Monday, April 23, 2007

Iraq, Bloody Iraq

Another Soldier lost in Iraq, and the title Bloody Iraq yes does have a double meaning, the frustration of another death and another family that has to mourn, also the bloodbath that is Iraq for the people in Iraq. If we are going to leave lets get the hell out of there, either do that or if Iran is killing our troops, then hit them hard so hard they stop, no matter what develops. This is fast turning in to another Vietnam, what ever you think of Harold Wilson, and to be honest not much, he kept us out of Vietnam even after pressure from LBJ. Also Wilson called it day on his terms, not like Tony Blair who got himself in this position of having to leave after the disaster of the May 3 Council elections and Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly Elections if the polls are right, lets not forget 1992 and how Labour won that election! It has been reported that Terrorist are planning something big for when Tony Blair goes, so Iraq, and the threat of big attack in the UK. Why does the 21st Century remained VIEWS of the start of the 20th Century and we all recall 1914.

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