Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lieberman and Iraq

Senator Lieberman a Independent Democrats supports the War in Iraq, that is why he is an Independent and the votes of a lot of Republicans in his home state, but here is the crux of this blog, Lieberman is right in his article that the threat to the United States in Iraq is al-Qaeda but he talks the talks the talk but wont walk the walk. If Lieberman wanted to stop the foolish actions of the Democrats in the United States Senate he could vote with the Republicans and make them the Majority Party in the Senate. Lieberman cant have it both ways, if he thinks his old party is wrong on the most important issue facing the USA then why is he still supporting the Democrats to run the US Senate. It has come time for the good Senator to do more than talk the talk he has to walk the walk. The Issue is to important for a half way house, it should be asked of Lieberman " When Sir are you going to walk the walk and really support the War in Iraq and leave the Democrats or is it all talk, What is your answer Senator. "

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