Saturday, October 08, 2022

Do the Nuclear dots connect ? = Tactical Nuclear Missile - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The nuclear dots start to add up, the Russian Nuclear Train is on the way to the Ukraine border it has been alleged, the Kremlin keeps going on with its threats to use tactical nuclear weapons, there is a new Commander in charge, and now the poor people stuck in the annexed part of the Ukraine will be removed.  This should get the NSA and CIA on the US side, and MI6 and GCHQ to be working night and say to keep up with the latest Russian moves.  The Biden Oval is right to be concerned, this could be Cuba, 1962 again, but this time there is no off ramp. the Biden Oval cannot sell out the Ukraine, as JFK did with Turkey in 62, and another Munich 1938 is OUT.  Thus President Biden will have to find his inner Reagan and stand with the Ukraine, whatever the Russians do, and the Russians could be playing hardball with the West.  The next few days and weeks could be very tense. 

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