Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Abortion Rights UNDER THREAT from US Supreme Court - Mid Terms - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The US Supreme Court would be committing a great error to overturn Roe v Wade, it is the most Classical Liberal ACT, as in the most Conservative, it places the decision in the hands of the woman and her Doctor.  Thus a individual issue, that is what Conservative should really support, the Court if it does the above, moves the issue in to the political arena, There will be Conservative States that BAN ALL abortion, while Liberal States will have abortion on demand.  Also the Democrats will roll with this issue in the November Mid Terms if the above is the final decision of the US Supreme Court, and Biden should he run in 24 will use this issue against his Republican opponent.   The Republicans should wake up and smell the coffee, the above is bad politics and bad morality.  One hopes they change their minds on this subject.  

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