Thursday, April 12, 2007

2008 Elections

Here are some interesting articles on 2008 Elections:

E.J. Dionne on Senator McCain and his 2008 bid to be President. The Elite Media does not like the new McCain.

Chicago Tribune, On those who are running for the Democratic nomination who wont take part in a debate because Fox News is a Sponsor. The Article is critical of those that duck a debate. It should be noted that Ronald Reagan in 1980 was willing to debate his fellow Republicans even paid for it, when a Journalist tried to block him Reagan reminded him of that fact, it showed Reagan could be strong when faced by opposition. The Democrats are weak and it shows.

The Politico
, this articles suggest that McCain by supporting Bush might win the Nomination but because of Iraq lose the election. As VIEWS has stated what if McCain is right on Iraq and the Elite Media is wrong, then the political sum is different, VIEWS has found always expect the unexpected because it does arrive in politics, it is a bet that is as safe as a bank vault.

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