinton was not the Front Runner he became, while Hillary has been running since 2000. The problems is it shows she has been running since 2000. VIEWS has always liked that any one can became President of the United States of America, but this change form Bush to Clinton back to Bush Political Dynasty is not American, why not Obama, a fresh face, new ideas and it will allow more politicians to come through that are not a Bush or a Clinton.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Iraq, Bloody Iraq
Another Soldier lost in Iraq, and the title Bloody Iraq yes does have a double meaning, the frustration of another death and another family that has to mourn, also the bloodbath that is Iraq for the people in Iraq. If we are going to leave lets get the hell out of there, either do that or if Iran is killing our troops, then hit them hard so hard they stop, no matter what develops. This is fast turning in to another Vietnam, what ever you think of Harold Wilson, and to be honest not much, he kept us out of Vietnam even after pressure from LBJ. Also Wilson called it day on his terms, not like Tony Blair who got himself in this position of having to leave after the disaster of the May 3 Council elections and Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly Elections if the polls are right, lets not forget 1992 and how Labour won that election! It has been reported that Terrorist are planning something big for when Tony Blair goes, so Iraq, and the threat of big attack in the UK. Why does the 21st Century remained VIEWS of the start of the 20th Century and we all recall 1914.
Boris Yeltsin Dead
Boris Yeltsin has died, a very human man but a great man, the one man that could bring down the USSR and develop Russia on the right path to Democracy. In the mind of VIEWS he still on that Tank, standing for a Democratic Russia, the real Russia that the People of Russian want and the World needs in these times of threat from within and around the World.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The Edwardians in Colour
Another treat from the BBC, The Edwardians in Colour, see a lost world through colour pictures and film. The source of the pictures and film is the Archive of Albert Kahn, a man ahead of his time.
France 1st Round of Election
The Official Exit Poll for the First Round in the election for French President.
Nicolas Sarkozy, Centre Right - 30%
Segolene Royal, Socialist - 24%
The Second Round should go to Sarkozy but this is FRANCE, will be an interesting few weeks in France. The Second round is on May 6 2007.
Nicolas Sarkozy, Centre Right - 30%
Segolene Royal, Socialist - 24%
The Second Round should go to Sarkozy but this is FRANCE, will be an interesting few weeks in France. The Second round is on May 6 2007.
French Election and the Media
Here is an interesting article on the French Election by the Washington Post.
The Washington Post, as the article points out, France on the domestic front is in bad shape, it can be argued it is the same shape that the UK was in before the arrival of Lady Thatcher. But on the other hand on the International Front still has a role, but if the Domestic Front gets worse then France will have to pull back from her international Role, France must choose if it gets it wrong, she will be in really bad shape and the reality of France and THE myth of France will hit each other , depends if France wants to be on Prozac for the 21st century.
French Election
Interesting to see how the votes count up in the first round election for President of France, it seems from over the water that the Elite Media is obsessed with Nicolas Sarkozy from the Centre Right, Segolene Royal from the left, these two should get to the second round and Sarkozy should win the Second Round, but don't bet the House on it, the French VOTER is hard to figure out much like France itself, await developments from the Polls.
Cash for Honours Blogs
Here are some of the interesting articles on the Blogs when it comes to Cash for Honours.
Ian Dale's Diary writes that Lord Levey wont take all the blame for Cash for Honours and will take others down with him, and that the Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister , Jonathan Powell could also be in the frame, this is reported in the Sunday Times.
Guido, states that the Case will go all the way, VIEWS has his doubts, but on this VIEWS has a very strong view and could be very wrong, we are in the 21st Century after all, the rules do change and some people just might face the dock, even though they have stated that they are Innocent of all charges.
Cash For Honours End Game
Well we reach the end game for this messy affair, VIEWS has stated that Attorney General should close it down NOW well this his chance, the giving of honours for favours goes back to the dawn of time, from the Monarchy to politicians, this is how the systems works and will always work, a Seat in the House of Lords in a perk that a Monarch or Prime Minister can give and has been given, our system has worked for a thousand years, and on the whole not that bad. Why should the PM's office take the rap for something because the rules have changed, aka Nixon during Watergate, all those charged and those under the threat of charge have stated that they did nothing illegal, well their word should be taken and the affair dropped, Our Tony is going, let him leave with a bit of dignity not under a cloud that he will have to be a witness against his former aides, not nice or fair, Tony Blair if he had been a Conservative would have gotten the vote of VIEWS well since he is New Labour, VIEWS has voted Conservative, but he has been a decent PM and he deserves better treatment than this from the Press and the Establishment.
Gore Running?
Interesting article in the Telegraph about the prospects of former Vice - President Gore running; lets face it it must be running through his mind; does he want Hillary Clinton in the White House, why should she get the bonus of Bill Clinton when Al Gore had to face all his negative aspects, revenge is best served cold after eight years, defeat Hillary Clinton and be the successor to George W. Bush, the man who defeated him in very controversial circumstances in 2000. But before LIBERALS start to throw a party at the thought of the idea lets think about a few problems. Although VIEWS has no time for Bill Clinton the man, in polls most Americans had the same view point, as a politician he is great, and in 2000, the country was at peace, American was respected around the world; well the French liked him ; and the economy was great, and Al Gore still had a very close election, winning on the votes but loosing in the Electoral College, should it have been that way considering the circumstances.
In pure harsh politics no, Al Gore should have taken the Prize, in many respects it was not Bush 43 who defeated Gore it was Gore himself, the debates where a disaster for an experienced politician, they helped Bush, Kerry had the same problem in 2004. If Gore is the New Nixon, Nixon won in 1968 after losing to Kennedy, is this a great idea, think what happened after Nixon. Obama is charismatic and Liberal, but might be to young, Hillary Clinton might not win, Edwards is a long shot, Gore just might be the right man at the right time, only time will tell...Watch this Space for developments in will Gore Run...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The BBC has a new season on The Edwardians, if you have a chance have a look, one thing for the BBC they know how to do History and make it interesting and fun.
If you though modern fast food was bad have a look at EDWARDIAN SUPERSIZE ME, if VIEWS had to eat that much in a year he would be dead and with gout. On the other hand there are worse ways to go in this modern world.
Iraq Today
A death toll that can reach 200 in one day makes Views wonder is the bloody surge working, the point of the surge was to limit the violence but it can be argued it is not working, 200 deaths today, how many since the invasion, in the thousands, when does it end, when can Iraq have peace and when can the USA and the UK bring its troops home, at what point do you stop digging a worse hole.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Abortion and Elite Media
Here are some interesting articles on the US Supreme Court Ruling.
Washington Post, a very interesting and fair article.
The New York Times, also interesting and fair article, Views was impressed by that for once.
Read the US Supreme Court Ruling, Read and make your own mind up. Kennedy's Law, Read and make your own mind up.
CNN, does seem to stress the Liberal view, but the Republicans have Fox and the Democrats have CNN, Views sometimes thinks it should be called the Democratic Cable Channel.
Washington Post, a very interesting and fair article.
The New York Times, also interesting and fair article, Views was impressed by that for once.
Read the US Supreme Court Ruling, Read and make your own mind up. Kennedy's Law, Read and make your own mind up.
CNN, does seem to stress the Liberal view, but the Republicans have Fox and the Democrats have CNN, Views sometimes thinks it should be called the Democratic Cable Channel.
Abortion and US Politics
It is interesting in looking at the reaction of the Republicans, Democrats to the decision by the US Supreme Court to ban Partial Birth Abortion. What is interesting how any one with an interest could have written their reaction, the Republicans supported and the Democrats opposed, one wonder's if they had their speeches typed up already, no though just pander to their core voters. If one looks at these cultural Issues, abortion or race, the issue themselves have give away to a Industry on the right and left, they have to disagree, or most of them would be able to find a job. If your a liberal you see Republicans as , anti woman because you oppose abortion at any time, you are a racist because you don't support positive discrimination when the reason for it in the first place has gone, and of course you should be in the Hague for War Crimes because you didn't wait for the UN to gain a backbone. On the Right you see Liberals as wanting to destroy your religious beliefs helped by its supporting LA crowd, you think they are more concerned about the earth than people, and they pander to every minority going no matter, you cant say no, that would be racist and by the way this generation should pay for the mistakes of the past. Then the West can only take action when the UN gets a back bone.
The Truth is not always clear is sometimes goes both ways, but today the US Highest Court did the right thing, the manner of the Abortion is beyond words and should be stopped by the Courts. But on the other hand a woman has a human right to have an abortion, its her body and the government should fund it, as stated the truth is sometimes in the middle and is not clear and goes both ways, its called being normal, Liberal or Conservative should accept there are different views and they both can be right.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Another Watergate?
It seems that the Democrats are convinced that the firing of some lawyers is up there with Watergate, if it was a Democrat President doing the firing I doubt we would hear a thing from them, its all politics and so plain why do people even bother to listen to the Democratic leadership
Death in Afghanistan
Another Soldier lost in Afghanistan, in some respects Afghanistan worries me more than Iraq, we have lost more troops in Iraq but we are getting out sooner or later, Afghanistan is another more serious game. Lets face it was a reason the USSR fell, we have lost thousands of troops there in the past, the place is bloody bad for a conventional army at the best of time, but when it is bad it is a horror story, how many more troops how many years are we going to be in the god awfull place. At what point do we put troops around the place and box the enemy in one place and and kill them, how long how many troops lost and the cost in economic terms. Lets be honest its should be the USA in the place not us, support yes but troops, don't see the much of NATO taking part, why are we the whipping boys again for the USA.
I am no peace nick, but Afghanistan is worry to me, I see the cost and the horror, and I see a WAR WITHOUT END.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
2008 Elections
Here are some interesting articles on 2008 Elections:
E.J. Dionne on Senator McCain and his 2008 bid to be President. The Elite Media does not like the new McCain.
The Politico, this articles suggest that McCain by supporting Bush might win the Nomination but because of Iraq lose the election. As VIEWS has stated what if McCain is right on Iraq and the Elite Media is wrong, then the political sum is different, VIEWS has found always expect the unexpected because it does arrive in politics, it is a bet that is as safe as a bank vault.
E.J. Dionne on Senator McCain and his 2008 bid to be President. The Elite Media does not like the new McCain.
Chicago Tribune, On those who are running for the Democratic nomination who wont take part in a debate because Fox News is a Sponsor. The Article is critical of those that duck a debate. It should be noted that Ronald Reagan in 1980 was willing to debate his fellow Republicans even paid for it, when a Journalist tried to block him Reagan reminded him of that fact, it showed Reagan could be strong when faced by opposition. The Democrats are weak and it shows.
The Politico, this articles suggest that McCain by supporting Bush might win the Nomination but because of Iraq lose the election. As VIEWS has stated what if McCain is right on Iraq and the Elite Media is wrong, then the political sum is different, VIEWS has found always expect the unexpected because it does arrive in politics, it is a bet that is as safe as a bank vault.
McCain's Roll of the Dice
At one time Senator McCain was the darling of the Media Elite, a counter to the Bush White House, know he might as well be George W. Bush in the eyes of the elite media. His support for the war and his critical view of the Democrats in a recent speech place his hopes on winning the Republican nomination through success in Iraq. The Senator in many respects is following his own path as he has followed it through the years, he is the same man as he was in 2000 when he ran against the then Governor George W. Bush, he spoke from the heart then and it is the same know. The Elite Media and the Foreign Policy Establishment thinks Iraq is a mess that cant be won, the exception is of course George W. Bush and Senator McCain, they are following a path followed by Ronald Reagan when dealing with Cold War. The same people never thought Reagan was right, who was right in the end, Reagan was thus McCain is right to fight that Congress support the troops, it is right both in terms of the correct policy and also for the politics of 2008. If Iraq turn out alright, alright is not great but alright then McCain can win the Republican Nomination and then White House. If it does not work then McCain has fought the right fight, better to be on the right side of an issue that take a weak and appeasing view, the view of the Democrats.
A Disgrace
It is a Disgrace that our Service People had to but with 15 days as Hostages in Iran, and after their return when we live in a 24 hours news cycle to expect the story to go away, of course they sold their stories why not, they have right to earn from such a dreadful act. But it is typical of our society that we make people heroes then we want to bring them down to earth. The news for the past couple of days has been critical of the act, decent people can have different views on the subject, but was really annoys me is that although the Secretary of State at the MOD took the blame he did so in a way which placed the Navy as the first target. Views is calling for the Resignation of the Secretary of State, he was missing in action while the debated lasted for days, time to clean house and have a full investigation in to how our people where taken and the mess that followed. That is the problem when you have a PM on the way out, this has been noted by the media, time for the PM to go befor the elections in Wales and Scotland. The Helm needs a 24 hour leader not a leader looking for his place in History, that place is Iraq.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Hostages are Free
Hostages are freed at last, about bloody time, sorry I am not jumping in the air for something Iran should have done in the first place, correction they should not have taken our service people in the first place. The real crunch will be Iran's nuclear development, where there can only be one outcome, no nuclear Iran, it just depends how we get from A to Z, diplomacy or through the barrel of a gun, George W. Bush wont be so diplomatic as the British Government, he cant afford to be, and the Democrats wont be able to stop any action, Iran is not on the top ten list of favorite nations in the United States.
New Hampshire Poll
A new poll from New Hampshire, is very interesting, Edwards is on the up, Clinton down and Obama also down, what if Edwards can take Iowa and New Hampshire, would Clinton be finished or would she be able to do a Bill Clinton and come and win in the February rounds, got to love politics American style.
The Results with as follows are:
Hillary Clinton 27% - Down
John Edwards 21 % - Up
Barack Obama 20% - Down
If you are from the UK recall the 1992 Polls, the ones that had Labour Winning, beware of Polls.
The Results with as follows are:
Hillary Clinton 27% - Down
John Edwards 21 % - Up
Barack Obama 20% - Down
If you are from the UK recall the 1992 Polls, the ones that had Labour Winning, beware of Polls.
Obama V Clinton
CNN reports that Senator Obama has matched Hillary Clinton in the funding stakes, very interesting, is this the first stone to fall in the failure of Hillary Clinton to win the 2008 nomination of the Democratic Party, if Obama can build on this in the money stakes and build his poll numbers up, then Hillary Clinton will be in a three way contest, and Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton, no matter what some very loyal Clinton supporters want to believe.
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