Friday, April 13, 2007

Death in Afghanistan

Another Soldier lost in Afghanistan, in some respects Afghanistan worries me more than Iraq, we have lost more troops in Iraq but we are getting out sooner or later, Afghanistan is another more serious game. Lets face it was a reason the USSR fell, we have lost thousands of troops there in the past, the place is bloody bad for a conventional army at the best of time, but when it is bad it is a horror story, how many more troops how many years are we going to be in the god awfull place. At what point do we put troops around the place and box the enemy in one place and and kill them, how long how many troops lost and the cost in economic terms. Lets be honest its should be the USA in the place not us, support yes but troops, don't see the much of NATO taking part, why are we the whipping boys again for the USA.

I am no peace nick, but Afghanistan is worry to me, I see the cost and the horror, and I see a WAR WITHOUT END.

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